
The Secret bob

29 Mason sat in a cafe with Maria and Anthony, his case covered with bruises from getting beat by Jacob To be honest, he might have acted all mighty but then it felt so unfair that he just had to lose to a loser like Jacob It made him feel so miserable "What in the world happened to your face?" Maria gasped while checking it out "Were you beaten badly? By who ?" "Forget it" He waved her off and took a sip from his iced Americano which they had all ordered a cup each when they got to the cafe. His gaze diverted to Anthony and he arched his brow curiously "Who the fuck is he?" "I could just ask the same about you? Who the fuck are you and why would my sister bring me to a shabby guy like you" Anthony also had no chills He is definitely not the type to get bullied Especially not by a stranger "So you are the brother" Mason nodded after getting the issue "Nice to meet you, I am Mason Grey Hennessy" Anthony scoffed in disbelief and turned to Maria with a glare "What?" Maria shrugged "Seriously? You brought me here just to meet Jacob's brother? Have you not learnt from what happened to us the other day?" He sounded upset "Just calm down and listen" Maria tried to cool him off "Let me correct this" Mason took another sip from his iced Americano "I am Jacob's step brother, not his brother" "So what? As long as there is brother in your relationship then I would actually be grateful if you can stay away from me and my sister" "My point is....." Mason sighed frustratingly Having this feeling that Anthony would be a difficult one did not make him feel that good "Your point is what?" Anthony inquired "He is my enemy, just like he is your enemy too" Mason explained Anthony threw his head back in surprise and looked at Maria who gave him a nod and a soft chuckle "He is your enemy? Why? You don't like your brother? Does that mean you are a villain?" Mason suddenly felt uncomfortable "Don't act like you are all saint" Mason frowned "He was your brother-in-law and you never liked him either. Does that not make you a villain too?" "Can you guys just get along? Stop making this hard for me" Maria covered her face with her palm "How about you just explain the whole situation to your brother? He is starting to get on my nerves" Mason leaned his back on the chair and continue sipping his iced Americano "Anthony" Maria called "Mason needs our help" "And why do you think I should help a guy like him? He is rude and immature" "Just let that go. The one who gave him all this bruises is Jacob" "And so what? They are siblings who are meant to fight all day" "Let me just get straight to the point" Maria was also starting to get frustrated Why did she not think about how annoying Anthony can be sometimes "Grey Hennessy is planning to give Jacob all his inheritance when he dies" "What?" Anthony arched his brow "Why would he do that? I am pretty sure he has three sons including Jacob so why would Jacob be the only one receiving the inheritance?" "I know right? Don't you just feel bad for me and my brother?" Mason leaned forward, at ease that Anthony was slowly getting on the same page with them "I understand that you guys are his illegitimate son but still, that is not so good" Anthony sighed while Mason's eyes darkened Illegitimate? One of the words he hate most in this world One of the thing that has made him always lose to Jacob all his life It is just the fact that he is an illegitimate son . "You seems to know a lot about our family" the corner of his lips moved up "After Jacob's identity got revealed, I read a lot of magazines about you guys and I also watched the news" Anthony seems proud of himself "Anyways, what are you going to do now that your Father plans to give his whole to Jacob?" "We just have to make sure he does not" Maria replied "And how are we going to do that?" "Coming up with a plan" Mason was the one to reply this time "What plan?" Anthony asked "For now, we just have to make Jacob unreliab

Ezekiel_Olabamiji · Thành thị
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chapter 17

Chapter 17

Amber walked out of the restroom holding her stomach while looking weak.

She wasn't sure if the food she ate in the dinning room was really food or poison.

Never in her life would she allow Jacob in the kitchen ever again.

No wonder her mother, Jules always prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner herself during those times they were married.

Jacob was assigned to do all the chores apart from cooking.

All these while she thought it was probably because her mother hated him and would not want someone she hates to make her breakfast but now it seems there's more to it.

The food only had a nice aroma and was looking pleasant to the eyes but it was not even close to being pleasant to the intestine.

She chewed on drugs and drank water with it as she sat on her bed to rest.

How could someone add so much spice and salt to a food? Does he want them dead or what?

The worst part was that both she and Enzo could not say a word about how bad the food was, they had to keep chewing like they were okay with it in order not to break his heart.

Besides, he seemed to be enjoying his own specially made delicacies.

"I should teach him how to cook" She sighed as she heard her stomach grumbling one more time.

A knock was heard on the door and she dragged her leg to go open it for whoever it was. Her thought was that it was probably a maid who was here to pack her dirty clothes but it was Jacob himself, holding some medicine and a bottle of water

She tried to act like she was okay but her abdomen didn't allow that as it started to hurt her again

"Ha!" She winced in pain

"Are you okay?" He allowed himself to be used by her as support "I am sorry, I had no idea the food was so bad"

Amber fainted a smile and checked him out, he seems perfectly fine

"Where is Enzo?" She asked

"In his room" Jacob replied and sat her down "I am so sorry, you guys are in pain because of me"

"It's okay" Amber winced in pain again "Judging by how you are perfectly okay, I guess Enzo and i are the ones with problems"

"I am really sorry" he was sullen as he gave her the medicine "I went to the pharmacy to get this, I already gave Enzo his. You should also use the drug and try to get better"

"Thanks" amber collected the medicine with a smile.

She can't just be mad at him, can she? Anytime she feels like throwing a tantrum, there's always this one thing that keeps pulling her back. There's just always one thing about Jacob, probably his innocent face.

He watched her use the medicine and sighed again, hoping it would work. If only he knew it would end up reacting like this on them, perhaps he would not have cooked.

"If the food was that bad, why didn't you guys just tell me so I can order the maids to prepare something else" He said sullenly and held her hands "You didn't have to force yourself "

Amber let out a deep breath when she noticed he was feeling bad too much

"I'm really okay" she assured him, slowly patting his hand "It was our decision to eat your food"

"But still..." his voice trailed off as Enzo entered with his tab. He now seems okay, the medicine must have worked

"Young Master" he announced his arrival and made it so obvious he wanted them to stop holding hands in front of him

Amber who was the first to notice the expression on his face, immediately let go of Jacob's hand "Enzo, this is my room not your young master's, you should at least knock before entering"

Enzo raised his brow as if finally noticing he was in Amber's room, not Jacob's "I am so sorry about that" he apologized with a bow and turned to Jacob "I need to talk to you, young master"

"Just say whatever you wanna say here" Jacob said lazily, he was probably too lazy to leave the room.

Enzo glanced at Jacob and then at Amber, and then at Jacob again.

They have never really discussed work matter in front of anyone else but now, Jacob wants him to say it in front of Amber.

He someone felt weird about it.

"Do you really want me to....?" He raised a brow

"You guys can talk about it somewhere else or I can excuse you guys" Amber suggested and stood up to leave but Jacob pulled her back

"Just say whatever it is!" Jacob snapped at Enzo and then turned to Amber with a smile "If you are going to be by my side then you should at least know how things are going, don't you think?"

"I guess you are right" Amber mouthed and tried so hard to ignore the expression on Enzo's face

"So, what is it?" Jacob turned back to Enzo.

Enzo turned on the tab and showed him a video of Jay running away with his hands tied with chain. It seems like he escaped from where he has been kept

"Where is he going?" Jacob furrowed his brow

"I told our boys to follow him and they told me it seems he's going to the police station" Enzo reported.

Jacob's eyes widened as he flew up from the bed in shock "What?! He's going to the police station? Why are you just telling me this?!" He yelled

"I just saw the text from the boys too, I was down because of the food you..." Enzo paused when he noticed Amber using her expression to tell him to stop talking

Jacob ruffled his hair in panic "Tell the boys to capture him right away! If he goes to the station then he will make things complicated"

"Alright" Enzo replied sharply and immediately excused himself to have a phone call.

He sat back on the bed, trying to calm himself down when he noticed the look on Amber's face.

She seems to have a displeased look on her face even though she was trying so hard to hide it

"Jacob, that guy in the video seems really hurt. It's like he's trying so hard to survive, what in the world happened? Did you make him like that?" She asked, staring right into his eyes, getting ready to know if he will tell the truth or not.

"Amber, about that....." Jacob was interrupted by Enzo barging In again

"Young Master! They captured Jay already but he keeps saying he wants to see you"

"Me?" Jacob arched his brow "Alright, get ready. We leave in the next 10 minutes"

"See you in the next 10 minutes" Enzo bowed before rushing out.

Jacob also stood up hurriedly to leave but Amber grabbed his wrist "Jacob, what were you going to say earlier?"

"Amber" Jacob called and gently let go of his wrist "I am a Mafia, I engage in all illegal activities. That is who I am, so don't let anything I do now be a surprise to you"

"Jacob" Amber called softly "You are not going to kill that guy, will you?" She asked.

She has heard rumours about mafias killing people who tries to report them to the police and Jacob's silence made her even more scared

"Why aren't you saying anything? Are you really going to kill him?" She inquired but her question was ignored

"I have to go" Jacob said and walked out of the room.

She felt her heart racing in panic. She loves Jacob so much that she never really thought deeply about him being a Mafia.

However, being a Mafia is different but murdering a person is just to vicious.

She immediately grabbed her Jacket and decided to follow him secretly


Jay was made to kneel in front of Jacob who was staring at him with a gun twirling in his hand.

He had been shot once so he knows how a bullet feels in the body. His whole body was shivering and bead of sweats dripped from all over his face.

Even without being shot, he could already feel death calling him and Jacob expressionless face made it more worse.

It was so hard to read Jacob to know if he is going to kill him or not.

This must be one of the reasons why Jacob Grey Hennessy was listed as one of the most dangerous Mafia together with his father. They are both expressionless, so you won't know what is coming next for you.

Since he does not know what Jacob was going to do, he decided to just beg for his life

He suddenly started to weep while rubbing his palms together

"Sir, please forgive me. I am sorry I tried to turn you over to the police. It was really my mistake. Please do not kill me" he pleaded.

"Young Master, what should we do about him?" Enzo asked but got no reply.

He decided to ask again thinking Jacob didn't hear him but it was still the same, Jacob gave no reply.

"What is wrong with you man?" Enzo shook him by his shoulder and he suddenly gasped as if he just came back to his senses.

He has not been listening to them all these while, he only had his gaze on Jay but was not actually giving attention to anything he has been saying

"What did you say?" He sat upright. "what is it?"

"Sir" Jay started to rub his palm together again "Please spare me"

The corner of Jacob's lips moved up as he gave Enzo the gun in his hand to insert bullets

"You know what you did, right?"

"I do, sir" Jay swallowed hard "It was my fault. I should not have tried to go to the police station, I am a fool for doing that"

Jacob scoffed in disbelief as Enzo handed back the gun to him after inserting bullets "Is that the only thing you did?"

"I....I..." Jay stuttered, trembling so hard out of fear.

Maybe he would be able to calm down if Jacob could drop the gun

Jacob stood up from the chair and moved closer to him "You are really the worst. Apart from neglecting your family, you stole my goods and secretly sold it, spending the money on your girlfriend"

"I...I...I am really sorry about that sir" Jay apologized, didn't dare look at Jacob who was now close to him.

"Why are you apologizing to me? I heard your Wife has been diagnosed of breast cancer" Jacob said while Enzo showed him pictures of his wife in the hospital

"Your baby is just a year old and that little kid who needs the Care of her mother is now with her grandparents. If you are going to apologize to anyone, you should apologize to the both of them" Jacob added

"I....I will do that" Jay stuttered, slowly starting to feel relieved. He was now a little sure that Jacob won't kill him

Maybe he was not that bad like the rumours say about him

"You don't have to worry about your wife's hospital bill, I took care of it" Jacob said and Jay gasped

"Thank you so much sir" he bowed several times.

Enzo pulled Jacob to himself and whispered in his eyes "Why are you so nice? People like him needs to be taught a great lesson"

Jacob placed the gun on the chair and put his hands in his pocket

"Just let him be. He has a family" He whispered back and turned to Jay "Go and meet your wife in the hospital"

"Tha...thank you so much, sir" Jacob bowed severally in excitement and stood up.

Jacob and Enzo turned to leave but stopped when they heard him laughing like a maniac.

They turned back to check him out and Enzo scoffed in disbelief when they saw him holding the gun Jacob had dropped and pointing it at Enzo

"The fuck do you think you are doing?" Enzo didn't look intimidated in any way "I would drop that gun if I were you"

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled with his eyes widened like a psycho "You are always sticking to this son of a bitch side Everytime, he seems to be nice but you are always poisoning his mind"

"You should have just locked him up somewhere" Enzo said to Jacob who let our a deep breath

"Drop the gun" Jacob ordered but Jay was adamant

"I would, after killing this fool" he smirked, staring at Enzo triumphantly "I don't care if I end up in jail after this but people like you, are the worst"

Enzo rolled his eyes and tend to move closer but he took a step back "Don't you dare come closer!"

"Just shoot me if you are going to" Enzo started to move closer until Jay pulled the trigger.

Unfortunately for him, Jacob was faster.

He grabbed the gun in Enzo's hand and fired the same time as Jay but was quick enough to protect Enzo from receiving the bullet.

The bullet hit Jay on the neck as he fell on the ground, blood gushing out of his neck and mouth and a little splashed on Jacob's face.

All the mafias around stood in shock watching Jay fight for his life.

Enzo immediately grabbed his phone and called an ambulance

Jacob dropped the gun in shock as his hand started to tremble

"Jacob" a feminine whimper was heard from behind.

His heart started to race fast as he turned around and saw Amber standing behind him, staring at Jay's body

"Jacob, what have you done?".