
The Search for the Reincarnated Queen

A story about the Vampire King’s search for his reincarnated queen. After 500 years, Taylan René Eilam Haima, the Vampire King, awakened to search for his queen who died before he fell into his long slumber. The Queen, after meeting Taylan in her present life, slowly regains her memory through her past-self's soul. She uncovers the mystery of her murder and aims to take revenge on the culprit for the death of her child. Will Taylan find his Queen again? Will the Queen be same as she was before? Will she reveal herself? Will they be together again? Will she choose to fall in love with Taylan again even if it means that she might once again die?

ImMK · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

I Won't Let that Monster Take my Identity Again

France Benedict Polli, the one and only son of the Noble family of Polli, was Ben's last name. He was Eli's best friend, or should he say, Eliora Vivienne Solaire Sassa, which was Eli's past identity. They met in their board school and since then, they began to explore their uncanny world full of vampires and beasts.

Eli was a soft person. Her voice as light as the clouds and her smiles are like candies. She was kind and cheerful. People usually assume that they were a couple because of their close relationship. They would go out and walk around the city with their hands intertwined. They would use the same umbrella and eat the same dessert. It's no denying that the can be lover birds, but they both know that they are only friends. They thought of each other as the brother and sister they never had.

Since their birthdays follow each other, they would exchange celebrations every year. During their 14th birthday, they both celebrated on Eliora Vivienne Solaire's birthday, and on their coming-of-age party, it was celebrated on France Benedict's birthdate. Their visitors assumed that it'll be the day where the family of Sassa and Polli would announce their children's engagement, but for Eliora Vivienne Solaire, it was the day she met the Prince's guard who was sent by the royal family instead of the Prince himself.

Willow, the most handsome and quite arrogant guard of the Prince caught Eliora's attention. France Benedict noticed her and gave her leverage. He called Willow and introduced him to Eliora, who looks like she was about to burst in red. It was the only time where France Benedict saw his best friend get flustered and shy. She just stood there, staring at Willow's face.

"Eliora said that she would love to know about the Prince's guards - how you get chosen and what you do," Benedict looked at Eliora who's brows were furrowed in confusion of what her friend said. She was never interested in the Prince's guards, "Right, Eli?" Benedict winks at Eliora but she still wasn't able to get what he means. "Anyway, my uncle's waving at me, see you around, Willow."

Eliora watches at Ben hops to his uncle who didn't wave at him. His uncle was busy talking to the other bureaucrats and Ben just stands beside him silently. Willow gazed over Eliora's face.

He didn't want to be there but the King sent him instead of the Prince because he didn't want his hair to be sent to a place full of humans.

Eliora's eyes caught him off-guard, it was round, brown and calm, and her eyelashes are long and curly. This is a normal attribute of humans, and blue and green are the most beautiful eye color of this race, but her's are breath-taking.

Eliora frowned as she shifts to Willow's face, her pupils enlarged as her cheeks turn red.

Willow can't help but chuckle. He knows the famous gossip about France Benedict and Eliora Vivienne Solaire, they were said to be couples, but are just shy to admit their relationship to the public.

Yet, it was obvious that they are only friends.

"I'm sorry, M'lady, I wasn't able to catch your name," Willow said as he reaches for Eliora's hand. There's nothing he knows, but he just wanted to hear Eliora's name from her soft lips.

"Umm," Eliora's gaze run wild, she can't help but stare at Willow's red fiery eyes, but staring at him makes her heart run wild. She doesn't know what to do which made her eyes turn left and right.

"Then, I'll introduce myself to the young lady first," Willow held Eliora's soft small hands and kissed it, "I am Willow John Aulie Resmino, the Prince's second guard." He said in a low voice that sounded like an angel's tune in Eliora's mind as his gaze lands on Eliora's eyes.

"I am Eliora Vivienne Solaire Sassa, daughter of Marques Sassa. I am honored to meet you," Eliora curtsied gracefully.

Willow's eyes widen, he just saw a rose bloom in front of him. Her sweet fragrance showered Willow's mind. Among all the humans he has seen, she was the most beautiful.

Benedict smirks as he watched his best friend's love story unfold in his eyes, but the words of the elders sent chills to his bones.

"How disgraceful, she's with the young master France Benedict, but she's blushing around the Prince's guard," one woman said as she fans herself while staring at Eliora with foul expression.

"Of course, young women this age would choose someone closer to the Prince to be able to get in his bed, wouldn't they?" Another voluptuous lady with thick red lipstick and heavy earrings that are almost pulling her ears to the floor nodded.

Benedict saw it coming, but he didn't do anything as he can see that Eliora and Willow are in love.

He would always help her escape their mansion to meet Willow in their secret meeting place. Willow would send him letters to give to Eliora and Eliora will sometimes sneak out with Benedict to meet Willow in the palace's public library.

As Willow and Eliora's love grew fonder, he and Willow's friendship grew stronger. Willow will even sometimes let them in the Prince's library since they both love books and the Prince's library has the exclusive books. Eliora will always choose the books about vampires and beasts, while Ben would choose medical literature.

"I want to learn more about you," Eliora whispered to Willow as she turns the pages of the book about the ancient history of the mythical creatures.

Benedict can't take his eyes off the image of human anatomy, but he nods with what Eliora said. Since it's been a traditional belief that humans are not to get themselves intensely close with vampires and beasts, his curiosity about them became unbearable.

Willow smiled and rested his chin on his hand while the other was playing with Eliora's long straight black hair, "We all know that vampires and beasts are only to be related to humans in political and civil relations. There's always a boundary between us, it was set by our ancestors because of fear of each other," Willow's words made Eliora and Ben frown, but his voice was warm as if there's nothing wrong about the division between them.

"Beasts live as long as vampires, but they can age faster depending on how much they use their physical powers. Vampires, on the other hand, will live as long as they can. They'll eventually die after thousands of years."

Ben looked at Willow with wide surprised eyes, "Then, how old are you, Willow?"

Eliora tilted her head to Willow, "Yeah, how old are you? You look like you're the same age as us, around 15 to 17."

Willow chuckled, "Well..." he took a deep breath and stared outside the library. The garden was in full bloom, it's getting ready for the full moon tomorrow as well. It'll be the Prince's coronation by midnight as the crown prince. "When we're born, we grow old as fast as humans, but once we turn 20, our physical age grows every 100 years."

Benedict and Eliora's face wrinkled, they can't understand what Willow's saying.

"Okay," Willow sighed and sits up straight, "Age 0 -20, vampires are the same age as humans. But when your 20th birthday strikes, you'll turn 21 years old physically after a hundred years. I am 16 now, but when I turn 21, I'll be 121 years old. It's quite complicated but think of it as, physical age plus 100 years."

Eliora and Benedict look at each other as they process the information. "Then, if you turn 22, you'll be 222 and if you turn 23, you'll be 323?"

Willow nodded with Eliora's explanation, "Yes," he smiled patted Eliora's head.

"Okay, then, you'll look 20 for one hundred years even if I'm already 60 years old?" Eliora asks with her brows raised.

Willow was confused about how to take Eliora's question. Should he be sad because that means, Eliora age faster or just answer her question with a simple yes?

Benedict saw his friend's struggle and nodded for Willow, "Yeah, he will be 20 even if you turn 100. He'll be 21 once you turn 120. He's one year older than us, right?"

Willow forced a smile, "Yes," it only hit him that Eliora's a human. She's way different from him. He was too happy that he forgot their difference. She's in another world. She's not like him. She'll eventually die while he's still young.

Eliora nodded with the answer, then she patted Willow's head, "That's fine! I'll grow old with you!"

Benedict saw Eliora's smile and Willow's happiness that day. But it all turned upside down when Willow's family found out his relationship with a human. Eliora was grounded for a month when her father found out. Benedict also wat prohibited from visiting either Willow or Eliora.

After a month, he found out that Willow's family, Resmino family of vampires, had an agreement with the Sassa family. If Eliora and Willow continue their relationship, Eliora will be the Remino's blood bank. They'll drink her blood until she dies, but she'll be married to Willow on that stake. Or she'll have her memories erased and forget everything about Willow, and continue to live her life.

Benedict was restless for a week after he found out about what happened. But Eliora suddenly pops in front of his house, with the same cheerful soft smile on her face.

"Good morning, Ben!" Eliora said and gave him a basket full of roses.

The maids and butlers, as well as guards in his house and Eliora's house, looked like something happened. They can't look directly at Eliora's eyes, it was a few days after he found out what happened.

"Miss Eliora's family decided to erase her memory. The Prince's guard also agreed to that. Starting today, never mention the vampire's name, or else, the Remino's may come after you." Benedict's father said one evening.

After a year, Benedict met Willow while the Prince was visiting the same tailor shop he visits. Willow acted as if he only know Benedict by name, he nodded at Benedict when he met his eyes and walked away.

Yet, it seems like, Eliora was always meant to be with a vampire. The day she turned 19, she began sneaking to a familiar place, according to her - the Prince's library, and there, she fell in love once again with a vampire.

The only difference was that the Prince, Taylan René Eilam Haima, was able to fight for Eliora without having to bet her life. But on that same day that Eliora was announced to be the next Queen, Benedict's life was put to an end... or that it was the day he became a ghost who watched Eliora's life burn slowly.

Ben stared at the mirror after remembering his past. He looked at his face, "This is me," he said, "I won't let that monster take my identity again, and I'll make sure, he won't get his hands on Eli." He looks different from who he was, his blond hair before turned to auburn now. His green eyes turned to hazel, and this may be because the monster stole his appearance.

After collecting himself, he took his phone and messaged Eli.

"I won't be coming today either. Sorry. Not feeling well."

He has to think of what to do, Eliora reincarnated in this age, that means, the King, Taylan, is looking for her. And he's already beside her, but it seems that none of the vampires in the library knows who she is. He has to make a plan to ensure his friend's safety, away from the vampires and beasts.

"Do you need help? I'll go there before going to the library." Eli replied.

"No need. Thanks."

It's sure that Eliora doesn't remember anything. She's quite different from who she was but she's still his best friend.

"And be careful," Ben added.

The library is full of vampires, especially that it was the Taylan's guards, also, Willow's there.