
The Sabsuri

Ayo_Isaac · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The encounter

We went deep into the forests of Gagalie close to the borders that separates our kingdom 'Gagalie' from the Swahili. The forest is calm and the breeze blows gently, I could see a man standing in front of a shrine, the man turned around gently with a scarcastic smile on his face. He looked at me for a while then turned to look at the weird lady "who is he?" . He is a Sabsuri he holds the power to will the sword. I was shocked for a moment and confused at the same time, is she mistaken or nuts- how can I be a Sabsuri. The Sabsuri legend is a old tale that is told by parents to their children over hundreds of years he was one legend that saved the people from the torments of the gods during the reign of the god Apophis, He killed the siblings of Apophis using a sword that has the power to kill a god, His descendants too are willing to will the sword if he/she is chosen. According to to the folktale the 'Sabsuri' family were all killed by drowning, so how am I a Sabsuri I thought within me for a while and come to conclusion that this isn't true. It isn't me I complained, can you let me go. No I can't for now but only if you are tested and confirmed not to be capable to will the sword. Gosh my father is a fisherman and I know him so well, I was even told several times that I looked so much like him, why this confusion now that he is no more, or was my mother from a Sabsuri blood line , No I can't believe this nonsense. "Where is the stupid sword,' I asked". With a crooky smile he said "follow me". We walked for a while in the forest and came across a big rock. He led the way as we climbed to the top and stopped for a moment. With a crooky smile again he asked "are you ready for it". I looked at him wishing I could give him a dirty slap. He got out of the way and I could see the sword standing on the rock in front of me. The sword was standing still on the air with power, I could feel it's power, there was this force drawing me to it. I moved my right hand towards it to pick it up, I was a bit nervous but I still gave it a try. I held the hilt of the sword and dragged it up immediately. There was a loud rumbling and trembling in the clouds the weather was cloudy again, I could feel my arms and thighs shaking, I could feel the blood boiling inside of me, I tried to hold still but I continue shaking until the light of the day fades out.

I opened my eyes slowly it was a sunny day, blinding day light shown across my face making me cover my eyes, then I heard a voice "you awake Sabsuri". It's nice to have you. You will resume training tomorrow you need to be trained thoroughly to be able to utilize and use the power of the sword nice to make you 'I'm Gabriel' Gabe for short. To my left hand side I saw the two demons from yesterday smiling and looking at me in admiration. I sigh calmly and said "I know what you think but I am not who you want me to be, I am just a son of a fisherman who has only lived his life around rivers and thought the way of the hunt. Gabe sighed "is alright eat and we get started tomorrow" and left in a hurry. Then the weird lady came closer to me and said I'm Mary and this is Kent Blade the son of Turner Blade the best family that has the best history of Blacksmithing in history, his mother Mary hid the sword and ran away carrying a child which is rumored to not be her husband's child but the child of one of the Sabsuri's. No one heard from her but after three years her body was found lying livelessly in one of the rivers in Gagalie so her pregnancy was thought to be lost, this is the only reasonable explanation of why you are a Sabsuri.

All my life I thought I thought the Swahili work hand in hand with their wicked gods but now it seems they too have seek for ways to get rid of their gods. And my father he once told of a story of a boy that was picked up and brought up by a fisherman who was destined to be great and be a saviour and the unity of the two kingdoms that have not lived in peace with each other for thousand of years. (sigh) old man left a hint, he knew this day will come. I have no choice now than to be a Swahili, who I really am, but this weird Blacksmithing guy I don't want to be his brother. I glanced at him one more time, there was a necklace on his neck that seems familiar, oh no the pendant that pendant has the design of the tiled floor (where I got strucked by lightening. "What is that', I asked".

Oh This! he replied holding the pendant rubbing it and looking at me with a crooky smile again; "you like it',? he asked". Just tell me what it is I asked in frustration. Okay okay okay; well it's a symbol of non-relentlessness, it is the same symbol on the tilt of the Sabsuri sword so I guess it's a pendant from her secret lover 'your father'. "Who were those men you chasing after I asked". They were sent by the evil god (Apophis), to bring women and children for sacrifice, but the King rejected but they killed two children forcefully that's why Maria.. (Mary cuts him shut)"Mary', I told you several times". He continued 'whatever, " that's why Mary went after them, so thanks to you not minding your business we found a saviour for the both troubled kingdom. Hey stop being a prick, I was minding my business your friend Mary and the soldiers, gods or whatever intruded" I added". "Whatever it might have been it's a good thing he added". "Don't ever tell me whatever again you hear me? it's annoying I complained". He sighed and and said faintly "whatever" then left with a crooky smile on his face. I hate you I said silently as I lay down on my back carefully on the mat, Mary left with a smile as if to say the whole short conversation was a comedy.

It's already an abnormal day, a new feeling, a new faint daylight but my eyes still shut, I could hear the cock crow and the birds sing as I feel a tap on my shoulder and an instruction to get ready for training, I was given an armor and a wooden sword to train. I stood up and head out for training.

It's been seven months now, since I left home I miss home though but it's better here, there I have no one but here I have a life. I have an identity and reason to be respected. I fought with the princes and soldiers of Swahili and I'm being treated like I am home. This is what home feels like infact this is home I nodded my head in satisfaction. Its afternoon it's time for my break I had to go eat in the palace with the princes and the knights but food was served in the palace there had been some change of plans, the King wanted to address the knights. I went to the palace hall; there palace is a wide beautifully designed room, it has lots of carvings that tells the story of the kingdom, the painting of the royal family was pasted on the wall alongside great people that made history even my so called father and his forefathers (The Sabsuri's). Walking towards the dinning table, someone tap my back and walked by my side I turned to my side and saw her 'Mary"!. How are you', I asked". I am fine, you? guess who's grown some muscles she smiled at me. she seemed to be so impressed, I could see the beauty once again in her face that smile that has a soft touch of love and innocence, I fell in deep thoughts just staring at her face until stupid Blade Kent snapped me of it by snapping his fingers right in front of my face "wake up he said" with a stupid smile on his face, that crookish smile, Oh God how hateful he is, I face forward and continue heading to the dinning table, Mary couldn't stop smiling looking at the both of us.