
Chapter 337: Deception 4

"Since the police are on their way, why don't you guys sign the divorce papers?" Richard stated, handing Raymond the divorce papers. 

Mrs. Kingston was stunned to see the divorce papers.

"Rich, what are you doing? It hasn't gotten that far." Mrs Kingston growled.

"I really appreciate you doing this. I owe you one." Raymond said, taking the divorce papers from him.

Raymond looked around the room and put the paper on top of the table, signing it without hesitation.

"It's your turn, Sofia." Raymond said, walking closer to her. 

"No..no, I won't divorce you." Sofia declared moving closer to the wall.

"You have no choice just sign it and get this over with, If you insist on marrying me, know that you will be a punching bag for the rest of your life." Raymond remarked.

"I can be your puppet. I don't want to divorce you. I know what I have gone through just to get you to marry me." She muttered.

"Mr Josh, do you have a gun? I am tired of using my mouth." Raymond stated, looking at Mr Josh, who started searching in his pocket and brought out the gun.

Raymond took it from him and tossed the divorce papers on the floor along with the pen.

Sofia grabbed the paper and attempted to tear it. She was trying to buy time until her spies arrived.

"If you tear it, I will end your life." Raymond said in a rumbling tone, pointing the gun at her head.

Sofia looked up and gulped.

"Please give me a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance." Sofia pleaded.

"Shut your trap. The only sound I want to hear is the sound of you signing the papers." Raymond stated 

"Raymond, please reconsider. I know you hate her, but it hasn't gotten to this." Mrs Kingston begged. 

"Mom, stay out of this. I don't want to disrespect you because of this criminal. Sign it!!" Raymond yelled.

Sofia's leg was wobbling. She put the paper on the ground, and her hands started shaking.

"Sign it!!" Raymond exclaimed. 

"Or would you like to hear the sound of the gun?" Raymond inquired.

Sofia was crying over the papers as she signed them.

Richard squatted and snatched the paper from her, smiling from ear to ear.

"Jackpot." He whispered to Mr Josh and walked out. Mrs.

Kingston felt useless. She couldn't defend Sofia anymore because of the disgusting thing she did and walked out of the room. 

"Mr. Josh, go get me some coffee," Raymond commanded.

"I will be right back." Mr Josh said and scurried away.

Raymond sat on her bed wondering why the cops were taking so long to arrive when the door flew open and her spies walked in carrying guns. 

"Madam, are you okay?" One of them questioned and ran to Sofia on the floor.

"Yes I am, just save me from that man." She muttered, staring at Raymond.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" Raymond asked, glaring at them.

"You don't need to know. Let our boss go." The spy said, pointing his gun at Raymond, who was also pointing his gun.

The other spy stood up and pointed his gun at Raymond.

"Now slowly drop your gun on the floor." The spy commanded, glaring at Raymond.