
The Scion's Jack of all Trades Wife

They first met on a train. She just came out from retirement of being a hermit while he was traveling incognito. He was reading a book when she interrupted his concentration. “Do you want to know how fast I read?” The man looked up, his charcoal eyes peered at her, an eyebrow was raised. How shameless can she be? But whatever, she needed to read that book. “I can finish it in thirty minutes.” “So do I. If you stop talking to me,” the man once again buried his head on the book. “I can give you a very detailed book review?” The man continued reading, treating her like an air. She pursed her lips, thinking how she can convince the man. “Giving up so soon? I thought you want to read this book?” The man threw her a glance, raising the book in front of her face, tempting her. “Okay. What do you want?” She braced herself for his outrageous answer. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m sure you can give it to me.” She squared her shoulders, indicating him to proceed with his request. “Just a kiss,” the man said, his charcoal eyes became darker. She almost fell from her seat when she heard the man’s request. She looked at the man’s lips unconsciously then back to the book. For the first time in history, Li Nuxie wanted both. ================= This is an original story. I just changed the cover which is from Canva. I hope you like it. :) Thanks. By the way, I'm an amateur writer and English is not my first language so please pardon my grammar.

Yuinavarro · Tổng hợp
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84 Chs

Random Act of Kindness

Warning: There might be some violence in this chapter. You can skip it if you want. Thank you.

Liu Lanzhi parked her car in front of the main door of Li Ancestral House. The butler walked towards her with palm opened. She put the keys on his palm, without even nodding her head.

The butler's eyes followed the figure of Liu Lanzhi as she disappeared from his eyes. A bitter smile formed on his lips as he walked towards the car.

Liu Lanzhi's high heels echoed heavily along the corridor. Her lips formed a thin line as she pushed the door of her bedroom opened. Walking towards the bed, she didn't bother taking off her blazer. Raising her hands in the air, she let herself fell on the bed, creating a loud thud.

She groaned. Why did Xu Wei forget her? Why? She turned to her side, her fingers ran against the fabric of the blanket. She closed her eyes and memories flooded her mind.

The nineteen-year old Liu Lanzhi was rushing through the corridor. She looked at her Chanel watch, the faux leather was already peeling off. Professor Balemann will definitely kill her, she thought. She has been late for three consecutive meetings.

She raised her eyeglasses against the bridge of her nose as the sound of her moccasin against the shiny floor bounced around. It was around two in the afternoon, hence no one was loitering in the corridor. Her subject was scheduled at one-thirty.

Why was the building far from the main gate? She just came from her part-time job. The manager asked her to do some overtime. She cannot say no. That was another money.

She clutched her stomach as it growled. Damn. Still walking, she opened her bag and brought out her bottle of mineral water, removed the cap and took a gulp.

She stopped for a minute as she put back the bottle inside the bag. Without looking up, she continued walking.


"Ouch!" Liu Lanzhi collided with someone. The impact was strong that her bag slid from her shoulder, the things inside scattered on the floor.

She shivered. Who was it this time? She hoped it was not those spoiled brats from her college or those cheerleaders. She had enough of bullying to last her another year in college. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice was trembling.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her head slowly. Her knees almost buckled when her eyes took in the guy's profile.

His long hair cascaded on his shoulders. Eyes that resembled the unknown black hole and lips that begged to be kissed.

Liu Lanzhi's eyes bore into the guy's physique. His biceps bulged against the white shirt. He was carrying a paper bag. She wondered how it felt like to be held in those arms. The washed Levi's hugged his thighs. It was full of muscles Liu Lanzhi just wanted to hug them.

The guy cleared his throat.

Liu Lanzhi's breath was caught in her mouth. She was openly inspecting him! What if he took offense?

"I-I'm sorry," she said.

The guy shrugged his shoulders. "I'm used to it," he said, bending down and picking up Liu Lanzhi's things one by one.

Liu Lanzhi's eyes widened as she realized what the guy was doing. She also bent down, picking her brush and pencil case.

The guy gave her things back to her.

"T-Thank you," she said, lowering her head. She can feel the heat spreading across her face.

"Treat it as an apology," he said before walking past her.

Liu Lanzhi didn't answer. Her stomach did. The sound was so strong she almost wanted to collapse right there and then.

She squeezed her eyes shut. She was hoping against hope that the guy didn't hear it.

"You haven't had lunch yet?" the guy's voice reached her ears.

Liu Lanzhi turned around. She forced a smile. "I was running late so I don't have time to grab some food," she said.

Of course, part of it was a lie. Indeed, she was running late. But whether she was late or not, she doesn't have a chance to grab food along the way.

Her salary was just enough for her parents. A growling stomach was normal for her. She just calmed her hunger by drinking a lot of water or eating candies.

The man inclined his head before extending his hand towards her. "Here, take this," he said, giving her the paper bag. Looking at it, it was from the famous burger chain in US. She dropped her jaw.

She can only see this burger brand on those LED billboards. The cheapest burger from that store cost five dollars. This five dollars can feed her for five days already. And yet, this guy was just giving it to her? She looked at the guy.

Liu Lanzhi waved her hand. "I can't accept it. I'll just grab some food after my -"

The guy pulled her hand, making her grasp the handle of the paper bag.

"Not eating on time is bad. Treat it as part of my apology," he said, before maintaining distance from her.

The corner of Liu Lanzhi's eyes went burning. "Thank you," she said, her throat constricted.

The guy just nodded before turning around. Liu Lanzhi just stood there until the guy's figure vanished before her eyes.

She glanced at the paper bag. She wouldn't forget this act of kindness. One day, she will return the kindness he gave to her.

That was the first and last time Liu Lanzhi saw the guy for that semester. Sometimes, she wondered if he was just a figment of her imagination. Someone she created to help her wallow in misery.

Until one day.

Liu Lanzhi went to the library to return the books she borrowed. The semester has ended and she needed to return the books or she will fined.

As she fell in line, two girls behind her giggled.

"Xu Wei is just so gorgeous."

"Yeah, look at that hair. I bet it feels smooth," the duo giggled once again.

Liu Lanzhi glanced around, pretending to be looking around for no reason at all.

Long hair? For some reason, a guy with long hair entered her mind. Scanning the tables, her eyes stopped on a familiar figure. Liu Lanzhi felt her heartbeat increased.

The guy has his head buried in a book. He looked like a perfect male specimen.

"I heard that Xu Wei will be graduating next week."

"Really? So we can't see him in the future?"

"Yeah. I've heard from his classmates that he will be back to his country."

"Country C, right?"

Liu Lanzhi gave them a sideway glance as she took another step towards the front of the line.

The girl nodded. "I heard he's a heir to an influential family in Country C."

"Wow. Cool. Such a nice background, huh?"

Liu Lanzhi pressed her lips together, preventing herself from smiling.

That guy Xu Wei was a good guy. He doesn't know her and yet, he gave her food.

"But heirs like him, wouldn't they only marry rich women?" the other girl asked.

The first girl clutched her chest. "Alas, Xu Wei is only good for daydreaming. He's not suitable as a husband for commoners like us."

Both of the girls sighed.

Liu Lanzhi lowered her head. What the girl has said was true. She was just a commoner with a common face, too. If she was just a Cinderella-. She stopped thinking. Those are only what if's.

A frying fan went flying towards Liu Lanzhi's face as she opened the door. She was able to dodge it but not the flying laddle. Her forehead became red as it struck her before falling on her feet, creating a clink sound.

"Why are you late? Dinner is not ready yet!" Liu Lanzhi's mother screamed at her. She was in her early forties with a plump body. Her hair was scattered all over her face, as if she has not seen a mirror for the last forty-eight years.

Liu Lanzhi took a deep breath. "I'll get it ready," she said, taking a step towards the kitchen.

The kitchen area was littered with used plates, scattered over the sink and at the kitchen counter. The smell will make a normal person puke but Liu Lanzhi has been smelling it for the fifteen years.

She pushed the button of the rice dispenser but no rice was dispensed even one grain of it. She pulled her hair tightly.

"Why are you still here? Where's my dinner?" her mother's voice screeched like a tire against the pavement.

Liu Lanzhi turned around. "I'll get it ready in thirty minutes."

"Make it twenty," her mother demanded.

She just nodded before pulling her black hoodie from the jacket stand.

The cold wind of the northern hemisphere brushed against Liu Lanzhi's face, making her shivered. Pulling the hood over her head, she started walking towards the nearest convenience store in the neighborhood.

She put her hands inside the jacket's pockets, shielding them from the frosty blow of wind. Five meters away, she saw a woman in her sixties, struggling to hold the paper bags with her frail hands.

With decisive steps, Liu Lanzhi approached the old woman. "Hi grandma, do you need help?"

The woman eyed Liu Lanzhi suspiciously. It was already dark and only a few lamp posts were opened in the parking lot.

Liu Lanzhi shrugged. "I don't mind if you don't want to. I just wanted to help," she said before turning her back.

"Hey wait," the old woman said. "I'm sorry. It was just hard trusting people these days," her voice sounded apologetic.

Liu Lanzhi turned around, a smile was plastered on her lips. "No worries. So where would you bring this?"

The old woman pointed her finger at an orange Cadillac. "That's my car."

Liu Lanzhi nodded before she got the paper bag from the old woman's grasp. "It was sure heavy."

The old woman smiled as she led Liu Lanzhi towards her car. "Yes, I bought beef and vegetables for my son and daughter-in-law. They will visit tomorrow and will stay for a week," she said, her tone was excited.

"That's nice," Liu Lanzhi said. She sized up the old woman. Liu Lanzhi was taller than her and has more muscles even though she doesn't eat three times a day.

She smiled bitterly. It would be nice if she also has a loving mother.

They stopped at the side of the car. "Thank you for you help. I'll take it from here," the old woman said as she went at the back and opened the compartment.

"Oh, it's fine. I already helped you. It wouldn't matter if I put this in the compartment," Liu Lanzhi insisted.

"Okay," the old woman's lips broke into a genuine smile.

Liu Lanzhi also smiled before her eyes went cold. While holding the paper bag, she shove the old woman on her back, pushing her on the compartment.

The old woman was shocked all she did was groaned. She was of small stature that she fit inside the compartment.

Glancing around, Liu Lanzhi reached for the cover it closed it.

"I'm sorry," she whispered before walking away.

The parking lot was crowded during the day. She was sure that the old woman will be discovered in the morning.

She did what she did to survive. No personal grudges.

That night, Liu Lanzhi's mother was eating heartily, her lips were shining against the light coming from the flourescent lamp.

Liu Lanzhi was just watching. She cannot eat unless her mother has already finished.

"You are not allowed to eat my dinner, understand?" her mother said in between bites.

She just nodded. Who wanted to share food with you? She sneered inwardly. Before she went inside the house earlier, she separated the groceries from what she would bring to her mother.


The air was humid. Liu Lanzhi tossed in her bed. She cannot sleep yet. How would she fit with Xu Wei if she was acting like this? Stealing and hurting people just to put food on the table?

Suddenly, her mouth felt dry. She went down from the bed, opening the door of her room silently.

As she walked towards the kitchen, her mother's voice went louder.

She drew her brows together. Why was she still up? She continued walking and stopped outside the kitchen door.

"Let's just give her back to her biological father," her mother's voice continued.

"I don't care how she go there. I want her out of my house. How could you even accept a stranger's daughter?"

Silence followed.

"I'm nearing my boiling point. I'm surprised she didn't run away from here," Liu Lanzhi's mother sighed exasperatedly.

"I don't care. Just send her back to that goddamn Country C, wherever that is," her mother's voice has finality on it.

Liu Lanzhi took a step backward, before going back to her room.

So, she was not her mother's daughter. She was just a daughter of a stranger. Her eyes were cold as she stared at the door of her room.

The next morning, Liu Lanzhi's mother found out that her daughter was gone together with her passbook and cash on hand.

A knock on the door disturbed Liu Lanzhi's trip to the memory lane.

"Come in," she said.

The door opened and a maid in uniform took a step inside.

"Young Miss Liu, the dinner is ready," the maid informed her, before going out, leaving her in miserable state.

The Old Madam Li told the maids that she will be called as Young Miss Liu. Although she was already adopted, she decided to retain her old name.

She was already closer to Xu Wei. She will not stop until she get his heart, body, and soul.