

The stars were shining in the New York night sky as a young man made his way to the subway. ' Mom is going to be pissed when I get home.' he thought as he waited for the next train anxiously glancing at his watch.

Then he noticed two thugs harassing a young girl who looked like she was about fifteen at most. The subway was relatively empty by this time of night and nobody seemed to care for the screaming girl.

William dropped his shopping bag as he walked towards the assailants confident in his knowledge in Judo and wrestling. 'I guess I'll have to be the hero here' he said in his mind.

" Give me the purse or I'll kill you." said the smaller of the two who looked like an even more ugly version of a goblin. "No my family needs this money!" the girl shouted as she kicked the man in the crotch.

Upon closer inspection William recognized her she was the girl that was always working overtime at that Cafe he always visited she had long red hair and emerald eyes while wearing a beautiful orange dress her name was Lucy.

"Yooou bitchhh!" the man yelled in anger as he fell on his knees only to receive a powerful blow to the head making him fall to the floor.

As he turned his head he saw a fifteen year old boy with chestnut hair and brown eyes glaring down at him in a blue t-shirt and cotton shorts.

Seeing this the bulky thug instantly threw a fist which William dodged and threw his own hitting the man square in the chest making him stumble back a bit.

From behind the ugly thug tried to stab William but the latter just took a simple side step and the thug fell onto the railway. The bulk one charged forward but received a kick to his crown jewels with so much force that he almost passed out due to pain as he fell to the floor.

"Are you alright?" asked William with a worried expression. "Yeah I'm fine,thank you very huh" her words were cut short as her leg was dragged and she fell onto the track.

[ Please step away from the rails in passing now]

A voice sounded over the loud speaker.

In an instant William rocketed towards the track and jumped down giving the goblin man a punch he quickly carried Lucy in his arms and threw her off the track as a speeding train entered his view. The last thing he saw was a the look of gratitude on Lucy's face as his vision went black.

Hey guys thanks this is my first time writing so please can you read the next chapter as soon as it pops up and soon I will start uploading in batch

Monisola_Olatunjicreators' thoughts