
The Scion's Jack of all Trades Wife

They first met on a train. She just came out from retirement of being a hermit while he was traveling incognito. He was reading a book when she interrupted his concentration. “Do you want to know how fast I read?” The man looked up, his charcoal eyes peered at her, an eyebrow was raised. How shameless can she be? But whatever, she needed to read that book. “I can finish it in thirty minutes.” “So do I. If you stop talking to me,” the man once again buried his head on the book. “I can give you a very detailed book review?” The man continued reading, treating her like an air. She pursed her lips, thinking how she can convince the man. “Giving up so soon? I thought you want to read this book?” The man threw her a glance, raising the book in front of her face, tempting her. “Okay. What do you want?” She braced herself for his outrageous answer. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m sure you can give it to me.” She squared her shoulders, indicating him to proceed with his request. “Just a kiss,” the man said, his charcoal eyes became darker. She almost fell from her seat when she heard the man’s request. She looked at the man’s lips unconsciously then back to the book. For the first time in history, Li Nuxie wanted both. ================= This is an original story. I just changed the cover which is from Canva. I hope you like it. :) Thanks. By the way, I'm an amateur writer and English is not my first language so please pardon my grammar.

Yuinavarro · Tổng hợp
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84 Chs

The Vortex Team (2)

Li Nuxie eyed Huang Wensheng who was sitting with his back straight. "Are you determined to go with us?" She asked, her tone was serious.

"Yes, elder sister," Huang Wensheng answered, nodding repeatedly.

"Then I suggest you toughen up. Once we go there, you can't back out anymore," Li Nuxie warned the boy. She stood up. "I'll just be in the comfort room."

Li Chanying just nodded slightly before pulling out her phone. Huang Wensheng remained seated but his eyes roamed around the condo unit.

The living room has a minimalist design. Only a painting decorated the plain white wall. Aside from the living room set which included a flat screen TV, no other furniture can be seen in the room.

Huang Wensheng glanced at Li Chanying who was sporting a frown on her face while scrolling through her phone.

He cleared his throat. Li Chanying raised her head. A questioning look was on her face. "Can I call you elder sister Chanying?"

Li Chanying went still when she realized what the boy in front of her has said. As she was adopted, naturally, she has no biological sibling. However, she grew up with Xiexie and Chao-ge so Li Chanying did not really mind about being an only child.

"You don't want to?" Huang Wensheng bit his lips as he spoke again. "Am I annoying you?"

Li Chanying drew her eyebrows together. "Going there," she sighed. "Call me anything you want. It doesn't matter as long as you show respect."

Huang Wensheng stood up suddenly and bowed in front of Li Chanying that she did not even have time to react.

"Huang Wensheng pays respect to elder sister Chanying," he said, cupping his hands in front of his chest.

Li Chanying laughed awkwardly. So ancient, she thought.

"Well, let's get along, Wensheng. Is it alright to call you that?"

Huang Wensheng nodded while beaming.

The sound from the censor of the door interrupted Li Chanying and Huang Wensheng's conversation.

Turning their heads towards the main door, the door was pulled open, revealing Hong Chi. She raised her eyebrow when she noticed that Li Nuxie was not there.

"Where's Xiexie?"

Li Chanying pointed to the direction of the comfort room.

"Someone is with me," Hong Chi told them.

Li Chanying straightened her back. Only one person aside from them knew this place. "Chao-ge?"

Hong Chi did not answer. Instead, she turned her head as a man took a step inside.

Li Chao has a skeptical smile on his face. His eyes darted around. His two hands were inside the pockets of his pants.

"How are you, Ying?"

Li Chanying's eyes went round. It has been a while since she saw her cousin. She did not track him down because Xiexie didn't ask her to. "Chao-ge!"

She stood up and took a step towards him. When she was only a foot away from him, Li Chanying threw her arms around Li Chao's neck. "I miss you," she whispered.

Li Chao laughed as he patted Li Chanying's head. "I miss you too."

Li Chanying let go of Li Chao before staring at him from head to toe. She noticed that Li Chao's muscles were firmer than the last time she saw him. "Why do you look so fit?"

"Can't I work out?" Li Chao asked.

Hong Chi rolled her eyes as she occupied the other end of the long sofa. "You've been working out since we can remember. So, what's the difference now?"

Li Chao shrugged. "I work out three times a day now?" He drew his brows together when he noticed Huang Wensheng standing, fidgeting.

"Who is this boy?" he asked.

"A new member," Li Chanying answered, her eyes were trained at the direction of the comfort room.

"Hello, Sir. I am Huang Wensheng," he introduced himself.

Li Chao inclined his head. A new member? "From where are you?"

"I'm just from the downtown, Sir," Huang Wensheng answered. He knew that rich people shunned the people from the unknown part of downtown area in City S. As Huang Wensheng was expecting, Li Chao's lips formed a straight line.

"Downtown area?"

"I recruited him. You have no say on that part especially that you've been missing in action for a long while," a woman's voice cut through their conversation.

Huang Wensheng released his breath while Li Chao turned around. "Little sis," Li Chao's expression softened when he saw Li Nuxie.

"Did you finish your business now?" Li Nuxie asked. Her voice was laced with sarcasm. She occupied the space on Hong Chi's left side.

Li Chao scratched his head. He cannot really go against his sister's wishes without Li Nuxie finding about it. "It was hardly business. I was just --"

"Chasing after a woman?" Li Nuxie crossed her arms.

Li Chao shook his head. "I didn't chase a woman. Uhm, well I did," he raised his hands in the air as he exclaimed. "It's not what you think, okay?"

"Chao-ge, you whine like a guilty bird," Li Chanying commented.

Li Chao turned his head to his cousin. "Birds don't whine."

"They chirp, I know. So you don't need to deny it," Li Chanying further said.

Stomping his feet, Li Chao groaned. "Argh! I don't know what to say anymore!"

"How about you start by telling us why you are here?" Li Nuxie raised her eyebrow.

"What reason other than I am part of the Vortex Team?" He folded his arms in front of his chest.

While Li Nuxie was the champion of Forza Horizon, Li Chao was a consistent F1 racer. However, he didn't win a single race. His reason? He just wanted to see how other racers behave and how he can break their momentum.

"We are not racing, bro," Li Nuxie finally said after thinking about it.

Li Chao raised his shoulders in half-shrug. "I'm still part of the team. I will go with you," he declared with finality.

"Then, we better start heading out," Li Nuxie stood up from her seat. "From now on, Huang Wensheng is part of the team. He will be in charge of the blueprint. Ying will take care of the CCTVs while Chao-ge will back me up."

All the people inside the room nodded. "Hong Chi will be on standby mode. If ever we need to be extracted from the area, Hong Chi will take care of it."

"Okay, then. Let's move out," Li Chao said.

Hi dear readers! First of all, I am really sorry for being missing in action for the past few days. I am really busy with work I hardly have time to write. Thank you for your patience.


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