
The Scoundrel

The cold breeze of december hit his bare skin, making him shiver. Sheepishly, he wish, silently, upon the stars to ease the pain. Darkness fill the place and he embraced it, almost like how the darkness gave him the comfort he needs. He fears many things but not the night, he love the darkness and the peace it gives to his soul: a nyctophile. Kiari Gray is a tall, moreno, scoundrel — a title given to him by the many. People call him many names including 'Bastard'. In school, everybody keeps a distance from him. Stay out of his way and he'll stay out of yours. But at home, inside his room, when nobody's there to judge him but him alone introspecting. He was 10 when he witnessed men in black killed his family — brutally. News broke after, thanks to the newspapers and tabloids which put the massacre on their headline. little did he know, Saynel Zyne faked the article: Kiari survived from the hands of the murderer. Yet all of the stories, with the big help of Saynel, in different pages and articles revealed the whole family died. Saynel adopted him and later on Kiari, eventually, called him Dad. He Kiari and prepared him ready to avenge. He mercilessly killed everybody that stood his way, bringing them no rest in peace at the end of the day.

petrichormusic · Võ hiệp
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29 Chs

Chapter 16


I was walking heading to his office, I had a bad feeling about this. What does he want to say? I sighed as I entered his office. He was massaging his temple and leaned back on his seat. I sat on the chair in front of his table.

"Dad," I said deeply cold. Even his dad I'm still wearing this blank expression. He looked at me and sighed.

"Kiari. You know I'm just protecting you." He said didn't even bother to look at me straight in the eye. I just nodded.

"Kiari son, could you please ask her to move out?" I furrowed, I was surprised at what he said. This is not good, angered start filling inside me, I feel my rapid breathing.

"Why?" I said deeply dark. He sighed.

"Stay away from her, She's not good for you." He struggled to said. Good for me? She changes me. She made me realized that there's still hope in my life, that there is something that could make me feel better except for seeking revenge for everyone.

"No," I said firmly cold and stared at him harshly.

"Kiari please I'm just protecting you, that's why I came back just to save you, son." He said angrily.

"Save me from what?! She doesn't know anything!" I shouted I hate this. I hate my life.

"That it! She doesn't know yet. And if she'll know?! huh? do you think she'll stick with you?!" He stood up and he starts shouting as well.

"I trust her," I said deeply low but angered never lessen.

"Fuck! that trust kiari! I told you not to trust anyone. It'll be your break down." He shouted angrily and after that, he starts catching his breath.

"Yeah, you trained me not to trust anyone. So, don't trust me that I will do that, 'cause I'll never leave her." I said enrage and was about to exit.

"She's Timothy's daughter!" He shouted enough to made me glued to where I stand. I couldn't believe it, the girl I love. Is the daughter of Timothy who killed my family? My life screwed up, fucked up, and messed up. I was shocked, In pain, and everything tangled up. I felt my tears running down on my face, but didn't bother myself to wipe that tears away.

I looked at him shaking my head "You're lying. Fucking stop that!" I shouted madden and punched the wall.

He walked through me but I stop him.

"I'm not lying Son. She's Talia Sanchez." My heart broke into tiny pieces.

"This can't be, how is that even possible?!" I said shaking my head and massage my temple.

"Melisa and Timothy are her parents. They got a divorce and Melisa moved out of his house. Bringing Selina with her. She applied to a recruitment agency for housekeeping. That's why I hired her as a kitchen lady." He started tapping my shoulder, I sighed looked up just to stoped the tears from falling. Fucking miserable.

I exited his room and heading straight to my room shutting the door and it's boomed around the house, the flower base on beside table fell down and broken into tiny pieces, just like my life that tangled up, I fell down and broke my heart into tiny pieces. I need a break, I don't wanna see her right now. I shouted angrily and throw the pitcher glass on the wall.

"Why does it have to be her?" Why can't someone, that lives doesn't matter? Why not a random stranger? I can't let her go, she brought back the missing piece if I'll let go of her. I'll back to the old me. That life of others doesn't matter. When people stood up on my way I killed them mercilessly.

I want the better me now. I can't stop myself from crying.

Stood up, exited in my room heading to my motorbike. I quickly get on, without a helmet and speed up, I just let my hands bring me nowhere. I stopped at the Boston boating park and get down on my motor and silently seat. Picking up stones and throw them on the water, I sighed and looked at the sky. Stars shining brightly too many to count. If you could really make wishes came true, could you please make this day a nightmare. And let me wake up peacefully, Or this is the punishment of all the sin I've done?



I walked out of my room and I glued on the door when I we face to face with his dad. He looked at me blankly, the expression he always had.

"Can we talk?" He said blankly and I followed him in his office.

"Selina." His voice gave me goosebumps when spoke my name. I looked at him with my eyes questioning him.

"I know, you had a relationship with Kiari," he said and I nodded.

He sighed, "I beg you to stoped him loving you. You're not good enough for him." My heart broke, It's hurt so damn much. My tears started to scroll down.

"Why?" I said nervously.

"Kiari has one goal since he was ten years old. And that goal is to let your dad pay for the sin he'd done to Kiari's family." He sighed.

I can't believe this, I shook my head. Please make this a dream.

"Where is he?" I asked him and he just shook his head.

"Please leave you're a burden to him." He said and exited the room. I felt my knees turned into jelly and knelt down on the floor. I can't stop myself from crying.

I lose my mom and now I lose my man. But I need to choose what's best for him all this time he's the one help me when I'm on the verge of death. I'm a burden? Maybe he's right, I just make things more complicated. I need time to gather my courage and strength to think of the better way and I can't think straight if I'll saw him breaking.

I exited his office and heading straight to my room, I made my decision I'm leaving just to clear my mind. I packed my stuff and leave the dress that Kiara's bought to me.

Walked downstairs and Cilia came rushing to help me, She looked at me and I know she's stunned to see me crying.

"Selina." She said her voice broke. I started sobbing I can't take this anymore. She hugged me. I buried my face on her neck and cried my heart out. I pulled myself slightly from that hugged. And wiped my tears.

"I have to go," I said and holding my bag.

"I'm coming with you." She said and I looked up to her, she's crying too. I nodded since I need someone to be my side right now.

She quickly changes her clothes and helps me carried my bag.

We got out of the mansion. I forgot to wore my jacket, the extra cold blow of wind kills me. Cilia take off her one jacket and placed it on my shoulder.

"Thanks" I smiled sadly.

"Where are you going?" She asked me, I shook my head since I didn't know too.

"Come," she said holding my hand and we turn to the right. We stopped in the small house.

"You can stay here until you find a place to stay." She said and smile at me. I nodded.

"Thank you so much Cilia," I said and hugged her I can't stop myself from crying.

We entered the house and I placed my bag on the floor and slummed myself on the small futon. I sighed, And Cilia handed me a glass of water. I grabbed it and drink it quickly.

"Thank you, Cilia," I said, I'm depressed I wanna see my Mom.

"Uhm-I know you're not okay. But can you please try to be?" She said furrowed her eyebrows. I nodded and I laid on the couch, I'm tired. And darkness filled in me.



I went home heading straight to my room. Dad was there, He's sitting on my bed and looked out on the window.

"Kiari. Where have you been?" He questioned worriedly. I shook my head, I'm tired to speak.

"Everythings going to be alright you just have to choose which to let go." He said and exited my room. I need to choose from. It's either her or his dad. I need justice and peace.

I need to talk to her about this. We need to face this together, Her dad is the only family she left. Her is the only thing that's left in me.

I opened her bedroom door but she's not here. Her closet left hanging, I walked over and all her clothes were gone. Only the clothes I bought for her and her phone too. I seated on her bed and wiped my whole face.

I stood up and walked quickly to his office. Without knocking I swung the door opened.

"Where is she?" I asked deeply mad. I know he has done something to her.

"She left." He said and shrugged.

"What did you do here this time?" I asked darkly and stared at him with my burning gaze.

"I told her everything. I asked her to give you peace." He said and enrage drives my body and it making me crazy.

"Why did you do that?! I should be the one to tell her Saynel!" I shouted at him. He looked at me straight on my eyes. "What else you said?" I asked furrowing my brows as my breath becomes rigid.

"I said she's a burden for your plan. And she's not good enough for you. I'm just protecting both of you." He said nonchalantly.

I grabbed my picture frame on his office and throw it on the wall.

"Kiari!" He stood up quickly and shouted at me. Looking at the broken picture of me when I was young.

"What?! That's me right now! because of you! you shouldn't say that to her!" I shouted and I can't hold back my tears anymore.

"Wake up Kiari! You're being stupid again. You're being weak again." He said darkly.

"I'm really weak Saynel, never been strong. You never gave me a chance to express the real me. You trained me to fake my emotions and lied to my own self." I said shaking my head.

"Don't call me that." He said enrage.

"What do you want me to call you Dad?!" I said sarcastic " You're not my dad and you'll never be. You've never been a father to me." I said and I felt something stab my chest.

Samuel looked at me, Angered flashed his face.

"I'm your Father Kiari!" He shouted I laughed.

"What was that again? your personal version of joke?" I asked sarcastically. "Oh please give me a break saynel. I fucking in pain." I said and he shook his head.

"I have been struggling to tell you about this Kiari for a long time. But I never had a chance to say so." He said.

"I said stop it! Kairo is my twin!" I shouted and he shook his head again I heard his sighed deeply.

"Kairo isn't your twins. Kairo is the real son of Drake Gray." He said looking at me his expression change and I was stunned to that.

He's sad and guilty. But what I heard broke me more.

"Your Mom Lorie and I was a marriage for the sake of business, We don't love each other I love Chelsea and she loves Drake, We decide to divorce and find our own happiness. I married to Chelsea and sooner she married to Drake." He sighed, I want more pain, I'm willing to listen and make myself numb from all of this.

"Your mom never told me about you. She hides you from me because he thinks that I'll get you away from her." And tears fell down from his face.

"And you let her die when I was 10 you just watched them dying," I said darkly cold

He shook his head." I couldn't do anything. All I think that time was you, When I receive the news from my private Investigator I hurriedly came to your house. I looked for you. I saw you hiding at the corner. I chase you because I want to save you from them, I want to hide you. That's why I faked the article."He said.

I shooked my head and looked at him with a death glare. "If you're really my father, prove it then," I said darkly smirked.

"Trust me Kiari." He said and I smiled sarcastically.

"You told me not to trust," I said deeply cold. He sighed. I exited the room, I need to find her. We can make it.

I can't track her location she left her phone. I ran onto the garage and get in my car speed up to 8th street the house for rent. I rudely knocked on the gate and someone opened it quickly.

"Where is she?" I asked angrily.

And she gave me a questioning looked.

"Who?" She asked furrowed.

"Selina," I said blankly. She shook her head.

"No. She didn't come here." She said and I ran back to my car, I go to the park but she's not there where in the world could she be?

I drove to Tiffany's house but she isn't there. I smacked hardly my spinning wheel and shouted in anger.

I got home and looked for Selina, She's in the dining wiping the counter.

"Cilia" She frightened on my voice.

"Master." She said low ghastly

"I know, you know where she is," I said deeply threatening her. She stared and looked down.

"Master she told, to keep it secret." She said and I looked at her with my burning gaze.

"She wants to be alone. She's depressed." She said shaking.

"That's why you need to tell me where she is." I feel bad leaving her alone in one place. She nodded and tell her address.

"But could you please give her some time? because that's what she all need." She said to me, I sighed and nodded. I sprinted out of the house and drove to her place.

I slowly walked inside. Looking for her she's sleeping, her puppy swollen eyes and red nose.

I keep my eye on her for a day. And now I'm following her secretly, She's walking on the road heading to commentary she walked dead. I feel sad for her. When we got to commentary park I hide to the tree And looked at her from afar. She knelt down and start crying she stayed for 2 hours at the cemetery park. And walking back to Cilia's small house.

She entered her bedroom. I secretly opened the door and saw holding a knife and aimed it on her chest. I quickly ran to pull the knife off on her hand and slit my palm slightly. She looked at me her eyes are swollen and it's gray around a void of emotions, she looked pale. I hugged her and she fainted, She's sick. Fucking high. I carried her to out and speed up to the hospital.

They quickly assisted her and put something on her wires and oxygen. My heartbeat stops when I saw her line went flat. I was shocked, I didn't see this coming. She's not dead no! No! I felt a thousand knife stabbed at my chest. The old feeling when my family died. Tears fell down on my cheeks.