
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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67 Chs

Chapter 246: Alpha's Memory (2)

The rooftop used as a helipad was spacious. However, finding Yoohyun was not difficult once I climbed up. As soon as I reached the rooftop, Irin popped up from behind me. She greeted me, lifting one front paw as if shaking hands, then hopped down, leading the way.

My younger brother was standing at the opposite end of the rooftop. The morning sunlight gently touched his black hair. Similar to Yoohyun but with a slightly different face. He had aged a bit more. Perhaps because he's twenty-six years old.

Fortunately, he had a mix of Alpha traits, making it easier. It would have been quite challenging otherwise.

Yoo Hyun approached the railing, the city spread out In the distance, traces of last night's commotion were visible through the buildings. People here would be both amazed and anxious. After all, a whole defense agency building had been overturned in one night. There would be those who welcomed it and those who felt uneasy.



"Lately, I feel like I've been distancing myself too much."

irin settled on Yoohyun's back, wrapping around his neck. My younger brother calmly expressed his thoughts.

"I'm thinking of going back to the guild's house. You have Peace and Noah by your side, so don't worry. It's right next door, anyway."

"Hey,what's this about? Distancing yourself? No, even if you do, what's wrong with that? It's tough to live too rigidly. It's better to be a bit flexible."

Recently, Yoohyun had indeed become a bit lax. But compared to before, especially before the regression, he was better now. Much better.

"But you said you want to live together, or that's not right?"

"No. I like it. I like it so much that sometimes I suspect it might be a dream."

"But why do you want to leave, then?"

There was no answer. There was something. I'm sure of it. Perhaps it was because of the incident where I almost died trying to save him. No, he already said it wasn't that. If something similar happened again, he would wait for me anytime I needed help, he said.

My brother didn't outright suggest giving up on himself. On the contrary, he asked to be saved. It must have been shocking and difficult, but he didn't refuse my hand. So, he wouldn't leave my side because of that incident.


"...Is it because of Alpha's memories?"

Why would it lead to an outburst, even considering suddenly being in someone else's body and a changed environment? Even looking at Moon hyuna, she was skillfully playing the role of Lambda. Moreover, according to her, the only place where abnormal phenomena similar to Alpha's rampage had been reported was in Akatess. The exchange between cities was limited, but when a major event like Alpha's rampage occurred, it couldn't go unnoticed. Yerin and Noah seemed to have adapted well too. As for Peace, let's put him aside for now.

In the end, the problem was only with Yoohyun.

"Yoohyun-a─are you"?

Silently and lightly, Yoo Hyun climbed up onto the railing.

"Is it because of Alpha? Hey Where are you going?"

As if fleeing, my younger brother walked along the railing. I followed, but soon, the path ahead was blocked, but I'm currently a C-rank it would have been tricky if I was still an F-rank but now with my stats and boots I climbed up the railing.

The railing, about the thickness of two fingers,and for security reasons, a slightly higher steel plate was attached. The width of the space for my feet was less than one centimeter, more challenging than tightrope walking, but it looked stable as if standing on a flat surface. There was nothing I couldn't do now.

"It's dangerous, Hyung!"

As soon as I stepped onto the steel plate, Yoohyun shouted. What's dangerous? The ground below looked pitch-black, but there was no chance of falling.

"We agreed not to hide anything from each other. Speak up."

"...It's not like you tell me everything, either."

"Except for things I physically can't tell, I've revealed everything. Even the things happening here, I've told you everything. From the real body to having four lives left. I thought about hiding some things to avoid worrying you, but I honestly told you everything."

I took a step forward. Yoohyun's gaze was fixed on my toes. As if ready to rush over if I were to fall, he instinctively exerted pressure on my leg.

"There are things you need to conceal in life, of course. I won't pry into personal matters. It would be nice if you told me, for example, if you have someone you're interested in or if you're secretly dating."

"I don't, I'm not."

Come on, just say it.

"But the way you're acting, it's undoubtedly related to me, right? Isn't it?"

Yoohyun tightly sealed his lips. Yeah, it's exactly as expected.

"Then shouldn't I know too, Yoohyun? If I silently carry the burden of your concerns, you wouldn't like that, right? If, let's say, I hid the fact that my current body is real because I was worried about you, how would you feel?

"I wouldnt like it but, hyung."

My younger brother hesitated, unable to easily speak. What is going on? I couldn't guess at all.

"For me, towards hyung... I..."

I didn't expect Yoohyun's gaze to rise to my feet. I restrained myself from getting closer; if he approached further, he might escape so swiftly that it would be hard to catch him.

"It feels like it's for the best, If without me—"

"Hey! Han Yoo Hyun!"

Yoo Hyun lifted his head in surprise. This guy has things to say and things he doesn't want to say.

"But, the alpha's!"

What alpha! Yoohyun's voice abruptly stopped, and a cluster of blue willow leaves appeared. This guy is really trying to stand out! I gritted my teeth, holding back from leaning in further. Falling from a height where even a C-grade crash would not guarantee survival, let alone an F-grade.


Of course, my younger brother ran towards me, reaching out his hand. My body was completely tilted horizontally towards the ground. It should fall straight down, but the boot soles pressed against the perpendicular side of the steel plate like a flat floor. I held on, pulling out a wire with the boot soles firmly against the steel plate. It's an item that's sturdy enough for A-grade, with an automatic anti-fall function.

I tied the wire around my wrist while simultaneously also tying up my younger brother's body.

"If you exert force, my wrist will be cut off."

"What, hyung!"

Even if it's an A-grade item, how could it compete with SS-grade? So, deliberately connecting it to my wrist and tying it up would make wire in my wrist tightened. Even a C-grade body would be cut, digging into the flesh and possibly even cutting it off.

Yoohyun was unable to gather the courage to cut the wire entwined around his upper body and stopped. I climbed back up to the top of the steel plate, dragging my bound brother into the building. Helpless to move, Yoohyun's body collapsed onto the rooftop.

Pressing down on my brother, I climbed on top again. Irin came out, wandering around as if wanting to cut the wire.

"Irin, just stay quiet."

Irim blinked as if hesitating, then returned to Yoo Hyun's neck. Well, she's a good girl.

"using your brother as a hostage, this is just-"

"I'm sorry for that."

Even though my talented younger brother lacks the strength to restrain me physically, this method was clearly wrong. However, I couldn't just let my younger brother stab himself with a knife.

"Why is it happening to you?"


"Han Yoohyun."

I waited, as if I could stay here like this forever. After a while, Yoohyun finally spoke.

"...There was a nurturer for the alpha."

He said, revealing that there was someone with the same title. For a moment, I thought he meant the same title as mine, but this wasn't the Fifth Origin. The title of nurturer for an S-grade being is said to only appear in the worlds of the Fifth Origin. The alpha was apparently not born as an S-grade.

"And, she were murdered."

"Yoo Hyun, I understand what you're worried about, but it's common for nurturers with the alpha title to be murdered. That's why you distanced yourself from me. It was tough for a while, but now it's okay—"

"By filial piety addict."


Yoo Hyun's eyes twisted painfully. After a moment of struggling to recall the memory, he gritted his teeth and spoke again.

"Akates here are related to the filial piety addicts of this world. I'm not sure if it's because of the limited memories I received or if it's blocked. There was talk of a contracted person."

"Alpha was simply listening next to the person who contracted with that guy, and the contract included the provision that false information cannot be given. It also talked about SS-level guards in different cities. It's not a lie..."

If Alpha brought it up to interface with the filial piety addict, it meant Alpha was in a trustworthy state. Maybe they manipulated the mind or something like that. It could even be the incident of caretaker murder. In that case, the person who contracted with the filial piety addict was likely one of the Alpha administrators.

"The filial piety addicts are trying to streamline the efficient hunting of monsters, especially innate S-rank Awakened beings. It's inefficient to crouch down to protect caretakers. Even if the caretaker disappears, S-ranks can usually overcome it easily, and if manipulated to appear killed by monsters, they become even more fervent in protecting the world..."

My heart pounded. I calmly organized the information, suppressing the unsettled feeling. So, is it about efficiently protecting the world by eliminating caretakers?

...They didn't lie to me. They mentioned that there are many cases of being killed. They just didn't specify the perpetrators. Those scumbags.

"I'm like those innate S-ranks, bro."

Yoo Hyun spoke with a face full of unease.

"Talking about being different from other S-rank hunters, I felt that. It was similar to the feeling with Guild Master Saesung and Hunter Riette from before. Innate S-rank caretakers are very rare, and the Fallen Ones almost always, definitely deal with them... they probably set it up, so it can't be hidden by the system..."

"I thought about it when you Awakened, hyung. Maybe I could've be the reason for your murder..."

"Why would it be because of you! It's the Filial piety addicts doing!"

"But if I had kept distancing myself, maybe it would have been safer..."

The Fallen Ones' goal is to block dungeons and save the world. So, if he had continued to distance myself while focusing on growing the guild and influence, they probably wouldn't have touched me unnecessarily. Yoo Hyun's words made my chest sink.

No way.

No way Yoo Hyun knew about this.


My voice trembled slightly.

"You, did you keep trying to distance yourself from me... even years later?"

"No, hyung. When I Awakened, I was still young, and you were too anxious. Once the guild settled, and people and you got used to dungeons, I planned to contact you. Even if things couldn't go back to how they were... still."

Yoo Hyun said with an apologetic look. There was no need for apologies, but I couldn't comfort him properly. My mind was complicated. Dizzy. I lowered my head to hide my expression.


"No, I have something to think about."

I wished Ie didn't know. I shouldn't have known. Please. If Yoo Hyun thought that his very existence was a threat to me. Damn.

Then I remembered my face. It hurts. Why did I smile? Why did it feel so relieving as I was dying that time?

"Yoo Hyun, it's not your fault. You haven't done anything wrong."

It wasn't just to comfort my younger brother. It was sincere.

"I just, I just loved you, and you accepted me. No one did anything wrong. It's just that we were unlucky, and an unexpected disaster happened. No one did anything wrong. It's just those damn filial piety."

They might have a justification for saving the world, but what do they really know?

"And now it's fine. You saw it, right? The filial piety addicts  against me. They can't touch me. They even tried to protect me. That... that's all thanks to you."

It's all thanks to you. The hot lump trying to burst out from inside was suppressed. It was difficult but not impossible. I somehow managed to smile.

"Don't worry, Yoohyun. Everything will be fine. As good as you wished for."

My brother nodded slightly.

"Sorry, hyung for not talking about it."

"It's okay. Just make sure to tell me from now on, and remember that it's not your fault."

smoothly realising him and stood up from his seat, extending his hand to his younger brother.

"More than anything, I was the one who approached you first, Yoohyun. What would a newborn baby know? You followed me because I liked you first. So, you did nothing wrong."

My brother took my hand and got up.

"But I feel really sorry for you, hyung."

"It was my choice. If you keep feeling sorry, it would seem like I made the wrong choice. So, don't feel sorry, um, be thankful."

Being thankful is definitely better than feeling sorry. Yoohyun's face brightened up with a big smile. Indeed, it's much better to see him smile.

"Thank you, hyung. But when you get married, I'll try not to bother you. I shouldn't visit too often too."

"...What? What are you talking about all of a sudden? I don't even have a girlfriend!"

"You always tell me─"

"Hey, that's because I'm like your guardian! And what do you mean by 'bother'? If someone doesn't like you, I won't like them either."

"But usually, people would dislike it. So, it's better to think about it in advance."

Who the hell told him such nonsense?

"I told you I don't like those people, right? Don't worry about it! You don't need to move out."

From the beginning, I gave up on things like marriage. Even if it's not Yoohyun, dealing with monsters is dangerous, and there's no one who would accept that. Even if there is, I wouldn't let them because I would feel sorry.

Especially now, the kids are the priority... With this mindset, who would I meet? We would just hurt each other.

"So, can we really live together forever?"

"Of course. I won't change unless you do. Even if you say you want to be independent, I'll let you, even though I'll miss you."

"As long as you're okay with it, I'll never be independent. I like it as it is now."

"Okay, okay."

At the age of twenty, unless it's for school, most people live with their family. Even if he's a guild leader or an S-rank hunter, he's still a kid.

"Is there anything useful in Alpha's memories?"

"I didn't receive all the memories, and I was in a position to receive orders, so there's not much. Maybe Hunter Moon hyuna knows more."

Still, the fact that the Akates Defense Bureau has a relationship with the filial piety addict was useful information. After meeting with Sigma, I should look for the contractor of the filial piety addict.

[Morning exercise on the rooftop!]

As I was about to go down from the rooftop, the quest window flashed. Ah, really.

"What are you doing all of a sudden, brother?"

"Hand to Hand for the spectators. It's good for your health to exercise lightly in the morning."

It's not just for the reward. The points are quite salty, hmm.


(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)Very heart warming chapter and there's hyunjae.

notmineecreators' thoughts