
The Satisfaction Of The Psychopath Immortal

~Synopsis~ =1st volume= Evan Thoene. A kind and loving child for his parents. A good person for his friends. A good lover for his girlfriend. And a psychopath. =2nd volume= Evan Thoene was given a chance to be whatever and whoever he wants. He wants to live a long life to fulfill his satisfaction so he made himself immortal. He wants to able to live freely so he added shape shifting. And to avoid being trapped or sealed he also choose teleportation. Now more powerful than ever, how will evan live his life? ///// English is not my first language so expect the worst you can do. This is my first original novel so please go easy on me. Warning: Some chapter may trigger you so consider yourself warned. Tips: Read the tags so you'll know what you're getting into. Disclaimer: This novel is pure fantasy so the logic here is vastly different from ours. Tags: Reincarnation, Action, Gore, Villain, Evil, Netori, Incest, Yandere, R-18, Harem, Killer, Multiple Reincarnated Characters, Possessive Characters, Immortal Characters, Psychopath, Twisted Romance, Super Natural, Vampire, Werewolf, Super Powers, Magic. P.S. I don't know if a twisted romance tag exist, but i will write that there. So don't expect an ordinary romance in this novel.

Crazeeee3 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Evan Thoene

Evan was a curious kid.

Ever since he's young he'll always ask his parents anything that catches his attention.

When he reach seven years of age, a voice started to talk to him.

At first he's scared of the voice because he's the only person who hears it.

His parents and friends doesn't hear it so he came to a conclusion that it's all in his mind.

But that scared him more because as far as he knows only crazy people hear voices inside their head.

And he doesn't want to be one of them.

However as time passed the fear that evan felt changed into curiosity.

And so he began to talk to the voice.

At first he would ask questions like.

"Who are you?"

"What are you doing in my head?"

"Are you a bad guy?"

"Am i crazy?"

And the voice would answer like this.

[Me? I'm you of course who else would i be?]

[We're the same person so of course i'm in your head.]

[Bad guy? No no i'm a good guy, just like you.]

[Crazy? If you're crazy then me too.]

Every time evan ask a question he will just became more confused.

So he just let it be.

However years after years he got used to his other self's company.

It now didn't bother him much like when he first "meet" it.

And because of that he was able to return to his normal daily life.

He is loved by his parents even though he doesn't understand it much.

So he would just copy what other children do to their parents to show his love.

He would watch videos to learn what to do in different scenarios.

Of course his parents doesn't know that, or else they might bring him to a hospital.

He was also able to create friends with the help of his "study" as well as his other self.

He is now 13 years old, he is currently playing with his dog.

He would run and his dog would follow him.

The dog is a german shepherd and it's name is Sparky.

Sparky has been with him since he's four.

As they run, evan and sparky reach the forest part of the city.

The city evan lived in was isolated from the big cities, and so it's more of an rural city.

Because of this the city were surrounded by forest.

As evan and his dog walked deep into the forest, evan heard a noise.

He looked toward the noise and walk into it.

When he reached the place where the noise come from, he saw something that instantly catched his attention.

A man wearing black jacket and pants as well as a mask were throwing limbs of a human into a pit.

The pit is a deep one and seemingly were just made.

It is deep enough to bury two standing adult on each other.

Evan wanted to watch what the man were doing however his dog didn't let him, as sparky started to bark.

*Arf* *Arf* *Arf* *Arf*

The man flinch hearing a dog's bark and he began to search where it's coming from.

Evan and sparky were hidden behind the trees and plants so they still have time before the man find them.

Evan frowned at his dog, as he hold it's mouth.

Sparky started trembling while whining as evan hold him down.

Then he heard his other self inside his head.

[Shut your dog up or you're going to be killed.]


[Because you saw something that the man wanted to hide.]

'What should i do then?'

[Just kill him.]


[Kill him, that stick on your right is sharp enough to kill him, so stab him with it.]

'But he's my dog.'

[No, i don't mean sparky, kill the man.]

'Alright that's more doable.'

Evan picked up the stick and prepared himself.

The stick is 5 centimeter in width and 15 mm in length.

Sparky was a trained dog so when evan commanded for him to stay and be quiet, he obeyed.

As the man continue to search towards them, evan tighten his grip on the stick.

When the man reached evan's range, evan dashed towards him.

Evan look at the eyes of the man as he pointed the stick to his abdomen.

The man was shocked to see a kid running towards him.

He saw the kid looking at his eyes and because of that he didn't notice the stick on the kid's hands.

He only noticed it when he felt the pain within his abdomen.

He touches the painful part of his body as he looked down.

Then as he looked at his blooded hands, evan pulled the stick out of his abdomen and thrust it into his shoulder.

Evan is taller than most kids at his age, that's why as of now he's 5'6.

So it's easy for him to aim at the man in front of him who's only a bit taller than him, around 5'8.

Evan pulled the stick once again and kicked the man's treasure.


Although the man endured being stabbed, a man's treasure pain isn't bearable.

Unable to endure it anymore the man fall to the ground and hold his injuries.

Evan watched the man scream in pain as blood flow out of his injuries.

Evan tilted his head to the side and asked his other self.

'Why didn't he screamed when i stabbed him?

Is my kick stronger than being stab?'

[No it's because the spot you kicked is more more sensitive than other parts of a male's body.

So even if a man has a high endurance on every part of his body, that part will remained sensitive.]

'Hmm... I see... So i just need to aim for that part for him to scream more?'


At his other self's confirmation, evan smiled wickedly.

Evan kick the man's injured shoulder and pressed it down to fix the man's position.

Now the man is laying his back on the ground, evan stab his other shoulder just to be safe.

Then after that he aimed the stick at the man's treasure.

The man seeing the kid's action began to panic.

He couldn't stop the kid as both of his shoulder were stabbed, crippling him.

So all he can do is talk to the kid.

"Wa-wa-wait kid what ar-are you doing?!"

Evan paused his action and tilted his head and asked.

"What do you think?"

The man paled at what the kid said as he shivers.

So instead of answering the kid, he plead to the kid.

"Ple-please let me go!

I won't tell anybody about what happened here!

I-i-i have a family, my wife's waiting for me at home with my daughter, you see?!"

Evan thought for a moment about what the man said but then his other self inform him.

[Don't listen to him, look he doesn't have a ring on his left hand.]

'Yeah you're right.'

After looking at the man's left hand.

Evan stared at the man's eyes for a few seconds then evan said.

"Don't worry, i will take care of your family too."

And then he stabbed the stick straight into the man's sword.


The man scream once again however because of how deep they are in the forest no one heard him.

After pulling the stick evan study the man's condition.

The man is already crying but because he's wearing a mask his tears were only absorb by it.

The blood of the man spread everywhere.

Even on evan's face and clothes.

After watching the man crying his misery for a while evan aimed the stick at the man's head and throw it.

The stick thrust exactly at the man's middle forehead.

"Killing is boring."

That's the first sentence evan said as he looked at the dead body in front of him.

Then his other self spoke.

[Yeah, I agree simple killing is so vanilla.

You need to add some flavor to it if you want to enjoy killing.]

Evan only nodded as a reply.

"Ughhh my clothes."

Evan complained as he look at his clothes that's covered in blood.

And when he tried to remove it his other self suggested.

[Wait, you need to bury the body first before you remove your clothes.]

"Ughh okay."

He said as he began to inspect the man's clothes if he have anything evan would need.

Evan found a pair of gloves and lighter as well as candies on the man's pocket.

"Sparky come here!"

Evan said as he remembered his dog.

Sparky run to evan after hearing his call.

Evan crunch down and then patted sparky as he apologize to him.

"I'm sorry about earlier sparky."

*Woof* *Woof*

Sparky bark as his tail dance back and forth on his back.

Although evan can't really understand why he needed to apologize whenever he does something "wrong" he at the very least knew when he needed to do so.

It is all thanks to the videos he watch as he grew up.

If not for that evan would have a hard time growing.

Evan started to clean his "mess" and drag the dead body to the pit.

He then kicked it towards the deep hole, as he can't lift the body.

Then he picked up a shovel that the man brought and closed the pit.

When the pit is only 3/4 of how deep it is evan stopped.

He looks at his dog and thought.

'Do i really need to kill sparky?'

As far as evan know it's easier to hide dead bodies if one bury a dead animal on top of it.

So he's thinking of doing it.

[No, don't kill sparky he's our dog.]

'But you said earlier that he's my dog.'

[Hah? When did i say that?

Anyway just close the pit and don't worry about it anymore.

Also it's getting late you better hurry or else our parents will start looking for you.]

'Fine fine.'

And so evan fully close the pit with the soil.

After that evan went to a river and wash his whole body.

He already removed his clothes and burned it.

After covering the remain of the clothes, evan washed the shovel and throw it on a cliff.

Evan returned home almost naked, he only have his underwear as a clothe.

Thankfully their house is close to the forest so evan have a secret path going home.

Using it no one saw him returning home, naked and wet.

He entered their house and took a shower then he went to his room to sleep.

And that's how evan have his first kill.