
The School Prince is My Brother

I fainted while strolling outside and woke up on someone's bed. I was called his "sister" by this unidentified man.. Everything returns to normal after waking up in the hospital. Is this a hallucination? perhaps there's a deeper message here. ... Years have passed, and I've accepted that perhaps I'm just too exhausted and hallucinate that thing to get away from this reality... However, when strolling down the street, I ran across my so-called "brother" once more. Can I start again somewhere where he hasn't shown up in my life?... or maybe I should go back and dream again. Maybe I can do it with their help. "Please help me... I want to forget everything." (I want to go out of here.) "What are you waiting for? We'll help you to paint your world a new color once again..." That's it, this is the life I desire.

AMI_lynn · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


What if one day your desires come true... Do you still wish to wake up from this dream? If living there is your only way out of this so-called reality... Do you wish to leave?

I'm Sierra, the exam ended early that day. I decide to go shopping outside while I wait for the results... It was raining outside, so I was hesitant at first whether to get foods or not, but I was really hungry at the moment, so I walked outside to buy foods despite the fact that it was dark and unsafe. I ended up spending all of my money. So I decide to walk home instead.


O-Ouch... My head hurts... What am I doing here?... Wait, this isn't my room!


"Thank God you're awake." The man said, while smiling.

I looked at him, puzzled, and said. "Who are you?... I have to go, I'm waiting for the results of my exam."


"Wait here, I'm going to call the doctor." He rushed outside.

(Don't tell me! Nah... It's impossible because I don't even know him and have never seen him in my life. It appears that he is not a bad person, however even he is. Why me of all people, why someone like me?)


"Did you find anything strange?" The guy asked.

Is there a problem with me? Why am I here, though?

To have a personal physician, this man must come from a wealthy household.

"Sierra, are you alright?" (Why is she being so quiet?) "What's wrong with my sister?" The man asked one more time.

Huh?... S-Sister?

"W-wait who are you... I really have to go." (I'm totally baffled right now. What's up with that reaction?)

"It can't be amnesia! I shouldn't let you go to that party." The person said.

("I told you I'm not your sister and party I don't even have a friend.")

I wish I could say that.


The moment the two saw Sierra sigh, they turned to look in each other's eyes.

"Mr. Darren, calm down. Based on my observations, your sister has a temporary amnesia with time and the right care, I can guarantee that she will recover." The physician claimed, after observing Darren's deteriorating mood.

(I'm not ill, and I don't have amnesia I can recall everything. I want to return home.)


"Are you sure you didn't forget anything?" Darren questioned Sierra while accompanying her. To lighten the atmosphere, Sierra jokingly replied. "Nope"

The school I attended before coming here and even the street where I used to reside have vanished without a trace.

I'm beginning to adjust to my new existence with my "brother." I had hoped that this joy would linger longer but...


"S-Sierra!" Darren was shocked to see Sierra as if she wasn't supposed to be there.

Sierra was sprinting for the gate when the tears began to stream, saying, "I knew it from the start, I shouldn't expect anything." When Sierra hears someone calling her, she can't help but start crying.

"SIERRA!" It turns out that Darren was the one who yelled.


"Huh?" Sierra turns her head, to see the truck approaching quickly in front of her.




"I hope she's okay."

"It's raining heavily that day, I wonder what happened to her." The nurse with red hair said.

"OUCH..." Sierra sits down and rubs her head after feeling a headache. Sierra screams as the memories begin to pour in. The nurse walked in and immediately noticed Sierra sitting, and in her point of view she appeared to be in discomfort.

She said, "You're awake, are you okay?" The nurse said.

"Darren... I'm talking about my brother... He's not here." Sierra was terrified and grabbed the nurse's hand. She trembled and kept asking about her "brother."

"I've never heard his name before, and no one has visited you since you were admitted to this hospital." The nurse explains how Sierra got there. "Someone saw you collapse on the street and brought you here." She added.

After hearing the story, Sierra starts to sob. (It's unbelievable that after spending almost a month living there, I still recall every single detail. What if Darren is real? He must be waiting for me.)

"Here is the water, please drink slowly." the nurse says to Sierra, who accepts and drinks it to help her calm down. The nurse checked Sierra's body and kept asking, "Are you hurt somewhere?"


Fortunately, someone saw me collapse and drove me to the nearest hospital. Wait! The examination result! Sierra took out her phone and noticed the message "Reschedule?" I'll have to wait another week?


Huh? Sierra picked the bracelet and remember something. This bracelet...

("Sierra, please come here for a moment." "Why?" Sierra approaches her brother. "This is my welcome gift for you...") Darren got it for me after waking up. When Sierra saw her laptop, she started looking and searching the house where she and Darren had once lived. "ERROR?" I appear to be going insane, yet the bracelet is still on me.


Where? I obviously saw him. It can't be. (Sierra runs through the streets, chasing a car.) I just saw Darren, how is this possible? I thought I was crazy at first, then he looked back. "I swear, I will find you."