
The school of prisoners

Deep inside the forest of silevea , at the centre of it , there was a school especially made for teenagers those who committed a crime . This a where they get to study and get a special training , differ from others and only selected can enter. Dr. jonnas who was the director of this school believe that the teenager are just like a clay pot who aren't shape properly and if we leave it like this nothing going to change , but if we shape it properly and prefectly , it will the best pot ever . That why , in this school there will be best teacher who can handle this children and they will be trained in what they are talented in . He believes that these teenagers who are good at hacking, spying , stealing and many more activities that there are, were will be a great help for secret agency . Like this the teenager will enjoy there life but who knows how they will treat the children and how strict will they be and what type of task they will give them and how will our main character will be doing?? . Dr jonnas was not only going to make them work for government but for beside government too . If you do crime you get a punishment, so do Alex . Alex , 17 years old , black hair with piercing gaze, half Asian and American. She is talented in hacking, combat fighting and shooting too. Alex went to juvenile at a very young age . When she heard that she is going to enroll in a school , name "School Silvia" but also known as " The school of prisoners", She didn't know that this school will change her life and this is where she will find her happiness. This story is based on the genre of GL, BL , straight , action , romance, comedy, school life . The main story will be of Gl and second will be the BL.

Animeloverdj136 · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

Chapter 1 :- Mr jonnas

(In an interview)

Reporter:- ' Mr. Jonnas recently there are news everywhere saying that you have opened a school at the centre of the forest of silevea and that you have selected many childrens from the juvenile / jail . Can you tell me and everyone about this and what are your plans and how did you get this idea.'

Mr. jonnas :-

Well I will first introduced myself .

Hello everyone my name William jonnas and I am the director and Creator of the school name 'the school of prisoners' . I know you all are curious about why I opened this school ? . Well the school that I have opened is a bit special unlike other school , this school will trained the children both mentally and physically , and how ? , I will tell you step by step .

From my point of view teenager are just like a clay pot who aren't shape properly and if we leave it like this nothing going to change , but if we shape it properly and Prefectly , it will be the best model ever .

We are going to give them a perfect schedule and best teachers who are best at handling these kids there will be guards everywhere to watch these kids , they will have there dorm room , 4 times meals everyday , clothes to wear , they will have there school beside there dormitory . There school activities be like :- psychological therapies in it there will be joint class and a teacher will be there to handle this , there will be sport , dance , music, singing , drawing , artificial intelligence, fighting class, archery, boxing, kartate etc .

These kids that we had selected are not just smart and brilliant , they are powerful then us . They know hacking, spying, shooting, stealing , can open any lockers , a good fighters and many I just can't even memories it.

And you know what, we will really need these kids . That's all I have to say , Thank You.


Any more information sir about what will be the real field or how you will handle them and any more information.


No , there is none . And besides we just started so there's not much information . But there is one thing I know , is that the children will be coming from the train of exier to the station of silevea where we will pick up the children and send them directly to there hostel / dorm. And there could also be a little problem about children's being naughty or a little too much playful and what I am really worried about is that I wish that they don't try to jump from the train . So I have say ask the security to increase to and have ask to lock the train door when everyone is inside , so they can't run away , just hope there won't be any violence or anything and hope no one break someone's leg or hand and come safely.

So... Yeah everything will be alright.


O-ok , I see , hahh . So I wish you good luck to tomorrow . And wish everything~~ will be finee~.

So that's the end of this small interview .

Thanks for watching everyone , oh yah and there one more information is left that they will be uploading video's of there school activities on YouTube , so if you want to see please see below the video .

Once again thank you and bye .

"So, Mr jonnas thank you for coming here ." She said while shaking her hands with him .

"It's my pleasure miss reporter , and I think I should get going now cause I have other important things to do"

Mr jonnas retreat his hands back will looking at his hand watch .

"Oh, yeah you can go , bye and have a nice day sir " she waved her hand while seeing Mr jonnas off .




At the parking lot

' Ring ~Ring ~ Ringggggg' " yeah yeah wait a sec . Hello Mr jonnas speaking , Who is it? "

" Mr jonnas, it's me guard Kevin , I called you here to inform you that every children's have arrived at the train of exier and we will be leaving for silevea soon and I think we will arrive soo-...(bang) "

" Guard Kevin! I think I heard something banging sound from your side"

" Oh-h shit , sir I will be calling you later because there's a fighting going on between these kids, I think you we will be a little late at arriving , so bye sir...' Hey you brats stop right now' beeepp~"

" Hush , God's know what will happen now ."

[ In the train station ]

After the call ended the guard Kevin ran over to the boys over there , one with red hair was a tall guy and the other one , who has blue hair , was a little shorter , than the first one . They blue hair boy seemed to have bumped into the red one . The red haired boy didn't let this matter slid away quietly he held the blue haired boy collar and punched him in the face .

" Hey ! , what are you beating him " the guard , Mr Kevin , yealed loudly at the two boys who were fighting.

" Huh!! , Shut up you old man , don't get in our way " said the boy with red hair , he seemed to have pretty hotty personality

" what did you - you bratt "

" Hey you , the hell you bumped into me . You got some courage man to not even apologizing to me . "

" Huhhh!! I did said that I am sorry it just that you didn't hear me , maybe it was because you are tall like a pole . " Seeing the red hair boy all mighty , blue hair boy didn't just stand their and get his beating, he standed for himself.

" why you- " The red hair boy got furious and was about to punch him but suddenly the blue hair boy got alerted and kick the red hair hair boy between his legs .

" Arghhh shitttt , you little brat , how dare you "

" Humpp you deserve it "

" Shut up you think that I'll let this matter slid , no never . Now get prepared to experience the hell . " the red hair boy marched forward with his feast toward the the other boy with full speed .

Seeing this the guard quickly went between them to stop them

" Hey! you two , stop fighting now ."

" Stop getting between us you old man . " the red hair boy pushed the guard so hard that bumped into a girl who was passing by them .

" Ouchhh ! , oh no , hey girl I am so sorry, are you alright? "

The girl didn't responded to the guard apology and shouted very loudly.


" HUHHH!!! ,. what did you say ??!! "

