
Asleep you Dream

I dreamed of a place far away. I saw strange sites and people I had never known. And some that were all to familiar. I watched my family mourn for my death, which, ironically, occurred on my uncelebrated birthday. The day I turned sixteen, I was running off in a carriage and had no time to stop and think. When I was sixteen, I was supposed to be well on my way to marriage, but now that is even a further dream than what I am experiencing now.

I watched from the background as my clueless brothers mourned. Xie and surprisingly my ever-serious brother Jun were both crying, tears staining their cheeks. Throwing their masculinity out the window. My father looked haggard, and mother… mother looked like she was far away, having some dream of her own. When people think of dying, I'm sure they wonder what their friends and family will think and how they will react. The people I loved missed me. Isn't this what someone who is supposedly dead should want to see? Then why does it all feel so empty. It's the first time that I remembered that I wasn't the only one losing someone. They all lost me too. When I was sent away, I thought that I was the one losing everything. That I would have no future, no family. But even if my role in society wasn't all that significant. It was to my family, and maybe I did lose more but I knew that they were hurting just as much as I was. But I knew that they were all well, and they had no idea about me. Maybe it was worse for them. I never went to the place that father sent me. For all he knew, I was dead.

The rest of the family and servants were also in attendance, but only went through the motions. My death didn't matter all that much to them. I wanted to get closer to my family, but before I could move something pulled my dress back. When I looked behind to free myself, I was pulled away. The scene changed. I was now in a place I had never seen before. It was a dark, cold room. A coldness I had never experienced before. The air was damp and felt stiff. A clanking noise came from the back of the room. I saw no way out so I followed the sound. There was one dim candle in the corner giving some light to the scene. And I wish that the candle had been snuffed out. I had become an initiated witness to gore and bloodshed. From caring for Elon, used to the smells and sight of horrible wounds. But this was something I wasn't prepared for. What were once humans were chained, hanging from walls by their arms. Their shoulders were dislocated and heads slumped forward. Pools of blood were forming at their feet into bowls. A thousand cuts marked their bodies. They had been tortured and drained. Some were already dead. Their bodies now only shriveled husks. All of them were empty, rotting shells. I knew what these people are. They are people like me. People who were caught, who didn't make it out. This is what I could have been.

Shivers racked my body as I watched. I knew that the mixed bloods were being hunted because of a growing fear from the monarchy, that we would become too strong for them to handle. But I never realized that something even worse was happening. All the blood seemed to have varying tints of color. Some were gold, blue, purple, or the deepest of crimson reds. I began dry heaving. But as only a ghostly observer, there was nothing for me to let out. I heard footsteps coming. Even though this was a dream, and I knew no one could see me. I hid. Even in this state I wasn't ready to face such a terrifying being who could commit such disturbing acts, face to face. But the footsteps stopped. They stopped just out of the reach of the candle light. I could see nothing of the figure except for a vague shadow. "I know you are watching," the shadow said. It was speaking to me. Chills ran down my spine. I kept repeating to myself that it was only a dream. That none of this was real. That whoever it was, was nothing. "I know that there are more out there and they will be found. It's best that you run now." With that said the figure left. With just this warning.

The scene was fading away, but before I could I saw a flash. Someone else had been in the room. Maybe the figure had been talking to that person, or the both of us. Whatever the case, that room wasn't a place I wanted to linger.

But then I saw one last thing. A home. It was a beautiful, quaint cottage. It was surrounded by a forest and beautiful flowers grew in front of it. The place looked like it had been drawn from a fairy tale, but the scene didn't last long. It was midday, but someone shoot flaming arrows into the cottage. The thatched roof easily caught aflame and fire spread quickly. Nothing was spared. The beautiful, happy, innocent daisies that grew just under the front window were destroyed. No one appeared. No one came forward to claim the deed of casting the arrows. And no screams were heard from inside. It was like no one was there but me. It was just me and a perfect, burning cottage.

Three images. One of the past evoking sadness, one of an unknown present that instilled fear, and one of the future? that would never be. I don't know if this was a vision sent from the gods or only my mind conjuring these images, but when I awoke, I knew that if I ever found a place that was safe for my five brothers and I, I would stay and cast the rest of the world aside. I wasn't some brave hero willing to risk my life to save those of strangers, nor was I a martyr willing to sacrifice myself for a cause. All I wanted was to live peacefully with my new family. Away from the world and its troubles. To be brave was to be foolish, to be cowardly was to live.

When my eyes opened, blinding colors entered my vision. Orange, teal, magenta, a kaleidoscope of colors were everywhere. At first, I didn't think I was awake. My dream was a bit fuzzy, but I knew it had been too realistic. Usually in dreams I wouldn't keep all of my senses but in this one I had. When I sat up, the soft blanket fell off me and I noticed the beautiful rug I was lying on. The room had little in it, but there was no feeling of sparseness. The colorful rugs made the environment welcoming and warm. The space didn't need furniture or decorations. With only a few items, it felt like a home. I was alone, so I took the opportunity to walk about the space. I opened the tent flap, and on the ground outside, was Launch, sleeping. I smiled and went back in. He was very tired and it was best not to disturb him. I went back to the place I had been sleeping and laid down again, pulling up the blanket. There was nothing to do, and the others were asleep somewhere. Yawning I put my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. Getting some more shuteye wouldn't be a bad idea.

With that A-Narah entered dreamland again, and slept for three days.

This chapter was told from A-Narah's POV. You can think that what she saw was real or just a figment of her imagination. It stays unanswered. All you need to know is that the dream affected A-Narah and the choices she will choose to make.


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