
The Secret of every nerd

Everyone has a secret either big or little that they want to stay hidden from the word. Just like everyone Samantha Anderson the new nerd also is also keeping a a huge secret. But to what length is she willing to go to ensure it stays that way when an unexpected somebody suddenly takes interest in here.

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                1 year ago                                 

  "Sam can I borrow your vintage dress I need to go for a party"

my friend said once I picked up the phone

"Sure you can come pick it up "

I annoyingly said

"But Sam your house is far and I need to get to the party on time can you not send your driver to bring it to me please?"

she asked begged, I would have given in any other day but I was really angry today so I just shut her down and hanged up.

I paced my room fuming with anger

How could they just forget, today that was a special day to me

In school at first I thought they planned to pretend has if they all forgot but I just realised now that they actually really forgot and even my boyfriend also so forgot.

"Oh, and I overdose

Boy, I want off this rollercoaster

You take me high just to bring me down

Oh, and you bring me down"

My phone rang stopping me from having a meltdown

I picked up my phone from the bed to see Josh my boyfriend calling me

"Maybe he didn't forget after all"

I said hoping to myself  has I picked up his call

"Hi josh"

"I need a little favor from you "

"Hi Samantha how are you?"

I sarcastically answered mostly to myself

"What do you need?"

"Okay so I am out with the boys and I forgot my card but your card is still with me"

"I thought you said you couldn't find it"

I asked

"Yeah I couldn't find it before but I just mysteriously found it in my back pocket"

"Oh so it just magically appeared there right?"

I asked getting more pissed by the second

"Yeah that was my thought exactly

so I called if I can use it"

He asked

" Sure "

"So what is the pin"

"Josh man have you asked her for the pin the boys are waiting"

I heard one of his friends jokingly asked from the other side of the phone


I told him the code and switched off my phone.

"How could I be so stupid not to realise these  people are using me for my money"

I cried out to myself as I got out of the bed and curled up in a corner crying my eyes

None of them even remembered that today is my birthday, they are all just friends with me because of my parent's money


On our first date

"Sir are you done eating" the waiter asked with the bill in his hands

"Yeah where is the bills" Josh asked as he started searching for his wallet

"Sam I think I forgot my wallet"

he said looking all worried

"Don't worry I will pay for it"

and that was how I paid for the dinner of our first date and every other dates because his wallet just magically disappear every since time and I stupidly believed him

Shopping with friends

"Sam let go shopping"

Lexi said

"Yeah Sam you really need to buy new set of clothes you know you are dating the hottest guy in school" Emily added

"But there is nothing wrong with the way I dress and I don't want to go anywhere"

I complained completely enjoying the comfort of my bed

"You are going end of discussion go and get dressed"

Ava said dragging me out of my bed then pushed me into my closet

5 minutes in the mall

"Oh my god I so much love this dress but I didn't bring my card because I was not planning on buying anything"

Emily said looking all gloomy

"Take it

Don't worry about it i will pay for it"

I said passing the dress to her

"You are truly the best

I love you"

She gushed out with joy

And that was how they all kept seeing something to buy but didn't bring their card along and I somehow ended up paying for everything and I later didn't even get anything to buy for myself.

Shopping with josh

"Baby let go out"

"To where" I asked lazily



2 minutes in the mall

"Baby what do you think about this shirt"

Josh asked showing a blue shirt

"It is okay I guess but I thought I was the one doing the shopping"

I asked totally surprised

"Of course baby you are the one shopping let me just take a quick look at this shirt"

That how we spent the whole day shopping for Josh and  by the time he was done the day was already over when it was time to pay you can  also guess who paid for him

Many more memory just kept coming and I couldn't believe  how I blinded I had  been all this while to not realise that they were just using me.

I continued crying until i fell asleep thinking of of how I was going to face them all the next day.

Author's note

So guys I will love to know your view concerning this novel and your ideas, if I should continue writing it or not. Please vote and comment on it the more the votes the more I will encouraged to write

Love you all
