
The Run Away, Gretelmk

Her and her brother are out casts to their own pack after their father the Alpha and their Mother Luna were killed. The beta and his mate take over the Pack to start a war with the King Alpha. They are treated badly and decide to become rogue and run away from their pack.

GretelMK · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: The Silver Moon

{Ashleigh KVO}

I checked out the hall way and see Beta Mathew going into Alpha Ethan's room.

I decided to go eases drop on what was being said as it was very out of character for our Beta to meet with another Alpha alone.

"Yes Ethan, I can ensure you. Ashleigh will marry your son when she is of age. That is my promise to you once you make me Alpha of The Silver Moon Pack."

I heard footsteps towards the door and hid myself behind the door next to it.

The door I was leaning on belonged to another Alpha.

Alpha Dean of the Cristal Lake Pack.

His son has also left with my brother Aston for his Alpha training.

I watched as Beta Mathew shook hands with Alpha Ethan.

Shit he is heading in my direction.

The next thing I knew, the door flung open and I was pulled inside.

"Ashleigh, ease dropping can get you into trouble."

"Yes Alpha."

"But, that is why your father put my room next to Alpha Ethan."

He smiled at me.

"Your father cares a great deal for you and your brother. If you need anything Ashleigh and I mean anything just call me."

He took my phone and put his number in it.

"I put my son Rodger's number in your phone too. But sweetheart, memorize our numbers I don't have a good feeling. Now off you go. Get something in that body of yours. you are going to need all the energy for your change tonight."

"Thank you Alpha Dean."

"And dear, it is a special night tonight. For the first time in two hundred years the moon will be a bright silver colour hints why your Pack is called The Silver Moon Pack."

I smiled and left Alpha Dean's room.

Wow is the moon goddess love for me so much that I get to meet my wolf on the most beautiful night that everyone would get to see only once and then again in the next two hundred years?

This is awesome.

I got downstairs to find my parents sitting alone at the table.

"Were is the rest of the Pack?"

"Most of them are sleeping in there room dear getting their strength for tonight. It's not every day the Alpha's daughter receives her wolf on a silver moon night."

I smiled at my mom.

"Ah, someone told you didn't they?"

My mom's excitement faded.

"Yes, Alpha Dean."

"Oh no. There goes our surprise my Alpha."

I could see my dad trying to keep composed.

I know what it did to my dad and so does mom.

She must be in a good mood.

She isn't being very hard on me.

Maybe it is because my dad told her what Alpha Ethan wanted.

Yeah, she does have a soft spot.

I think she is hard on us because dad decided to be the 'fun' parent.

"I made your favorite Ashleigh. Macaroni and mince (ground meat) with some cheese."

"Really mom?"

"Yes really. Go grab a plate in the kitchen I already dished up for you."

"Thank you mom. You are the best."

I gave her a hug for the first time since I was fourteen and ran to the kitchen.

I heard my mom say to my dad.

"See, I am the best."

Funny my mom is fun when she wants to be.

It is the first time in two years I have seen my mom calm.

"Hi there."

Hearing this caused me to almost jump out of my skin.

I looked around the kitchen and no body was there.

"Who said that."

"I did. Mila your wolf."

"Say what now? Aren't you a bit early?"

"Yes I am, but I would like to meet you first before we face the Moon goddess tonight."

"Well, you gave me your name. I am Ashleigh mila it is nice to meet you. Meeting with the moon goddess really?"

"Yes Ashleigh. You are special. Not only are you from two Alpha blood lines, but your sixteenth birthday falls on a Silver Moon. This means you get to choose what colour my fur will be."

"Shut up. Are you serious?"

"Did you just tell me to shut up?"

"Go through my mind it is just an expression."


"Coming dad."

I couldn't wait to tell them.

"Dad, mom my wolf has introduced herself to me her name is Mila and she came before to prepare to meet the moon goddess herself."

"Well princess, that is indeed an honor. I am so glad I told that Alpha off. Maybe I should've sent you with your brother for Alpha training."

My mom gave him a back hand.

"Really now Whyette. She has been training with Sam most of her life. He is one of the best warriors."

I burst out laughing and went to sit and enjoy my meal.

"Okay sweetheart, go get an hour rest and we will wake you up when it is time."

"Can't I watch a bit of Netflix while we wait?"

"Sure princess."

My mom gave him a bit of a death stare.

"Did someone say Netflix?"

I see Sam's head pop in.

"Yeah, I did. want to join me."

"Sure kiddo."

We went to the lounge and sat on the sofa.

I grabbed the remote.

"Let's watch that Kevin Heart and Dwan Johnson movie. Central Intelligence."


"Whose birthday is it?"

"Okay, fine."

It wasn't long before I passed out.

Sam woke me up.

"Hey Kiddo, it is time."

My eyes shot open.


I looked at the clock in the room it was eleven pm.

"Come princess."

I hear my dad call.

I got up with a stretch and walked towards the entrance.

We went to the woods and found none of the Pack members only Alpha Dean.

"Alpha Dean."

"Ah Alpha Whyette."

"I am just here to say my goodbyes. Urgent matters back at my Pack. I really was looking forward to your daughter's first shift."

"No matter old friend."

He changed into his wolf and ran in the direction of his Pack.

"Okay Gwen, this is a bit weird. Where are our Pack members?"

"I don't know and it is almost twelve."

Suddenly there was a bright silver light from the moon that shined upon me.

Then I was in a field a beautiful woman walking towards me.

"Ah Ashleigh and Mila. I have been waiting for you."

"Moon goddess?"

"Yes, I go by many names that being one of them but, you Ashleigh may call me Saren."

"Thank you Saren."

"Every two hundred years does this silver moon come and it is the first time in one thousand years I get to meet one of my daughters."

I was in awe of her.

"I am going to give you a few gifts. These gifts will be given to all of your generations after you my daughter."

I could feel Mila getting excited.

"I give you strength, forgiveness, love and care. What colour would you like Mila to be by the way Ashleigh?"

"Thank you for your gifts Saren. But, if I ask that won't that be too much?"

"Nonsince child. Now tell me?"

"Can I be black like my dad but have my mother's white paws?"

"That is interesting. What made you choose that dear?"

"The black fur symbolizing my dad's protection not only over me but, our Pack as well. White paws symbolizing my mom always being my rock but, the rock of the entire Pack."

"Very well."

My change didn't hurt when I changed to Mila.

Mila took control.

"Wow, Ashleigh you have thought long and hard. You and Mila look incredible."

"Thank you."

" Mila change back into human form."

She did as she was told and I had full control again.

"Ashleigh, you can ask me one question more."

I thought about it.

"Am I allowed to ask who my mate is?"

"Wow, really not the question I was thinking you would ask. Yes, Rodger from the Cristal Lake Pack. You will be his Luna. I must warn you Ashleigh. It is not going to be an easy road but, it will in the end."

Her words stuck in the back of my mind.

"Farewell sweet child."

"Thank you."

The light went back into the moon.

When I looked at my parents and Gamma Sam they had knives to there thoat.

Beta Mathew was just as strong as my father being of Alpha blood but, my dad seemed weaker.

"The Pack is now under my control Ashleigh say bye to mom."

I watched as Alpha Ethan murdered my mom.

My dad trying to get to her but couldn't move.

The smell hit me.


"Ashleigh, don't change."

I hear Mila in my mind.

"Now there is no Luna Matt do the honours."

"Look away princess."

I don't know what made Matt so sadistic to cut my dad's head off with a sward.

Sam escapes grabbing me in the process.

"I am going to change. Hold onto me Kiddo."

I turn myself to his back and he changes into his wolf Sammy. I found it very fitting for him.

We did not make it far when our own Pack stopped us.

I whispered in Sam's ear.

"Now I know why the Pack wasn't there tonight they have pledged to Mathew."

"Take Sam to the cells and Missy here to the Alpha's office."