
The Secret of the Underground City

In this engaging narrative, an epic quest for survival and supremacy of the underground city is revealed, whose history spans millennia full of mysteries, mysticism and an inexorable involvement with the human societies around it. Since its inception, the underground city has remained shrouded in a veil of anonymity, fueling the fear and reverence of the villagers who inhabited the surrounding area. An aura of mystery surrounded its depths, generating speculation and legends that remained alive through the generations, until culminating in a surprising and forced encounter with the local population. Over the millennia, the underground city has evolved from a mystical vision to a concrete reality. The narrative cuts take us through three distinct occasions, each one revealing a unique facet of the city in light of the human societies that encounter it. Initially, the underground city is an enigma, a legacy of an ancient civilization that arouses fascination and fear among the villagers. Millennia later, under the cloak of religious syncretism, it emerged as a point of intersection between Dutch colonizers and native Indians, generating a complex and fascinating cultural mix. Finally, the story transports us to a distant future, where the underground city is unveiled by the scientific eyes of a futuristic society. What was once shrouded in myth and legend is now analyzed with precision, revealing deep layers of knowledge and technology that merge with human progress. In this rich and multifaceted saga, the underground city emerges as a silent witness to the past, present and future, charting a path that reflects cultural, spiritual and technological changes over time. A narrative that challenges the boundaries of time and knowledge, inviting readers to explore the multiple dimensions of a city that has remained hidden in the shadows, until now. Note: This work is registered at the National Library of Brazil under number 648940, on 08/06/2014

jose_conti · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

An order

The canoe tied to the black braúna stake rested silently on the riverbed. In front of him, a gigantic and uncertain crimson glow flickered, emitting pops from time to time. The hut turned to white ashes, but the tree with red, pointed leaves was still burning in flames. Arnout's men fought to contain the fire that wanted to conquer the forest through the tree. White smoke rose, staining the starless black sky under which, nearby, Tuatu seemed satisfied.

– Oh! – Tuatu was delighted. – My offering! – The panther fell apart and the cloak of bile returned to the moons.

The mystical poncho of the moons rotated, transmuting Andries into a mist of glowing greenish embers that materialized again, but in the form of a violet panther.

Marinos's slender body began to glow silver tones, for a few moments his body began to shine as if it were sprinkled with diamond dust. In just a few moments, its solid body changed to shining dust and gracefully shaped itself into a vigorous silver panther, whose eyes emitted a piercing white light. After a powerful roar he jumped into the niche, followed by Andries.

Amber said goodbye to her father with a look. The poncho adhered to her skin, becoming transparent. Her eyes shone like a beacon. A purple emanation enveloped her body, which soon became feline, immediately penetrating silently into the depths of the niche.

– The poncho is still stuck to him. – Mahara thought – It means that he is not yet completely decided about remaining in the underground city. I'll give him the time he needs.

Mahara closed her eyes. She sharpened her senses. She let the transmutation hormones flow through her muscular, panting body, whose muscles seemed to swell even more and sharp teeth began to grow. With her instincts sharpened to the maximum she sniffed the air. She smelled the burning shack and trees and Arnout's scent came with it, she realized what was happening. The shack had been set on fire and Arnout was trying to stop the fire from spreading.

The smells of the fanatics were coming more and more towards him, so he concluded that they were on his trail, but they were still far away and perhaps they had lost track of him. Mixed with the odors that that group exuded was the sweet smell of Teunie, which to his senses was pure perfume.

With his transmutation hormones almost exploding his human body into a panther, he let out a roar, then controlled himself by returning fully to his human physique. He hoped the pursuers hadn't heard him, but he hadn't counted on it. He started walking.

He hoped that the fanatics would lose track of him, only then would he be able to reach the village faster. He continued through the thicket, maintaining his human form. He found the trail that would take him to the village. There he would find the protection and anonymity he desired.

After a few minutes of walking, his keen nose sensed a familiar scent quickly approaching. He let him get close and surprised him. Tenue, who was a skilled tracker, was not surprised. Mahara approached the young man. She took his face in her hands and kissed his lips with sweetness and passion.

– My treasure! What are you doing here?

– When I found out everything, I joined the alienated people. My father is with them. I thought that if I accompanied them I could stop them somehow. I came in front of the group chasing you to warn you. I took their lead and sent them on a false trail in another direction. That was quite difficult after the roar we heard.

Mahara sniffed the air.

– They changed course. Looks like your trick didn't work out very well. They're heading this way.

– What happened to Amber? Where is he? My sweet Amber.

– There is a city of panthers underground in the forest. He went to the underground city.

Teunie held back for a few moments. This revelation that seemed so natural to Mahara had never been part of her daily human life. It was only a few hours ago that she learned the true nature of her friends.

– And my valuable Andries? What happened to my Andries?

Mahara responded to him with a look. Then she added:

– He went underground with Amber. – Teunie took a deep breath and held his breath.

– Will I see them again? – He said letting out air.

– Possibly not. Now I need to go. – He said, pulling the young man towards him in a passionate kiss while his transmutation hormones were activated. Tenue felt Mahara's muscular body even softer and warmer while her beloved's eyes transformed into a beacon whose light shone like gold.

Mahara moved away and jumped to the ground, transforming into a violet panther, having his clothes torn apart.

Teunie was amazed and at the same time paralyzed. Twenty minutes later a group of fanatics caught up with the handsome young man.

– Come with me. He went this way.

Teunie said, taking them in another direction, but soon after another group arrived where Teunie's father was, who noticed the panther's trail following him.

– But what is happening here? – I wanted to know the father. – How could Teunie miss this clue? Let's go! That way. – He knew very well his son's affection for his friends. He was suspicious when Teunie wanted to join the priest's group, but it wasn't time to think about that. She focused on the chase.

The violet panther ran with all his strength down the trail. But a few moments of recklessness cost him precious time. She slipped and injured one of her paws. This made him slow.

He advanced slowly and worriedly. He now needed to protect himself to protect Gehucht as well. If those men touched him, the agreement with Tuatu would be undone and the moons would descend their caustic cloaks on humans.

The fanatics approached, led by the priest who was accompanied by the tracker. The group managed to corner the panther on a cliff. Mahara could not attack them, but had to defend himself somehow and escape. The affront of the fanatics, however, made him retreat and slip. He fell down the cliff. The fanatics shouted victory. They managed to destroy the demon's son.

A few days passed. In the Indian Village someone enters the taba. It was an Indian house made of wooden trunks and bamboo covered with palm leaves. Inside the taba there was only one man. The sorcerer entered, but his company remained outside. Mahara was not surprised by the visit, nor by the visitor that the sorcerer hid outside. He had already smelled it even before the visitor arrived in the village.

– So, how will you pass on the legacy to men?

– I don't have the poncho yet. I don't even know if he's still faithful to Amber.

– And when you have the poncho, how will you do it?

– I have two brothers in the Portuguese village on the coast. The legacy is passed on to the youngest son in this case, me, who passed it on to my son. But now my brothers must have children. If the poncho isn't faithful to me then it's because I have nephews. I must look for the youngest among them. I'm going to find him and give him the poncho and bring him to the Dutch village, without anyone knowing his descent, naturally.

– It was good to bring up the subject.

The wizard opened the tent and someone entered. The sorcerer left and stood outside.

– Teunie! – She said with satisfaction and a smile. – My sweet, precious Teunie.

– A silver panther brought this to me. I think it belongs to you. – Said the young man, handing him the poncho.

The wizard outside the tent breathed in the air of the starry night that had just arrived. The crickets, frogs and other animals did not allow absolute silence to settle in. A cool, sweet wind blew his body.