
The Scarlet Luna

It's not a normal party the packhouse is celebrating tonight. It’s the most popular night of the year. This celebration is like a mating ritual. This is normally when wolves find their mate. As for me, Vivienne Blair, I got a sucker punch in the heart when I came back. Because my mate turned out to be Beta Emmett, the best friend of the alpha and my brother Cole’s boyfriend! Ridiculous, right? After rejecting my mate, I needed a little pick me up. One bottle of rum and a sexy one-night stand. But who can tell me why would I wake up in Alpha Brendon’s bed? And Why did Alpha Brendon claim me as HIS future Luna?! Complete! *** This is Book 1. The Scarlet Luna. Book 2. Killing Lamia Now available on Amazon as Ebook, paper-book or hard back! Sequel releasing regular updates starting January 2023! Feel free to add the sequel to your library before then for surprise early releases!

JaySkylar · Kỳ huyễn
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72 Chs

Twisted Up Part A

Vivienne's POV:

"Do not worry... princess." Aaragorn looked from me to his pack mates and nodded in their way. "My pack has orders to follow behind yours. If they do not succeed in stopping your pack..." He reached out and smeared away a tear running down my cheek. "We'll hurry and try to convince them to st-"

"We can't stop them! They're too far gone, Aaragorn. Don't you see? They're acting on their own. They're going to do it and I need your pack to just fight amongst mine." He wrinkled up his nose. The nice expression he had now fading. "WE are cowards," I muttered. "I don't think either of us should be leaders."

Aaragorn smacked me against my face. The impact leaving a sting on my skin. I whimpered from surprise. My fingers touching my sore cheek. It was already beginning to swell.

"I am not a coward." He was begining to growl. "I'm a fucking alpha. My pack is going to save yours in this bloody fucking mess... and when we do. You'll BE my luna. Because of how much you'll be in debt to us... to me." He was huffing in anger. His breathing drawing in thick. He was fighting to stay in clear thoughts. My jaw fell. I felt surprised by his actions.

"WELL?" His voice boomed as he turned to look at his pack. "GET GOING! Lamia killed our people. Lets give her a better reason to hate wolves. Lets KILL every blood sucker in that coven." His voice riled up his pack with those words and they started to trasform. They left as their scent chased my pack members down.

This doesn't feel like Aaragorn. He's not the same person I've been with since knowing him. He's changed. Maybe this is his wolf. There's no way... Aaragorn would have hit me? How could he have been so kind before... and now so mean?

Aaragorn looked me in the eyes.

"We're not cowards, Luna." He pushed me towards my pack mates. "All of us are going, yeah?"

I didn't move as I waited until we were truly alone.

My hair stood up on my arms as I felt a chill hit my spine. I didn't like the way he handled me... and honestly I felt like he's been lying to me. Now is my chance to find out what's going on. Why did he push me into this position so fast? If I had waited longer to tell my pack mates... Maybe they wouldn't be running to their demise. Why didn't his pack stop mine?

I did everything to try to save Blacktail Growlers. They owe us. They owe me with their lives. Why is... this happening?

"What have you done?" I asked him softly.

"We had this conversation before, Luna," he said as he looked me in the eyes.

He was lying to me. Avoiding to answer...

"We have and I thought you were right before... But, now things are very different." I glanced him over suspiciously. If I've had this feeling all along then I need to confront him. "What's really going on here?"

"What do you think?" He asked quickly. "Lamia-"

"YOU DID!! You've been working with her? What's the lies she spat out at you?" I felt enraged. What has he agreed to do?

"I really wanted us to marry," he whispered. "Because once I bring you to Lamia... your pack will have no leader. They're going to all die."

"Let me guess... She told you she'd give you protection if you handed me over?" I asked softly.

"And money," he said and smirked.

"Aaragorn," I whispered. "You've really fucked up here," I told him.

"No I didn't!" He growled. "This is for my pack. We don't have to die protecting the likes of you," he growled. "If she wants you dead then she can have you."

"She wants US all dead," I snapped. "Don't you get that? She's a monster! She doesn't care about any of us. She would be perfectly happy with being the cause of our extinction."

"But, what would be the fun in that?" He asked. "She won't kill us all off... otherwise she'd just go back to being bored." He walked towards me suddenly and grabbed my arms. He made me kneel in front of him. My knees hitting the hard rocks beneath me. I could smell my blood as I scraped my knees. "You know... she asked me to bring you alive... but she didn't say how alive to bring you... and since this is all your bloodline's fault..." He held up a hand- ready to hit me. He made a fist as he stared into my eyes. "My parents are dead because of you," he whispered.

"It's not because of me," I pleaded. "It's Lamia... Lamia!"

He's taking his anger out on me because I'm a weaker subject.. But, if he could only see Lamia was who he should be angry at...

"Sign your pack over to me," he growled. "Or they will die at the very mouths of mine."

"N-no," I whispered.

This is Brendon's pack... MY pack. I will not just go signing it over to someone like Aaragorn.

"You've doomed your pack," he growled out. "They're going to die... Just like your weak alpha. He didn't even put up a fight," he smirked as he watched my eyes widen.

He killed... Brendon?

"Yes," he admitted. "I killed him. He wasn't going to wake up anyway... think of it as mercy." His eyes landed on my neck. I flinched as I realized what he was looking at. Now that Brendon was dead... I had an unmarked neck.

"Don't you fucking force that onto me," I growled. "Brendon will be my only mate!"

"I don't want to sleep with you... I just want your pack members."

"Aaragorn! DON'T!" I warned as he lowered his fist. He yanked me to stand up. I fought him as he pulled me into a tight grip. He wrapped me up in his arms and he leaned into my neck. I felt his breath hit where Brendon's mark used to be. "NO! Aaragorn!" I begged him as tears fell from my eyes.

I can't- I can't let him do it!

I transformed into my wolf as I fell from his arms. He gasped in shock as he instantly let me go.

"Vivienne!" He yelled in anger. I laid my ears back as I took off from him and ran after my pack to get their help. I could hear him growling and I glanced behind to see him trasforming into a wolf and coming after me. I ran through the halls as my body ran from the alpha. I was faster then him... but I was lacking on energy. I was exhausted from the impact my pack and Brendon left me in. I wanted to give up before it even started... I just want to be with Brendon. I want the easy way out... But, I can't abandon my pack so soon.

I soon got lost in the halls. Scents beginning to combine as I couldn't tell which way to go. The fresh scent of my pack was lost as it was covered by Blacktail Growler's powerful scent markings. Aaragorn must have warned them to do this before they left.... to trap me here with Aaragorn and make sure I got the marking.

He was going to force this on me from the start.

He was going to take my pack without asking.

"BASTARD!!" I shouted. "WHERE ARE YOU?" I called.

I saw his eyes glow from down the hall. His paws coming for me. I readied for his attack.

"YOU'RE NOT AN ALPHA!" I yelled at him. "You're a rogue! And, if you think you'll be allowered entrance into the moon's territory when you die then you are dead wrong. I hope your family snickers at you as you fight to get out of the coal pits every night.... and there is a lot of nights to come for you."

"SHUT UP!" Aaragorn growled. "This is for my pack! The moon will understand!" Aaragorn sounded offended. Like he thought he was in the right the whole time.

Aaragorn's large body rammed into me and we suddenly tumbled into a wall. His black coat blended into the night and was harder to make out then I thought. Aaragorn really was from Blacktail. His mother's origins didn't stop him from becoming a true alpha of his father's pack.

"I wish you'd just shut up," he snarled. His moves were faster then mine when it came to fighting... and I found myself under him and stuck between his jaws. His mouth surrounded my neck and without hesitation he lifted my head up and slammed me down. I felt my head sting as I smelled my own blood. His teeth grinding into my neck.

I couldn't move as I felt a darkness pulling me in. I felt weaker then I ever felt before. This was different from the time Emmett attacked me. Maybe because now... it was mixed with the sweetness of a mark flaring into my body.




"We're almost there." I heard Aaragorn's deep voice.

I barely had enough energy to lift my eyes. But, when I got them open I could tell we were in a moving vehicle. Aaragorn was driving us. I glanced around in the unfamiliar back seat of his car. I haven't seen a car in weeks... It was almost nice. Until I remembered what he done to me. I was wrapped up in rope. My hands tied behind my back. My feet were also tied. It took me a second to lift my body up and peak out the window.

Aaragorn was in the front seat holding onto a cell phone. I had a feeling the other side of the line was Lamia. "Yes, I have her," he informed. "If you'll permit me I will drive up to the castle. Yes, I understand how you feel about vehicles." He hung up the phone. He glanced into the rearview mirror and our eyes met. He looked over his shoulder then at me. "You're finally awake. You're heavier then a sack of potatoes," he grumbled. I could see the town ahead. He turned back to driving us.

"Was that her?" I asked softly.

"Who else would it be, princess?" He asked me. This nickname- princess? Where is he getting it from?

"Aaragorn, listen to me," I urged as I leaned forward from the back seat to get into his ear. "You are falling for a trap! This is a set-up! She'll kill you too!" I urged him. "It's not too late," I begged.

How far are we from the pack? Did they make it here before us? Is my pack dead and now they're just waiting for us to get here?

I looked out at the buildings coming into view. I couldn't tell from the road what's already happened.

"Sit back," he growled as he pushed me away from his ear. I sat back down in the back seat and glanced around. There wasn't any signs of a stuggle near the road.

"Aaragorn, don't you think just for a second... That you're being set up?" I asked him and tried to open one of the doors in the back.

"Child locks," he told me. He was right... Even the windows didn't work. "And, no. I know what I'm doing and I have no dobt in my mind," he told me.

He's going to get us killed!

I didn't know what to do... Arwen was silent and wouldn't speak to me. I couldn't even feel her like I use to. Maybe it was a side effect from loosing someone I'm mated to. The view of the town came closer. I started to see blood on the town's cobblestone. My heart raced as I tried to listen over the rumbling of the car's engine. What could I hear if I wasn't stuck in this thing?

The blood on the walls got thicker as he drove into the town's center.The car suddenly came to a stop as Aaragorn cut the engine. I sat up and looked out better as I heard his heart beat quicken. I gasped when I saw what he stopped for. It was a bloody massecre. There were bodies everywhere. A few faces I recognized as my own pack mates. They died from bullet wounds. Shot up. They didn't even have a chance.

The window in front of me cracked a bit and I could smell them. I almost puked at the smell of it all.

I glanced around, trying not to see their faces... But, I started to recognize them... Isabella, Jordan, Maeve, and Issac. They were in the front lines.... and they had died first.

"Let me out!" I yelled as I tried to open the door. These were my pack mates that left with Blacktail.

"Some of those bodies are my pack mates," Aaragorn told me as he looked out the window.

"I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A SET UP!" I yelled and looked around frantically. Were they watching the vehicle?! We're going to die!

He rolled the window back up and cut the engine back on to the car. He looked at me suddenly. Fear on his face. "I don't know what happened here," he told me. "But, if she did turn on me..." He trailed off as he was started to realize how correct I've been.

Aaragorn gulped as he looked back out at the war zone. "It- it looks like that's not everybody we sent here," he told me. "A few familiar faces I know aren't there."

"They're probably facing severe punishment in Lamia's fun castle!" I yelled. I went to crawl into the front seat. "WE NEED TO GO!" Aaragorn growled and shoved me back.

"I'm not going anywhere and neither are you! We're not cowards," he told me. He looked to be thinking over his options.

"Don't do it," I warned. "Don't keep going up to her-"

"SHUT UP!" He yelled at me and glared me down.

Silence... fell as Aaragorn's panicking heart rate began to settle. He looked back at me before frowning. He got out of the car and opened the side door. He took me by my feet and dragged me out. My head hit the ground hard- and for a second I lost my vision. I glanced around as I saw he had shut the door. He let my feet go and got back into the driver's side and drove off. Spinning the car around to go towards the road out.


He left me here!?

I suddenly heard machine guns go off behind me. I stayed on the ground and covered my head. I heard the car tires get blown out. The car swirved. I looked through a hole between my arms to see the car hit a building. The machine gun still going off until the car suddenly caught on fire- and exploded.

I looked around for Aaragorn. Wondering.... was he in the car? Did he jump out? I couldn't see anything. My heart raced.

We underestimated Lamia.

My eyes watered up as I thought about what to do next. I'm going to die... I'm going to die.

"Are you Vivienne Blair?" I heard a voice ask me. I didn't hear the footsteps coming towards me. I looked up slowly... Recognizing the man almost instantly. He's the man that killed Brendon. I looked his body over. He was in a dark cloak but his body was normal. No metal sticking out like last time.

"Yes," I whispered softly.

"Good. I'm Meynard. You need to come with me," he instructed. "How do you want to do this?" His eyes wondered to my tied up body. "Are you going to try to run if I set your legs free?"

I didn't have to answer that.

He leaned down and picked me up- resting me on his shoulder.

"Are you going to take me to Lamia?" I asked him.

"That's what she wants," he told me.

I glanced around to see the people that had attacked Aaragorn's car. They were now carefully looking around the vehicle for his body. There were at least twelve. He deserved it. He deserved to die in that car explosion. I hope he was in it. I hope he didn't get away. I hope his last thoughts were how he should have listened to my warnings.

NO.... I have to remember he was just like my little brother Cole. So young and innocent... He wasn't old enough to make these kinds of decisions for his pack. He wasn't old enough to take over for a pack as alpha.

No matter what Lamia planted in his head...

He's still innocent.

Lamia is the real person I have to leave to blame.

I couldn't blame Cole from before... and I won't blame Aaragorn. I simply can't.

Unexpectantly, Meynard didn't carry me up to the castle. Instead he took me to a building marked, Inn. He took me inside where a few guards were stationed on the first floor. They let us by as we took an elevator up to the top floor. It opened up to a lavish- apartment style layout. This must be why she doesn't care much about what state the castle is in. I bet she spends more time in this apartment then in the castle.

It opened up to a livingroom where she was looking out a window at the town square. She turned around when Meynard sat me down on a couch. She smiled big.

"Welcome back!~" She said in excitment. "Meynard, you're excused to leave," she said quickly and waved him off. He walked out as orderd. Lamia's face dropped to little to no expression as she looked me over. "I've waited for this moment for a long time. Why did you keep me waiting?"

"Because you're a crazy bitch trying to kill me!" I shouted as soon as Meynard was out of the room.

It's just me and her now.

I know she's going to kill me...

I don't know how I'm going to get out of this now.

"What happened?" I asked softly. "To my pack when they got here?" I balled up my fist. "I know you didn't kill all of them."

"I didn't get a chance to," she grumbled as she sat down in a chair across from me. She crossed her legs as she eyed me down. "Some of your pack mates got away and I'm currently trying to find them." They got away? Good. Maybe they'll live. "But, you want to know what happened when they got here, don't you?" She asked me. I nodded slightly. Of course I want to know what went down. Was I right? "The shock on faces of the Blacktail Growler pack was priceless when my men started to shoot and kill both your pack and them. But they ended up ganging up together and the ones that are alive are somewhere out there," she said as she looked towards the window. "I'm going to make sure they'll die... I promise you that. I'm not sure where they went but they are out there."