
The Saga of Fire

House Targaryen was once endowed with visions, but only this? The members of this house after death will have to serve their patron and master for the gifts that were presented to them. This time he got into the clutches of Jon Snow who was sent to a world beyond the influence of the Lord.

GoldWeyn · Ti vi
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7 Chs

Jon Snow I

The feelings after death came too quickly. It's strange that they were at all. The body seemed to be dragged away by a stormy stream of water into the depths of our world. It is impossible to open my eyes, they are heavy as if filled with lead. Neither my legs nor my arms responded to commands, only my senses and mind were still subject to me. The cold that I felt was abruptly replaced by an unbearable heat and in a moment everything disappeared.

A man appeared in the rotunda in fire and ashes, dark flowing curls of hair hidden in the black fur of a warm cloak. Purple eyes reflected inner misunderstanding, loss, and eventually a slight awareness.

John looked around sharply and exhaled. He found himself in a strange cave shrouded in a mystical aura, it felt like hairs on his skin. His sword, given to him by Lord Commander Mormont, rested on his left hip.

The former Lord Commander reminded himself, as did he. "So there is life after death," the bastard thought and headed forward. He did not expect that he would have to answer for his actions so soon, but fate and the gods had a different opinion.

He was met by a field with tall grass that reached him to the hilt of a sword, among this grass creatures with the emaciated appearance of either dogs or large rats flashed. Deciding not to touch them and not to attract the attention of anyone, John quietly walked on.

A tree house appeared behind the suspension bridge. "Unusual." Passing over a flimsy wooden bridge, John noticed a shiny trinket in the middle of it. "What could it be?" Unfortunately, it was seemingly difficult to get it. Therefore, moving to the door, he decided that when he got a ladder, then he would return here.

On the other side of the door could be heard rustling and quiet conversation or even mumbling. John was greeted by three old ladies in red robes and one maid, who was now serving them cups with an incomprehensible drink.

— Cough-cough-cough… Who is that there? Oh, gods ! – one of them exclaimed playfully, — Your soul is the soul of the damned.

Her statement shocked John. "The soul of the damned? So that's the penalty for breaking oaths."

"You're undead. Decided to come back and play? You've been through this before... haven't you? Everyone like you ends up here. "Is this my end? Means… so it is"

"You don't know anything yet, do you?" Khe-khe-khe... here is your true end.

"My true end?" – John spoke in a hoarse voice, — What does this mean? fear enveloped him.

— You will become Hollow. Yes, you will become one of them. – Snow did not interrupt the old woman, only listened attentively, — The Hollow ones hunt people and devour their souls with pleasure. This is their fate. Cough-cough-cough…

"Devour... souls?" – nausea came to my throat, — And this is my way? My destiny and curse?

— What's your name? Instead of answering, one of the three old women asked.

The former Lord Commander thought about it. My name? My name is... name…

— D-John. Jon Snow.

"Well, at least you know your name. But your memory is already flowing out of your soul. the old woman shook her head. — Here's your reward. It's a human figurine. Take a closer look. Who do you think it is? Remember your past well. Yes, it's a figure of yourself.

Taking the unusual object in his hand, John looked thoughtfully. A seemingly ordinary drop-shaped figure with a round head and a vortex on the main body of a mesh texture plunged consciousness deeper into the pool of memory. His family, father, brothers and sisters, Ygritte, Tormund, Sam–all of them flashed before him.

— All people come here for the same reason. They all want to overcome the curse. – they explained.

— I think you're different from them, right? But only now…

— Well, we don't know anything in advance. Beyond that door lies your path. Go, chosen by the flame and choose your path.

— Always remember: souls need to be protected! Only thanks to them you will not become Hollow.

The flow of words was not interrupted, they seemed to repeat these memorized phrases many times, without giving time for a comment or a question.

"Since the old women don't answer, their maid can help with this." Snow's thoughts were correct.

Milibet shared, albeit meager, but knowledge about the world, about the place where it is now.

"This place is the Everlost. It is difficult to describe it in words, but this world seems to be in many streams of time and for everyone who comes here, it is the only real one.

Dranglik – where John needs to go or where all the Hollow Ones who are looking for deliverance from the curse need to go.

The chosen one of the flame, Hollow, Dranglik, Souls – questions to which Milibet did not know the answers or could not share. Being a bastard, John had to be much more observant and it was not difficult to notice the shifty glance of the maid, the disapproving glances of the Keepers.

What was behind the door no longer caused John surprise, only curiosity. A twisted sword stuck in the ashes consisting of bones, from under the piles of which lights danced.

The bonfire, as the locals called it, drew the Hollow Ones to itself. Milibet said that the undead rise from these fires. "Death has left these lands" - this phrase Jon Snow had yet to realize.

Traveling through the trunks of trees, in the trees themselves and along stone paths, fighting with creatures similar to the dead that Others had summoned, reminded him too clearly that he was dead, he was the same as them.

Let him not feel it yet.

The thin gorge was long enough for John to lose track of time, it was already difficult to determine, even impossible, and now the faint feeling has disappeared.

Undaunted, the former Lord Commander walked on until he saw the bright rays of the sun around the next turn.

He saw ruins on a cliff, a couple of houses and a celestial body that hovered over the sea surface. This place had a calm aura, there was no place of serenity like in the Everlost, no, a faint trace of despair and degradation, along with broken destinies.

Descending, John involuntarily had an association with the Night Watch.

The square, or what used to be called that, now looked like a wasteland. Three houses dented by time around a hole in the ground, a dilapidated shack near the stele, a bonfire and a lady in a green cloak by a withered tree.

Instinctively, John approached her. Has Snow noticed for a short time that he now sees or feels a strange energy? Power? Aura?

So, this woman had an ancient aura, no, there were two or more of them. He had not yet figured out how to do this, but from the gray aura there was something eternal, unshakable and noble, the light yellow aura was more mobile, tried not to touch the neighboring one, and the white aura in the interval of the first two was a fusion.

Three auras emanated from one being. Maybe this is normal, and maybe not.

John is not an expert on auras, so he discarded his thoughts later and rushed to the figure.

For the second time, it was not John himself who started the conversation first, but the opposite side.

"Are you... the new king?" Or... just a pawn of fate? – a female voice greeted the traveler.

— Aren't we all wards of fate? John asked bluntly.

- no. In these lands, fate can be deceived, it can be changed. And for this the Damned… I'll stay by your side. As long as the fragile hope does not melt ... - taking out a sparkling golden bottle from her bag, she stretched out her hand to John, — Take this so that your path becomes easier. Go and find the king. The one who turned the Dranglik into what we see. The one who saw the essence of the soul. King Wendrik.

—King Wendrik?" Why should I look for him?- coming a little closer, John was not happy with what he heard.

— The one who looked into the essence of the soul itself. He can give you answers. – she answered calmly

— Who are you? And what does it mean to deceive fate?

— the Emerald Messenger. Cursed... seek souls. Huge, powerful souls. Find the king, this is the only chance to cheat fate. And even then, this land will swallow you up, like many before you. – the answers that followed the questions did not simplify John's life.

— Where to look for these souls? What to do with them? And where is Dranglik?

— Suffering will lead you to other, stronger souls. Look for those whose names are unspeakable, those who belong to the four strongest souls. Their souls will serve as beacons. When you find them, come back to me. Let hope not fade away. Finally turning to face the dark warrior, "Your soul is fragile and weak, you will never meet the king or the four strongest possessors. Devour those who have lost hope, those who refused to accept the earth and walk around the world carrying a curse. Climbing the hill and passing through the forest, you will see the royal castle. Where a person has looked right into the essence of the soul. But what came out of it..." and the Emerald Messenger fell silent, not wanting to say more.

The golden flask that John was waving attracted the girl's attention and, as if forgetting about her, she suddenly spoke when the warrior was about to leave.

— If you find a Fragment of the Flask with Estus, bring it to me. With his help, I can ease your burden. – John hesitated, but did not continue the dialogue.

A big man was sitting by the shack. A bald head, a black beard with patches of gray hair made it possible to learn about old age.

The blacksmith's apron is difficult to confuse, as is the hammer in his hand.

— Are you closed? Or are you just planning to open? John asked with a slight smile.

— Hmm... hollow, who are you? Okay, it doesn't matter. Bring me the key and I'll open it. I am a blacksmith, and without tools I am like without hands. – "M-yes..."

There were still three houses left, but he didn't want to talk anymore.

Remembering the words of the Emerald Messenger, John decided to go where the sobbing girl directed him.

The fiery red color reminded of the dearest events in the Free People.

Closing his eyes, he had to get rid of the memories, bury them deeper and finally understand what was going on.

To the right of the crevice from which he came out, there is an entrance to the cave. Inside the ruins of the tower, probably.

And how did she end up there?

At the other end of the newly begun forest, a statue stood at a sturdy wooden gate holding on to a lever.

"Nothing can be that simple. It's not for nothing that there are so many paths" - the eyebrow that was dissected a long time ago was raised.

After examining the statue of the girl, John came to the conclusion that it was too detailed and sensual. It was as if someone had put a man in stone.

Goosebumps crawled over my skin. To capture a man in stone... is a perverse torture and a terrible joke.

John had to return to Majula and go the other way. There were four of them. One of them led to a dead end to a monument with an incomprehensible language.

Continue using the poke method or ask someone. The knight sitting at the stele did not look encouraging, but better than that blacksmith.

— Good... - and then John realized that he didn't know if it was sunset or dawn, - Ahem! May I speak to you, Sire?

The knight raised his head with a self-deprecating smile.

— Sire? I'm a Soldier. I've lost everything, and now I'm here. A knighthood... it's not important, not in these times.

"...can you help me?" – noticing that Solden was listening, John continued, — The Emerald Messenger said to go over there, but there's a statue there that I can't pass through. – recognition and nostalgia flashed in blue eyes, — I chose another path, but there is a dead end...

— And in order not to loiter back and forth, you decided to come for advice. Solden seemed to read John's mind.

- yes. – he answered honestly.

"Your path lies in the Forest of Fallen Giants, but let me tell you about this place. There used to be a majestic fortress there, but almost nothing remains of it. There you can find something that will be useful to you on your journey. But don't go too far, otherwise you risk not coming back..." Solden's sad, hopeless voice was swallowed up by the noise of nature.

- thanks. Is there anything I can do for you? Putting his hand on the sword, John offered a return favor.

— Nobility. You're an Undead... right? You smell like that. You smell irreversible. Leave it for those who might need it. For those who are weak and cannot follow the chosen path. They are pathetic and helpless ... - John's hand on the hilt tensed, — That is why there is a faith of the Blue Guards. They come like pilgrims come to the rescue, do you want to become one of them?

— I have made too many vows in my life. Spoken and unspoken. John said softly, his violet eyes unfocused.

Solden took a closer look.

"There is no need for oaths. We... the Blue Guards help those who need help. Facing difficulties alone is much more dangerous. Then go your own way, but remember: there is nothing here. Not for you, not for me, not for anyone…

Following the indicated path, John entered a wide tunnel and saw a chest. Iron, unadorned and heavy.

Inside were weapons and pieces of pale blue stone or metal. Because of the bright, sometimes even dazzling radiation, it is difficult to determine the true nature of this object.

A long straight sword is ordinary in appearance, except that the blade had an azure texture and a soft glow.

To take or not to take? That's the question.

John thought, thought for a long time.

After closing the chest, the black-haired man turned around and left. Who knows whose it is and who will need it.

Weapons are already available, but about unknown material… It didn't bother him at the moment.

Behind the same wooden gate there is a cave with a river, and then…

Nature and the forest ruled over the world. The deep foliage on the trees captivated the rays of the bright sun. Moss covered the trees from the roots to the upper crowns. Fortunately, only the grass peeked out only in rare places.

Raising his head, John stood up like a pillar. The sun is too bright. It seems to have risen recently and is nearing its zenith.

"How?! What the hell?!"

The realization gradually came to the man's mind. This is far from the afterlife. Although it may seem that way.

"So I'm... what?! Again and again! In what way?" his legs began to fail, his body tilted and only grabbing the trunk of a tree in time, John did not fall.

Thoughts like a herd of horses slipped by trampling in Snow's mind.

"Death at the hands of traitors, Horn, Others... no, not that... the royal family? A weirwood tree? No, it's not that! There must be something else... something that connected me to these lands. Everlost… Everlost…

Flames, and flames. There must be a connection. Everlost, chosen by the flame, the kingdom... damn! Heck!!! Heck!!!

The crown!!! How could I forget about her!!! That steel burned me, but how was I drawn into this world?"

At this moment, Jon Snow set himself a goal to find out how he was transported and what kind of crown it was. Now going to see Wendrick... John took it more seriously.

Encouraged by emotions, the man walked and walked until he heard the loud footsteps of something or someone large and heavy. Deciding that it was not worth the risk, John passed by unnoticed by the creature. And so several times.

Here and there there were broken helmets, corpses crushed together with armor.

"Now it's clear why I didn't meet anyone..."

The mood darkened.

Suddenly John noticed a barely breathing carcass in front of him. There was a rusty broken sword in his hand, the body was rotting before his eyes, but no insects were visible to the eye. Approaching, John quietly pulled out his one-and-a-half Valyrian steel sword.

Hollow didn't notice him until the last. His teeth chattered against each other in a dull monologue, hoarse sounds slipped out of a leaky throat.

Abruptly rising, which in Snow's opinion was unrealistic, he rushed in his direction. Literally three steps and if John hadn't been so prepared, he probably would have missed the blow.

A wave of the sword and the soldier forever locked between life and death fell. Fell to rise again.

From the dead man to John stretched a white sphere enveloped in small flashes of flame.

"Soul..." watching someone's life being absorbed by him, he felt uneasy.

There were more and more soldiers, although they could not do much. They acted in a disparate and far from logical way. An archer could approach, a spearman could run away and look from afar, those who had a dagger did not try to throw it or approach, but waved randomly in front of them, as if they were afraid of John.

They eked out a miserable existence. Their instinct mixed with military training in the very subcortex of the brain causing such an effect. Only a couple of them actually tried to kill him.

The shallow river that flowed by the side of the path allowed him to cross it. There was a bonfire on the other side.

It was unusual for a former brother of the Night's Watch not to feel hungry or tired. A certain thought crept into his head, causing his spine to tremble with horror.

A woman about the age of Caitlin Stark was sitting by the fire, this woman no longer caused Snow any emotions.

—Are you... okay?" – She began tensely, — Ugh... I didn't expect to see a traveler like you in these places.

— My name is Jon Snow. I'm going to the fortress for..." and then it dawned on him that he didn't know why he was going there, "Damn Solden!

—Ha, ha, ha! I am Kroana, a craftsman who repairs bags and belts. – holding out her hand, Croana introduced herself, — The dejected Solden likes to give direction to new Hollow Ones, but does not say what to look for. Yes... Majul is full of unusual personalities.

— What are you doing here? Are you going to the fortress too? John asked, sitting down so that he could see the place from where he came.

The fire was hidden in a small lower in the rock, there is one entrance and exit here.

—Mmm... not really. Did I come here for the materials? Yes, for the materials! And when I wanted to go back, the gate was locked. – for a moment, Kroana seemed to forget why she came here.

— Well, you can come back now. So that place is called Majula.

—Did you... did you open this passage?" So... well, now I can go back to Majula?! – the eyes of the woman with brown hair lit up, — You ... helped me a lot! I may not be able to give you my goods for free, but I will make a big discount.

— I don't have any money. – he confessed.

— Money?... A-a-a! No, no! They sell souls here! Show me how much you have!

— How? – the question put Kroana in a dead end. The woman plunged into herself.

— Hold out your hand in front of you. Imagine that you have someone's fate, life, family in your hand and all this is in flames.

John was shocked by the words of a new acquaintance, but after a moment's hesitation followed her instructions.

— Hurrah! Here, you did it the first time! You're a great student! And you have enough souls to buy a belt and even a bag! Hold.

The cluster of souls had shrunk by three-fourths of its original state, but now there was a belt and a small bag in front of it.

Having equipped himself, John decided to ask what kind of fortress it was. History can present interesting facts and tell some information about the character of the king by his deeds.

— This is not a fortress, but a fort. It was used as the first line of defense of the royal castle from the enemy. They came from the sea. – well... I didn't have to count on anything extremely serious.

— By the way, do you know who left things in that chest at the entrance of Majula? John asked suddenly.

— Hmm? Ah, I get what you mean. In general, listen. This may seem strange and even inexplicable. In some chests there are things left by someone unknown by whom and at some unknown time. You can safely take your belongings! – it seemed that the smile of this woman never goes away.

And John would have thought so if he hadn't seen her when he came in. The despair and hopelessness of fate in her eyes were too bright to forget them so easily.

People in these lands are seriously crippled. It is unlikely that their wounds and injuries will ever heal, and they themselves will forget about them.

John would have to return to Majula anyway, so it was decided to pick up the weapon and that metal later. As Croana hinted, the chance that someone will take them away is too small.

Snow didn't trust the woman, but listening was helpful.

Then the tower was waiting for him, where there were many soldiers, although they were all in an inactive state, as if in a trance or a dream.

Deciding that it was more expensive to draw attention to himself, he again quietly and peacefully left.

In the narrow corridors of the stone fort, an inevitable meeting with soldiers and guards awaited him. If the former were an unpleasant addition, then the latter are much more dangerous opponents.

Let it be rusty, falling off in places, but a full set of armor made itself felt.

The stone corridors did not allow one to swing properly, only stabbing blows became appropriate and at times either an inaccurate blow or a successful dodge saved the lives of the guards. Outside, Snow was greeted with open arms by soldiers and guards, of whom there were more here than down there.

Fortunately, the chaos that reigned here was an assistant for the man in black armor. Someone threw combustible urns directly into their own, someone shot an arrow directly into the back of another soldier's head. Only a couple of guards were doing anything.

However, against an experienced warrior in a normal mind and with a good weapon without feeling tired and hungry – in such a battle you know in advance who to bet on.

Exploring the fort is a dangerous and not a favorable thing, but John found and learned a lot of interesting things.

First, John found Melentia, an old merchant who had the key to the shack where the blacksmith had left his tools. He didn't ask any questions. In the same fort, but already below, he found a strange short warrior who was very glad to see him.

John met Pate later, but this man immediately made it clear that he should not be trusted. The aura of Melentia and Benhart were white. But Pate's aura was painfully white, as if bleached, as if trying to hide an abominable nature.

Secondly, John became the owner of a large number of various weapons, from halberds to cutlasses and crossbows. A bunch of different stuff also now belongs to him. However, due to the lack of an opportunity to move all this, John folded and stored it on the floor above Melentia's location.

Thirdly, Snow gained important knowledge and some understanding of this world. There is magic, enchantments, giants, dragons and much more. This world is as dangerous as it is mysterious.

Fourth, he learned to read the history of the subjects. This art was demonstrated to him by Pate. Even if only vaguely describing the process itself.

Fifth, John has met enemies that he has yet to overcome.

If Benhart hadn't warned him about the creatures lurking here, then death would have already welcomed John.

On a small platform where he planned to climb in order to look around, the Pursuer was waiting.

Benhart, and then Pate and Melentia showed great fear of him. The first one certainly braved as much as he could, but John's eyes are difficult to deceive.

Now John planned to return to Majula to prepare for the battle with the Pursuer.

English is not my native language, and in principle I just use the services of an interpreter :)

I wonder if it's worth writing in this fan fiction about Viserys and his adventures in Dark Souls and the life of Aegon with Rainis in Dark Souls 3?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

GoldWeyncreators' thoughts