
The Secret of Chakra: Akira's Rebirth Naruto Reincarnated With 3 Wish

After encountering an unexpected death following an ordinary life, Akira seizes a second chance in the Naruto universe. Endowed with Chakra Close to Infinite and a mysterious doujutsu, Akira's adventure begins. However, the responsibilities and choices that come with new powers lead him on an unexpected journey. As he confronts his past and shapes his future, will Akira determine his own destiny or the fate of the universe?"

AkaChi · Tranh châm biếm
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wait for the unexpected.

As Solar and I headed towards the Nara Compound, I noticed Solar lost in thought...


Hey Solar, what's on your mind?


I was thinking about that fox... since it's Konoha's jinchuriki, why does it live under these conditions? I understand why people hate him, but what about the Hokage? Why is the child in this situation?

Upon hearing this question, I smiled. It seemed that Solar was interested in something beyond my usual interests.


The answer to this question is quite simple, Solar. Think about it. Naruto has no family, no friends, no money, nothing...

But what if someone came along and provided those things for him? A purpose, a home, resources to live, and a community to make friends...

Of course, that innocent child would become attached to that person...

Solar seemed to understand after I said this...


The Hokage's goal is to bond him to himself... that's why he allows him to suffer first.


Hmm, so you're upset for Naruto, huh?


I-I'm not... of course not, sir. I don't care about that child, hmph.


Alright, I'll talk to my father about Naruto. Maybe we can admit him as a guest member of the clan... besides, it would make my mother happy.

Eventually, we reached the Nara Compound. The guards went to inform someone upon seeing us. After a minute of waiting, two figures approached the door, and of course, I recognized them...

Shikaku and Shikamaru.


Welcome... It's a shame your father couldn't join us, but if it's alright, Shikamaru would like to play Shogi with you.


Welcome indeed, sir. I'm glad to see you. Well, of course, I'd like to play Shogi with your son, but if I beat him, you have to play Shogi against me!


Ho? So you're that confident, huh? Very well... If you defeat Shikamaru, I'll play Shogi with you!




I see you're quite talkative today, haha.

After walking for a while, we reached a garden. I must say, it was very relaxing, a perfect place to play Shogi.


Are you ready?


Let's begin!

Akira and Shikamaru sit opposite each other at the Shogi board. Both carefully place their pieces and contemplate their strategies.

As they make their first moves, Akira and Shikamaru lock eyes. Pieces move back and forth, each move reflecting a clever strategy. The pieces on the board change rapidly, with each player determined to gain the upper hand.

Both had a calmness about them... as if they were both sure of their victory. However...

As the game progresses, the tension on the board increases. Akira and Shikamaru push each other, but both also defend carefully. As the pieces move back and forth, the room fills with silence.

The calmness on Shikamaru's face was replaced by concern.

Finally, towards the end of the game, Akira makes a move threatening Shikamaru's king. Shikamaru uses a last-minute strategy to counter the move, but struggles against Akira's tactic.

In the end, Akira's skillful move secures victory. As Shikamaru accepts his defeat, Akira congratulates him sincerely. The two players end the game with respect for each other and prepare for future encounters.


What a drag... You fought well.


Oh, I must say, that match was truly impressive...


As always, you're amazing, Akira-sama.

Looking at Shikaku, Akira says:

Your turn now, sir! Please, bring your best!

Shikaku laughs:

Hahahaha, of course, boy. Don't hold back...


Before we begin, let me ask you a question... You don't have to answer now. What do you think is the most important piece?


Huh, obviously, the King.

Shikaku smiles:

And who do you think is the King?


What do you mean?


You know Shogi is a game of strategy... imagine we were in the real world playing this game. Who do you think would be the King?




Let's start, you can give your answer after the match...

Shikaku and Akira quietly sit across from each other at the Shogi board. The room fills with silence as both players contemplate their strategies. When the first move is made, the game begins rapidly, and the pieces start moving quickly.

Shikaku's face shows confidence as he makes his moves with strategic mastery. Akira, on the other hand, is careful and focused, but struggles against Shikaku's experienced tactics.

As the game progresses, Shikaku's expertise becomes evident. His moves come quickly and impressively, establishing strategic superiority on every corner of the board. Akira defends against Shikaku's challenging tactics, but the outcome seems inevitable.

Shikaku's skillful moves corner Akira, leading to an overwhelming victory. While Akira accepts his defeat, he deeply respects Shikaku's mastery.


You fought well, boy...

Akira was silent, still pondering Shikaku's question:



Sir, this defeat shouldn't upset you. Not winning now doesn't mean you won't win next time!


I must say, you gave my father more trouble than I usually do... even though I've sparred with him a lot, you handled it better...


It's time to go, sir...



We stood up and headed towards the exit of the Nara Compound. When we reached the entrance, suddenly...




He Understood...


The answer is... the new generation of Konoha, which is us! Every generation will pass on to the next, old man, haha! One day, I'll defeat you!


Haha, I'll be waiting for that day.

We left the Nara Compound and made our way to the Akimichi Restaurant.


You did well there, sir.


No, Solar, it wasn't good enough. That old man was still holding back, as expected from a Jonin Commander. But within a few years, I need to reach his level, haha. This was really fun, Solar. When we get home, we can play together.


As you wish, sir.

When we arrived at the Akimichi Compound, we were greeted with great liveliness.


Welcome! You've come just in time. Come join us, the table is set!


Hey, Akira, how about a food contest?


Sure, why not?


Alright, let's get started!


Wait, Solar, why don't you join too?


Alright, sir.

I must say... it was quite a feast, but I wasn't going to give up easily!

Suddenly, my stomach started to

 ache, and I felt like throwing up... damn, this was my limit...

Choji kept eating... well, that's expected from an Akimichi...

Eventually, even Choji got stuck.


Haha, I win, Akira!

Smiling, I said, "Haha, don't be so sure!"

When we looked at Solar, we saw that he was still calmly and slowly eating. But there was very little food left, meaning he had eaten most of it while we weren't looking. Incredible!


I can't believe it... I lost!

I declare you the Eating Queen! One day, I'll defeat you, Queen!


Haha, good job, Solar!


I don't deserve your praise, sir.

After some pleasant conversations and laughter, we set off towards home...

As we passed by the park, we saw him again, alone...


Hey, Naruto!

Naruto looked sad, I could tell, but he was masking it with a smile. I wonder if Solar could see through that smile?


Hey, Naruto, I have an offer for you.


Hm, what is it, dattebayo?


How about coming to our compound? Stay with us tonight, and I'll introduce you to my family.


Akira-sama, it's not appropriate to do this without consulting your family...


Come on, it'll be fine. What do you say, Naruto?

This time, I noticed Naruto genuinely smiling:

Thanks... of course, I'd love to, dattebayo. I'd like to meet your family too.

So, it was decided. Let's go!

On the way, unexpectedly, Solar started a conversation:

Hey, Naruto, are you going to the academy?


Of course, dattebayo! The old man has already enrolled me! I'll be the best there, and after the academy, everyone will realize how great I am and make me Hokage, dattebayo!


Hey! Do you think you can be the best with Akira-sama around? Hmp, you must be mistaken!


Hey, hey, Solar, don't say such arrogant things. I believe in you, Naruto, but you should know that being great alone isn't enough to become Hokage!


What do you mean?


I'll tell you later...

Finally, when we reached the compound, the guards saw Naruto...


Young master, Solar, you may enter, but your companion cannot. We don't accept guests.

Upon hearing this, I got angry, and my smile disappeared. I said coldly:

Are you trying to say you're rejecting my guest? Step aside!

I thought they would step back after hearing that, but they refused...

You didn't hear what I said? Step aside!


You heard Akira-sama... step aside.


Um, Akira... if I'm not wanted here, I can go back... I'm used to this, after all...

Naruto was still smiling, but I noticed he... was still trying to hold on, but I saw that sadness, and it really made me angry. TCH!


So you're not stepping back... My eyes changed, I guess my emotions affected them.

When suddenly:




The guards were sweating, realizing the situation they were in.

My father approached us, and when he saw him:


What's going on here, Akira?


Father, I brought a guest home, but the guards didn't let us through...


Is this true?


Y-yes... sir...


Your punishment will be discussed later... come inside, Akira, Solar, Naruto.


Do you know my name, dattebayo?


Hah, everyone knows your name, kid. Besides, I know someone who would like to meet you. Let's go home; you'll be staying with us tonight.


Thanks, dattebayo!

When we arrived home, my mother opened the door:

Welcome... Huh? It's you...


My mother ran up to Naruto and hugged him.


Huh... what's going on, dattebayo?


Nice to meet you... Naruto...

I noticed tears streaming down my mother's eyes... Was it out of happiness or did she remember Kushina?


Nice to meet you too, dattebayo! Who are you?


My name is Mira... I'm Akira's mother.

You can call me Aunt Mira or just Aunt...


Alright, Aunt Mira! Thank you for welcoming me into your home!


It's no problem, Naruto... You can come here whenever you want. Shira is usually not home due to work. Akira and Solar are busy with their duties, and I'm alone at home. You can keep me company.


I'd love to, dattebayo! But is it really okay for me to be here...


Hmm, why? What happened?


Um, Mom...

I explained to her about the incident with the guards.


Oh, don't worry about that, Naruto. I'll teach them a good lesson.

I could feel the aura of a mother emanating from my mother, and it was truly terrifying... even my father was trembling...

Now, tell me, my boy, are you hungry?




Don't be shy! You can be yourself here. Think of us as your family!

Tears started flowing from Naruto's eyes:

Th-thank you, dattebayo... I'm... hungry.

He started smiling again.


Always smile like that, my boy. Spread light wherever you go; it suits you.

It seems my mother and Naruto will get along well. Anyway...


Hey, Naruto, sorry, but I'm really tired today. I'm going to sleep now. My mom will take care of everything else. If you have any problems or need help, you can ask Solar or wake me up; I won't get mad. Goodnight.

Goodnight, Dattebayo! Thanks.

Goodnight, sir.

Goodnight, sweetheart.

Goodnight, son.

With that, I went to my room and after thinking about today's events for a while, I fell asleep...

When I woke up in the morning, I noticed something I hadn't done anything to my surroundings this time. Well, that's progress... I really don't want to see Solar like that again.

I left my room, and as usual, I noticed Solar waiting for me on the left:

"Good morning, Solar."

Solar: "Good morning, sir."

Akira: "Is Naruto still here?"

Solar: "On that matter... your mother is waiting for you in the living room."


Together with Solar, we went to my mother, and I noticed that she looked angry... really angry:

"What's wrong, Mom? Getting so angry isn't good; you're pregnant."

Mom: "Son... the Hokage came here and took Naruto... then he told us not to let Naruto in here again... Is it really that bad? Damn it, he's the son of my best friend, but I can't even protect him..."

She started crying...

"A mom... calm down. Nothing will happen to Naruto. I promise I'll take care of Naruto as much as I can!"

"I know, son... you're kind. I can't help him, but you can. Let me tell you about some truths hidden from Naruto, but be careful, these should remain secrets, you shouldn't even tell Naruto."

"Listen, Mom..."

Even though I know what she's going to say, I should act like I don't know...

"Naruto... the son of a close friend of mine, Kushina Uzumaki... We were very close...She was a true friend, but she died the day Naruto was born...

"And although my relationship with his father wasn't very good... he was the 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze."

When she said this, the look of surprise on Solar's face, pff...

"I had guessed that, Mom... he looks a lot like the 4th Hokage..."

"Madam... you have my word, I'll try to help Naruto!"

We were both surprised by Solar's words, but my mom smiled and said,

"You really are my children, haha, come here, let me hug you."

I must say, my mom's hugs are the best; even Solar doesn't object to them, haha.

After our conversation, Dad entered the room and said,

"Son, if you're ready, we'll start today's clan visits..."

"Okay, Dad, which clans are we visiting today?"

"Today, we'll visit the most important ones, son... first the Sarutobi compound, then the Hyuga, and lastly the Uchiha... The Uchiha and Hyuga want to test their powers against you, so it's possible you'll fight Itachi again..."

I got excited when I heard that, but also felt a mix of nerves and hatred...


"Uchiha... Itachi..."


"Okay, let's stay calm and get going; it's going to be a tiring day today..."

"Sarutobi compound... tch... I couldn't stand seeing that old Hokage again..."

There wasn't much to do at the Sarutobi compound; after a short formal speech, we sat down, chatted, had some tea, and then left.

When we arrived at the Hyuga compound, the atmosphere there started to suffocate me... it's such a gloomy and serious place, ugh... if it's like this here, I don't even want to see the Uchiha...

"Welcome, Shira... Akira..."

It seemed like Hiashi ignored Solar, tch, he must see her as just a servant... even though my dad didn't seem pleased with that...

"Hello, Hiashi... Shall we go to the dojo without further delay? We have other places to visit today..."

"Of course... let's go."

When we arrived at the dojo, we were greeted by Hinata and Neji... Hinata looked sad and shy, while Neji seemed angry and serious, hmm, I guess I should teach him a lesson...

"Thank you for coming again, Akira... You already know Hinata, and the boy you see there is my nephew, Neji... he's a genius, and he's your age."


Solar really looked angry... I guess he doesn't like the Hyugas, haha?

"First, I want you to fight Hinata; is that suitable for you?"

"Of course, sir..."

Hinata and I took our places and greeted each other, but... Hinata looked hesitant? I can't believe she's afraid to hurt someone, even if it's not a real fight...

As soon as the fight started, it ended. I didn't need to do anything; I just dodged her attacks and landed a punch on her face, and she collapsed to the ground... what was that? I guess I should say a few things...

"Hinata... why are you hesitating?"

"I-I... I don't... want... to hurt... you..."

"Oh, so you don't want to hurt your enemy , just you... your family... your friends... your loved ones! we are talking about the person who wants to kill! Is that what you want?"

"I... no..." she seemed like she was about to cry.

"Then you need to toughen up, Hinata... pull yourself together. I don't want to see you hesitating like this in our next fight."

Hiashi seemed disappointed and angry...:

"Tch, leave the dojo, Hinata! We'll talk later."

After Hinata left with fear and sadness,

"I'm sorry for this disappointing match... are you ready to fight Neji?"

"Yes, I'm ready... let's finish this quickly."

Neji seemed annoyed by my words:

"Do you think lightly of me? The heir of the Yamiya clan? You're nothing more than a prideful and powerless fool in my eyes... your fate is to be crushed by me and always be weak!"

"Is that fate? Hah, I don't believe in that. I write my own destiny and change it myself. You think you can beat me, but you're about to face reality... you call me prideful, but I don't see your face through your pride, haha."

"Are you ready?"

Neji activated his Byakugan... I didn't need to activate my Hanshamei...

"Mission: Defeat Neji Hyuga and Demonstrate Your Power!

Description: Neji Hyuga is a formidable fighter, and defeating him will be a challenge for you. Show him your strength and showcase your abilities. This mission will not only test your combat skills but also boost your self-confidence.

Reward: +2 levels and 5 Summoning Points"

Hah, this will be a crushing victory...

Neji came at me quickly, but I had predicted his movements from five steps away. I blocked his punch by bending and then sent a powerful kick... Neji staggered back...

"Is that all, Neji? Show me more!"

This seemed to have angered him; he attacked me again, but this time he was more aggressive. However, he left too many openings; he was using Hyuga-style taijutsu but was still lacking. Because of his age and lack of experience, this was normal. Anyway, let's finish this quickly...

After dodging his attacks one by one, I could tell he was starting to get tired. It was time to finish him


I quickly launched myself at Neji, this time it was my turn, and unlike before, he couldn't block all of my attacks. After receiving 2-3 punches and kicks, he fell to the ground...

Hiashi looked at me and nodded,

"The battle is over... The winner is Yamiya Akira..."

Mission Successful!


You have gained +2 level.

You have earned 5 Summoning Points.

Hah, nice.

"I told you... now it's your turn to recreate your destiny. Get stronger... until you reach the level where you can fight me. Your fate may be to be crushed by me now, but it's up to you to change that... see you later, Neji."

Neji was still lying on the ground; I guess he fainted from exhaustion... I hope my words reached him, whatever...

"Good job, Akira-sama! You showed him that he's far below you in level and position!"

Hah... Solar gets crazier every day.

"Well done, son. Now, it's time for the real challenge, the Uchiha Compound!"

When I heard "Uchiha Compound," Solar became serious and angry; I hope he doesn't cause any trouble there...

"Solar... please don't do anything foolish."

"Okay, Akira-sama... I'll try..."

Tch, there's definitely going to be trouble.

When we arrived at the Uchiha Compound, we were greeted by Fugaku.

"Welcome... come with me."

He took us to the training ground behind his house, where two people were waiting for us...

A déjà vu feeling...

Itachi Uchiha!

And Sasuke...

"Akira... today, I just want you to fight Itachi, and don't worry... I've heard about what happened before, and I won't allow it to happen again."


Did Solar just shout?

"If you allow me... I want to fight this time."

It was the first time Solar had asked me for something... I couldn't refuse, of course.

"Sure, Solar... Just remember, don't try to kill him."

"Thank you, Sir, I won't disappoint you."

"Does that bother you, Fugaku? First of all, I must say, Solar is as strong as Akira."

"No, but Itachi, do you have a problem with this situation?"

"No, father... I was expecting it to be like this..."

Solar and Itachi took their positions, and Itachi activated his Sharingan... surprising.

Solar was looking at the ground; fighting without looking into the eyes would be difficult, but She'll get used to it!

Itachi turned it into a taijutsu fight, quickly gaining the upper hand, but Solar slowly began to keep up with Itachi.

"You're really a good opponent, Solar."

"I wish I could say the same for you, tch."

Solar managed to land a punch on Itachi, but Itachi remained unaffected and continued the fight.

"Akira is weaker than you, but you live in his shadow. If you stop following that loser, you will become even stronger."

Damn it, him calling me a loser hurt more than you can imagine... just kidding, I know he said that to provoke Solar. She's not dumb enough to fall for it, right?


Damn it...

When I looked at Solar, She seemed really angry...

And Itachi didn't stop provoking her...

"Don't worry, Akira die with this power soon... then you'll truly become stronger... in fact, his death could be very sudden, any moment... it could have happened earlier but you stopped it..."

Solar was starting to go crazy..:

"I'll kill you."

Damn it, this wasn't supposed to happen. A red chakra began to form around Solar!

Itachi couldn't follow his movements; Solar attacked him at an incredible speed and punched him. Itachi... flew?

I shouted to Solar,

"Solar, calm down!"

I ran to stop Solar, but She had lost control. She attacked me...

Damn it, She's strong and fast.

I couldn't stop the attack, so I tried to reduce the damage, but it still hurt a lot.


After realizing that She hit me, Solar seemed to snap out of it.

"Akira... sama... I'm sorry... what did I do... no, this can't be real."

She suddenly fainted.

Before She hit the ground, I managed to catch her.

When I looked at my dad and Fugaku, they seemed calm, as if they were expecting this?

"Dad... Fugaku-sama... I think you owe me an explanation."

Itachi started coming towards me...


"Stay calm, son... while Fugaku suggested the idea, I'm also to blame for agreeing to it. But listen first..."

"I'm sorry, Akira... but we needed to see if Solar could control himself."


İtachi: "Yes..."

"Tch, I fell into their trap again, and I can't even trust my dad when it comes to Solar! Damn it... more people than I thought know that Solar is a Jinchuriki, damn it! Yes, Solar is a Jinchuriki... he has a six tails inside her..."

I carried Solar on my back and started to move away from the Uchiha territory, but before that...

"If you ever try something against Solar again... my eyes changed... and with a wild grin...: even if you're my own family... you'll pay for it."I went home with Solar on my back.

My mom opened the door,

"Huh? What happened, son? What's wrong? Is Solar okay?"

"She's fine, Mom... I don't want to talk right now. I'll take Solar to her room."

"You've always been there for me... I'll always be there for you, don't worry."

After putting Solar in her bed, I started training.