

// Before the airport //

I had somehow managed to end up in California. I had no idea how it happened, but Brad often picked girls up and randomly moved our location. We were never in one place for more then a month. it was art of him, no one could track us if we kept moving.

I managed to escape when he pulled the car over one night to grab something from the back. The other girls stared wide eyes at me as I swiftly ran out the door when he was out of sight. It was the only chance I'd get. so I took it. I heard a gun shot behind me and yelling, but I didn't dare look back or slow my pace. I ran until I found somewhere safe to stop.

The memories of what had happened to me played on repeat constantly in my mind. I had managed to break free from their grip for now, but I was so scared he'd find me and I'd have to endure the pain all over again.

After I got out, I changed everything about myself in hopes of avoiding him or anyone that follows him. I dyed my hair blonde and styled it differently, changed my clothes and burned what I had wore before and got brown contacts to cover my hazel ones. I could barely recognize the girl in the mirror when I looked in.

I didn't feel desirable anymore. Countless guys have taken advantage of me and scars littered my stomach down my legs from trying to get away from their grasp. I refused to go out to the beach with Chloe, my roommate, whenever she asked. I didn't know how I'd answer her questions if she ever saw my body.

I had been working at a local coffee shop, living with a Chloe who lived a couple blocks away. It didn't pay that much but it just covered everything I needed it to.

The first thing I bought was a phone, I would check in on everyone back home. I desperately wanted to go back but I knew that'd be the first place they'd look for me. It was too dangerous and obvious.

Reese had been posting pictures with Bryson stood next to some girl. They both looked happy and my heart ached at the sight. I knew that one day he'd move on and date another girl. I just didn't think it would hurt this much. So many times I wanted to text him or DM him letting him know I'm still here, but I stopped myself. It wasn't right for him to find out like that.

After a year of being tossed from man to man, I was finally free. I couldn't waste this opportunity of freedom. I'd put myself and everyone around me at risk. I felt trapped still, even though I had ran away. I needed to go back though, see where it happened. I knew it'd be a giant risk but I needed to do it.

I bought the ticket and decided to finally go back.


// present time //

I forced myself to carry on with why I came. Closure. I stare at the grave before me knowing it was empty. I couldn't imagine how my parents felt at that moment, having to burry their child before their time was up. I hoped they stayed together through the pain. I felt that the idea of burying and empty casket was a waste. I didn't understand. Why was everyone so quick to give up on me?

After seeing Bryson at the airport, my new reality came crashing down and the old one resurfaced once again. I knew it was a matter of time before I was found out. I'm in danger and quite possibly Bryson too. He would definitely say something to Reese or someone else about seeing me. I know Brad will somehow get ahold of that information and track me down. I'd have to move again and start back from square one. I'd never be safe in one spot. I just hope Bryson can forgive me. I never wanted to hurt him. I never intended for him to see me today. I didn't expect him to be there at all. I wasn't as careful as I thought.

I stand up from my spot on my grave, I fought myself internally from walking to my parents house. I wish it was that easy to get help, but Brad knew so many people. he often talked about his friends in the police force covering for him. I didn't know if he was lying or telling the truth, either way, I wasn't going to risk it. I got away from him once, and I knew I wouldn't again. He'd most likely kill me if he caught me now.

I needed to go back to my new life and put the much needed distance between this place and I. The longer I stayed, the more likely I'd be recognized again and caught. I take one last glance before turning and making my way back to the airport.