
The running

In a world with powers everyone is tested when they are 16 to see if they have powers And imagine my surprise when I found out that I have powers and I'm the soul mate of a quen who is extremely obsessive about what's hers. Observation she thinks I belong to her, and I don't like that idea at all. But how am I going to get away from someone with influence like hers? Not to mention the powers she possesses.

rute_rito · LGBT+
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3 Chs

The beginning


In one world where 30% of the populacion have super powers It s like a big deal been part of thah percentage.

I real doubt that i have any power in the end the majority of the people that have powers are from royal lineage, and i am only a orphan.

Which is not so bad, at least that way I can do whatever I want and nobody will think it was me, because who would have thought that a commoner would have the slightest intelligence to do it.

Thanks to that I can fuck these rich motherfuckers' lives.

One of these motherfuckers think they're better than I am because they can turn water in coffe or any of those useless powers, I would respect them if they had at least some decent powers but I can't do that because those motherfuckers in the royal family think that just because you have powers doesn't matter how useless you must get double or triple the pay of a person without them.

On the 16th birthday everyone must take a test to see if you have powers if you have depending on how much powers you have you will be sent to different types of schools with everything paid for by the imperial family.

Anyway, today is my 16th birthday and unfortunately I'm going to have to be tested and if you're wondering why I'm unhappy with that and basically I'm going to have to watch those motherfuckers with noble bloodlines receive powers and rub them in my face and of the rest of the people that they are going to be much more successful than me in life just because of that.

And if you think I could miss that and it's impossible if you try you'll be dragged there by an imperial guard, I speak from experience because some friends of mine have already tried and in my case I prefer to enter there with some dignity so I decided to go willingly.

I live in a orphanage because of that one group of imperial guarlds come to take everyone who turned 16 that year and this year it was my turn to go along.

One man of the guards open a portal and another call out the names of who makes 16 that year.

"Olliver" screams the guard

One boy take a step forward

"Are you Olliver?"asks the guard


"When I call your name you say present and enter the portal. Understood?"

"y-y-yes"the boy whispered

"Talk to me without stuttering and in a tone that I can hear"


For a second I thought the boy was going to piss right there.

Because of what they treat us like shit because they know we are scared shitless of them because they can kill us at any time.

What sons of bitches.

Then continued calling names until one person was missing.

"Arlo"He scream for the fourty time

I was finding that shit so hilarious, that motherfucker calling the name of a person who didn't exist.

Usually the orphanage offers its name sheet to the guards so they can call us so I decided to add a name of someone who didn't exist to see their face, because they could have powers but if a child was missing they would have consequences and we can say that they weren't light at all.

He called the name again and I swear I could see the veins popping out of his face.

Until he decided to call the director of the orphanage who ended my fun saying that such a person did not exist.

"Which one of you pieces of shit wrote this name here I'll skin you alive when I find out"He scream

Of course he couldn't do that but anyway, he continued to threaten for some time but then another guard said not to be late so he had to keep calling us.






"I'll see you on the other side baby" he whispered and then scream "Present"


Looks like it's my turn. Forgot to say my name is Enid.

"Present"I scream and walked through the portal.