
The Scared Beauty and Her Determined Beasts

Being an 18-year-old Alchemist hunted down for the last Ten Years and was left for dead, Scarlet learns that the ones Responsible for the Massacre of her Entire Family were here. As she starts to discover that the true mastermind behind the massacre is here as well. On her travels she gets the help of a Black Tiger; a Pail Cream Cobra; a Green Tarantula Doctor, and a Dragon. Scarlet knows that she needs to become Stronger; but they ways to getting the strength that she will need was not something that any training had prepared her for.

Dianna_Maxwell_3125 · Kỳ huyễn
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218 Chs

Ch. 166


 The next Day Scarlet woke up and didn't know what to do because she felt like something was missing. Looking around she seen that there was in fact someone missing. Alex and Nick still had her all wrapped up in their limbs and all she could do was move her head to look around.

 Doctor Sebastian had Soft Spot in his lap and Parker was with Fuzzball and they were just enjoying the sight of Scarlet all tangled up. She looked at them and asked, "What is so funny?"

 They started laughing and Parker pointed at her body and that was when she looked down. There were few parts of her body that could be seen, and her limbs were all scattered. It looked like it would have been uncomfortable but surprisingly she felt that this strange position couldn't be more comfortable.

 Gently wiggling each part of her body to see where it was, it was then that all of them realized that the limbs that they thought was One side ended up being another. She couldn't believe how much of a pretzel she was. Yet she wasn't uncomfortable in any way.

 Giggling to herself she found that someone was missing, and her smile disappeared. With a concerned look she looked at Doctor Sebastian again and said in a sad voice., "Where is Kitty?"

It was then that everyone's faces changed from a happy peaceful One to an impassive One. Turning his head towards the Rest Area Doctor Sebastian said "He has been training all Night and most of the Morning. We can't remove the walls that he put up and hasn't responded to us when we try to get through to him. We are unsure if he can hear us or not."

 Alex said in a groggy voice, "My Love. I don't feel like I have any strength."

 It was then that Scarlet used her Energy and made Travis' body appear in front of them. he was cross legged and was sitting in a Yoga Meditation Position. He was sitting in the same position that they used when they practiced.

 His face was covered in sweat, and he was breathing hard. Scarlet said "Kitty! You need to stop and relax. You can't Practice like that for so long. If you do you will do more harm, then good."

 It was then that Travis finally gave up on practicing for now and let go. As he Finally let go his body fell to the ground in a big heap. He was completely exhausted, and it was understandable why.

 Nick moaned next to Scarlet and her head whipped over to him. It turns out that Nick was having Power pulled from him as well. 

 Trying to lift her head she said "Hey, guys let go. I need to get up."

 Alex and Nick couldn't move their bodies, however. They were completely limp, and Scarlet ended up saying, "Hey, Web Head Get up off your butt and quit staring. Can't you see that I need help here."

 Laughing and not wanting to let her up because of how cute she looked, he decided to walk over towards Travis instead and said, "Hold on let me check on Travis First."

After making it over to him he kneeled down and checked on Travis. When he Finished the exam, he lifted Travis up with the help of Two extra limbs and said "He is fine Physically, but I feel like they are all just exhausted. I think that he had been practicing since last Night."

Scarlet's eyes widened and she tried to get to Travis. She said, "At least let me have his hand so that I can connect with him!"

Parker walked back in at that time and had Fuzzball and Soft Spot right on his heels. After he made it to the bed he said, "Hey Mommy before you do that, how about you take a quick bite."

Scarlet looked over at him and her eyes teared up. Parker thought that he messed up then because he quickly said, "I'm so sorry Mommy! I didn't mean to upset you! I…"

Scarlet just shook her head and said "You didn't upset me Sweet Baby. I'm just happy that you have made some food for me."

With a smile he said excitedly, "Of course Mommy. I will do anything to make sure that my Mommy is happy and healthy!"

Scarlet couldn't hold her tears back anymore and she began to cry wildly, and Parker tried to feed her to get her to calm down. As the food contacted her taste buds, she began to process the taste of the food that Parker made.

 It was an interesting taste to say the least. A basic meal but the taste and flavors that he combined gave it a unique favor. After she finished the bite she said, "That is unique Sweety. What did you do?"

 Parker smiled and said "Well Mommy I did…"

As Parker went on explaining how he made the meal Doctor Sebastian and Scarlet learned and it was interesting how he made it work. It turned out that he mixed up the seasonings that he had seen Nick use before and rectified the mistake by adding an ingredient that none of them would have thought of.

It was like adding sugar to a meal instead of salt and adding something extra salty with another flavor in order to balance the taste.

It was brilliant and Scarlet couldn't be happier that not only was the food saved but also her Sweet baby was so clever now. Since he was a slave not too long ago, he has come a long way with his confidence and has learned a great deal from all of her Males.