
The Saint, the Scientist, and the Demon

The world of Laticia has never been in more chaos. A decade ago, three people with incredible gifts had arrived from another world. They quickly became heroes and founded the paramilitary organization known as White Dawn. However, one of the three grew disillusioned. He decided to leave the organization. While White Dawn weathered through in his absence, the cracks have started to show. His clique that had decided not to leave with him, who at this point are all high-ranked veterans within White Dawn, have started to dig their heels in. The old world order will come crashing down. Will the members of that order survive?

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22 Chs

Chapter 11: The Black Fortress

[Fortress of Death, Duchy of Grahm, Dalycon Union of Duchies]

(31th, Black Sea Moon (VII), 644 ASY)

"When you guys decided to come to this fortress, did you know that THAT was going to be there!" Tyson hisses at Daniel. Daniel, Tyson, Angelica, and Ashe were scouting out the area in front of them, and then they saw it. In the plains before them, lies a massive fortress. Reminiscent of the walls of ancient Antioch, the massive stone and steel structure rises thirty meters into the air, blocking any scaler from climbing it. Even if one manages to get a ladder to the top, the slightest touch of wind will send anyone on it tumbling to their deaths. The ominous grey walls exude an aura of death and despair, while the sheer size of the construct will make even the most determined army turn back. But the attention of four people currently staring in that direction is not on the magnificent feat of engineering, but rather the even greater feat of thaumaturgy towering over it. A magnificent beast with abyssal-black skin towers forty meters from the ground, its tail being at least ninety meters from its head. It is covered in spikes in a multitude of sizes. Unlike a porcupine, however, the spikes are not thin and long, but rather short and thick. More horrifyingly, the entire body is covered in crimson eyes the size of a small sedan. While this already horrifying sight is what Tyson, Ashe, Lucya, and Moricant see. The sight that Daniel and Angelica remember when they see the beast could make anyone who is weak-willed freeze with fear. A massive black abomination, though while the same shape, stands over four hundred meters tall and a kilometer long, its entire body filled with eyes that stare into your soul. Just remembering that sight makes Daniel shiver.

"Look, the last time I was here it was only Alucard that was here, and not Argus," Daniel hisses back in a low voice.

"Wait, why is everyone speaking in whispers?" Moricant innocently asked. A low groan echos throughout the valley. The scratch of claws against stone followed next. The rush of wind filled their ears afterward. While still being immensely dense, Moricant isn't so dense as to not know what danger feels like. He shut up as the beast stirred. After what felt like hours but to Daniel, who was counting, was really seven minutes, the beast went back into its slumber.

"Angelica, please shut him up if he tries to talk again," Daniel hisses.

"Will do!" Angelica replies.

"We need to talk about your sense of difficultly! The last time we faced off against Alucard it resulted in me falling off of a mountain, Tyson stuck in a wall, Moricant losing all of his limbs, and you having to get stitches," Ashe asks.

"Really? I don't remember that battle being that bad. All I remember was beating Alucard without much issue," Daniel responded.

"Really? You really forgot the amount of hurt that Alucard dished out?" Ashe asks skeptically.

"Yes really. All remember is that he was a really strong opponent," Daniel shakes his head.

"You were hospitalized for four months! He threw you down from the top of Arlingham Walls," Tyson hisses. "If anything, the fact that that you don't remember the insane beatdown that you suffered from Alucard is worrying."

"Really? Well then, I will say this again. Everything is relative. If Alucard is ten, the Argus is four hundred thousand. The trouble that we had with Alucard will pale in comparison when compared to the monster that is Argus," Daniel snorts.

"That's an interesting way to dismiss your own efforts," Ashe mutters.

"I still think that Daniel has a point, even though he might have trouble expressing it. Argus will be practically impossible to defeat without special preparations," Angelica sighs.

"Define 'special preparations'..." Ashe shakes her head.

"We need to sap its power," Daniel responds.

"How exactly do we do that?" Ashe responds.

"The exact principles are a bit complicated, but Argus feeds off of unholy thoughts. If we are able to flood it with holy ones, then we should get him to weaken or even shrink. I doubt we can remove any titles from him, though," Daniel explains.

"So how do we flood him with holy thoughts?" Tyson asks.

"Remember that sword that we left with the Branbenburg Elves?" Daniel turns his head, waiting. After a moment of silence, Ashe and Tyson nod. Lucya and Moricant still stare. Angelica looks at them with a sad smile.

"The Sword of Innate Horrors… Is it really necessary to use that weapon to defeat this monster? Surely the cure can't be worse than the poison?" Ashe asks.

"Believe me, the poison is much worse that the cure. A good portion of the population can control the Sword of Innate Horrors. I don't think a man can control that thing other there," Daniel gestures towards the black mass of Argus.

"Still, how does the Sword of Innate Horrors help us?" Moricant asks.

"You know how it can send thoughts to anyone it wishes?" Ashe responds. Moricant nods.

"Now, what happens if those thoughts were good thoughts?" Ashe continues. Moricant has a moment of realization and then nods vigorously. He remembers that endless onslaught of horrific thoughts that he faced the time when faced its previous owner.

"So, we go to mountains of Brabenburg?" Lucya asks.

"Indeed, though you might want to prep a teleportation spell, Angelica," Daniel snorts.

"Why? Are we going to waste a use of the scroll to get there? They are expensive, you know!" Angelica protests.

"I'm not sure the cost can cover your life," Daniel sighs as he points up. "How are you, |Father of all Beasts|?" Above their little outcrop of rock, they were hiding behind, a lone figure stood, silhouetted by the massive sleeping mass that is Argus. He has crimson eyes and white hair, his pale white skin contrasting with his backdrop. He looks very young, maybe twelve at best.

"I'm very surprised you noticed my presence, |Grand Alchemist|," An unnaturally deep and guttural voice leaves the person's mouth. Shocked at this sudden arrival of another person, everyone but Daniel and Tyson scramble to fight.

"Don't bother," Tyson says in a low whisper.

"Please, don't use that title. It is quite old and unnecessarily flattering. Daniel Zao, at your service," Daniel says with a polite bow.

"How did you see me approaching?" Argus asks.

"[Alchemist's Eyes]. Quite useful," Daniel smirks.

"I see. There will come a time where it will not be so useful,"

"Angelica, now?" Daniel hisses. A bright flash of light blinds Argus for barely a millisecond. But a millisecond is all Daniel needs to erect a barrier. A "kshee" sound echos as Angelica teleports Ashe, Moricant, Lucya, and herself away. However-

"[Soul Lock] is annoying, isn't it," Tyson mutters to Daniel. Due to Argus' spell, the two of them aren't affected by the teleportation spell.

"Quite. Come on, we don't want the girls to wait on us," Daniel responds as Argus breaks through the earthen barrier that Daniel erected.

"What, is Moricant a girl now?" Tyson chuckles.

"He certainly acts like one," Daniel smirks. The two men ready themselves against the monster that is Argus.

"Oho? You two entend to fight?" he asks.

"Not so much as fight as to make a quick escape under the cover of a fight," Tyson shrugs.

"Then a fight you shall get," Argus's eyes glow with an eerie glow.

Sorry, there's less than normal. School started...

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