
The Scholar Ascension

2 Worlds interconnected because of an anomaly. 1 with humans and the other monsters. To combat the monsters coming to the human world, There were a Total of 6 classes. Fighter, Tank, Archer, Mage, Berserker and Scholar each with its own level system. The Scholar Class is the Strongest and the rarest only the person who is worthy can inherit it. Is it You?????

KanemotoIzanagi · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Suit Up

I Closed my system and quickly went to visit my little sister at the hospital, i entered the room and sat down beside my sister while holding her hand.

Matsuno Takumi : Hey Yumeko, am back and I have some good news. I finally got my class, there was a 6th class, that mom and dad told us when we were kids. Its called scholar, now i can finally become a Jaeger and to fulfill my dream and get that money to save you. I just need for you to hold out a bit more, Ok? I love you little sis.

I stood up and saw my little sister smile a bit and I was happy that she can hear me, I shed a bit of tears and kiss her head and bid her goodnight then I left the hospital to go home and sleep. Its now the next day, I went to a nearby Hunting Market to buy some gear. I had little money since i was robbed last night but i can still get a few things for me, I went to the market and saw that there was a lot of people, i didn't think there would be this many but i guessed that it's normal, since this is my first time going to the Hunting Market. So i went inside a old shady shop that had a sale on weapons and armor. There wasn't any people inside the shop, So i asked.

Matsuno Takumi : Ummm, Excuse me is anyone here.

Suddenly I heard someone coming out of the back, It was a old man. He saw me and went to the counter.

Shop Keeper : Welcome, Young Jaeger. Is there something, I could help you with?

Matsuno Takumi : I am looking for some basic level 1 stuff like a sword and some leather armor and am looking for some books.

Shop Keeper : Oh, are you a double class?

Matsuno Takumi : Something like that.

Shop Keeper : What do you mean? Usually Jaegers have 1 or 2 Classes, Unless your Class is from legend.

I realized what he was talking about, he was talking about the Scholar Class, to think there was still believers that there was a 6th Class. I just hope he doesn't realize about it.

Matsuno Takumi : Am sorry but I don't know what you are talking about?

Shop Keeper : Really? The Legend about the 6th Class, that the Leader of the first ever Jaegers Had?

Matsuno Takumi : Nope doesn't ring a bell.

The shop keeper brought a small chest out, and it looked so old and worn, he dusted of the dust and opened it, I only saw a worn out fountain pen.

Shop Keeper : Well then to be sure that you don't have, the 6th class like in the legend. Grab this pencil.

Matsuno Takumi : Ok, sure but why is it a fountain pen and why is it so old.

Shop Keeper : Its because, This is the weapon that the first ever Jaeger Leader used.

I was surprised that it was a weapon used by the Leader. It didn't resemble as a weapon, So how did he fight, if he only had that as a weapon. It must be some kind of joke, So i grabbed it then suddenly a light glowed from the pen and it transformed into a sword. I was Amazed that a old fountain pen can turn it into a weapon. I looked at the Shop Keeper who was amaze.

Shop Keeper : Amazing, So you do have the 6th class, why were you keeping it a secret boy. I know you were lying to me in the beginning.

Matsuno Takumi : I don't know, it feels like.

I was suddenly cut off by the old man

Shop Keeper : Well, I understand Why.

Matsuno Takumi : You do?

Shop Keeper : There was something in the legend that wasn't cleared up, is that. If someone was chosen to be the next Scholar Class, needs to be weary of the incoming danger that comes with it.

Matsuno Takumi : What kind of danger will come?

Shop Keeper : It was never specify in the legend because its all that we could decipher.

Matsuno Takumi : Ok, I will be weary of anything that happens soon.

Shop Keeper : Good, You can keep that for free

I was shocked that he let me have the weapon of the Legendary Jaeger Leader but it is fitting instead of buying weapons of different kind. So i humbly accept his offer and asked for Mage books to start learning and some lv 1 armor to begin with.

Shop Keeper : Well, I only have a few books left but it will come in handy and for the armor i got something for you.

He showed me some basic level magic like "Lv1 Ice Magic, Basic Swordsmanship, Forging, Lv1 Magic Effect, Lv1 Healing Magic" and left to get the armor. He came back after a few minutes what looks like a heavy duty armor but it was flexible. He game it to me to test it out, So I wore it.

Shop Keeper : So, How does it feel?

Matsuno Takumi : It feels so light.

Shop Keeper : Because it is made out of Titanium Alloy from 20 Years ago and in Mint condition. You can have it all for free, even the books.

I was so thankful that he gave it all for free but i was skeptical of it but didn't bother to ask to i took all the stuff and hid the weapon and before i left, i look at him and ask for him.

Matsuno Takumi : Thanks for everything sir and if i can ask, what is your name?

Shimada Yasuhiro : The name's Shimada Yasuhiro and Your Welcome

I smiled at the old man and left the shady store and went back home, I began to try and understand what my class skills do. 

Matsuno Takumi : I remember from the Sentient that i have of the skills called read but what does it do exactly.

I touched 1 of the books and suddenly my system window popped up and I saw a Reading Altar with a book shape mark in the middle.

Matsuno Takumi : Maybe this is where i put it?

I clicked on it and saw all 5 books that i have, so i thought about what i should put it in first, so i decide to learn Lv1 Magic Effect. As I put it in, The System made sure that "if that is what I want" and I clicked "Yes". The system started to process the book and had a timer of 1hr and 48 minutes before it is done processing the book. I watched some television while waiting for it to finish, suddenly my system popped out saying that the book is done. I touched the alter and suddenly another window pops out saying.

"Would you like to add bleed to your skills"

 [YES] [NO]

Matsuno Takumi : Bleed? What does bleed do exactly?

"Bleed-Berserker class skill-Rarity: Uncommon-once inflicted to the opponent they will receive 0.5% damage to their max health. This Skill Scales with luck"

Matsuno Takumi : Amazing, never would have thought that, I'll be getting a Uncommon skill this soon maybe its because of my luck skill. Well since this book is already finish, I should start to learn others as well.

So I put the lv1 Ice Magic on the altar again and the timer read 3hrs 59 minutes and 50 seconds.

I was surprised but maybe the longer the timer is the better the skills i get. So i continued on to do my practice to get use to my class and get a license to fight monsters. 4hrs later the window pop up and i clicked on the book.

"You have Gained a Rare Skill from the lv1 Ice Magic called Icicle Impale"

"Icicle Impale-Mage Class Skill-Rarity: Rare- It cost 120 Mana. It creates a massive icicle, which you can only control. You can manipulate it to make it a single target or Aoe. Once hit with this skill. it has a 10% chance to freeze the enemy. If target gets Frozen there is a 30% chance to inflict weakness."

When i received the skill, I am now ready to get a license to go to dungeons. So I made a appointment for tomorrow and went to bed early. The next day I went to the nearest Government facility for an appointment to acquire a Jaeger License. I went Inside and saw a lot of applicants to become a Jaeger, I gave my applicant to the receptionist after waiting in line for an hour. My name got called and so did some other applicants. I was so nervous, as I stand up and went to the examination room. I trip on someone's foot and fell down. I was so embarrassed because people were looking at me and was trying to containing their laughter, suddenly a guy went up to me and help me up. " Hey, are you ok? that fall was really bad."

Matsuno Takumi : Yeah, thanks am just really nervous and accidentally trip on someone's foot. 

??? : Its ok to be nervous, because I am too.

Matsuno Takumi : Are you also applying for a license also?

??? : Yeah, my just got called. I guess yours too?

Matsuno Takumi : Yeah. btw thanks for the help umm.

Shiroma Keiji : Shiroma Keiji nice to meet you.

"Shiroma Keiji - Class: Fighter - Weapon: Lance - Level : 1"

Matsuno Takumi : Matsuno Takumi nice to meet you to.

Suddenly we heard our names again through a speaker and said "Mister Matsuno and Mister Shiroma this is your last call" I quickly apologize to the man and quickly went to the examination room.

Matsuno Takumi : We're here, We're Here

Examiner : Good now let me explain what exam you will do. You will be paired up by 2 and will be test in our make shift rift, its like a simulation but you can get hurt and we will evaluate your performance. if you can pass the simulation then you are fit to become a Jaeger. 

The Examiner started group us up and i got paired with Shiroma Keiji, All of the applicants were confident to pass the exam but to our surprise almost all of the applicants failed and then our names got called to the examination. 

Examiner : Alright, let us start the exam. Goodluck Mr. Shiroma and Mr. Matsuno.

We both started to enter the make-shift rift and we were transported into a open field but there was something strange about it, There were no monsters anywhere. Almost all the Applicants that was called for the examination failed, So why does it feel like it this test is so easy.