
In Truth, Lies Rage! Pt 1

Looking at the situation Hittan was able to guess that his team fought hard. Based on power levels alone they should not have been able to handle 25 men if it were the past, but as a team, they did well. 5 men at 120,000 units and another 5 at 100,000 units while the rest stood at 60,000 - 90,000 units. The five at 120,000 units only observed the struggle as it seems they were only needed to stall the group.

After noticing that the market was empty Hittan knew the timing was perfect for his team to stage a comeback!

"Team, listen to orders! Finish this fight in the next 60 seconds!"

"It's Hittan! The leader has come back in time!" Sahar and Samir broke away from the encirclement of 3 warriors with power ranging from 70,000 to 80,000 units. They watched as Sahar's beautiful hair that was translucent white and stretched all the way to her lower back suddenly turned into majestic feathers with a golden flame crown appearing above her head!

Samir's head became covered in fiery red scales and ruby antlers formed from his hair standing two feet high! With a roar, flames exploded from his mouth! Their powers grew at explosive rates with Sahar's power moving from 52,272 units to 67,953 then exploded to 78,146 units. While Samir's moved from 52,221 units to 70,498 units then exploded to 81,072 units!

The two jumps in power symbolised two forces at work within them and the explosive nature of the second increase showed that it would be a temporary increased state. The same transformation was seen from all the other members of the team to the shock of Sang and the others from the Alicorn group. Hittan observed the transformation of the group and noted the power levels of the team in their transformed state.

"Brother they took Kaia and Kaija!" Finally getting some freedom to speak with their opponents being shocked at their transformation Edan yelled in the midst of 4 warriors surrounding him.

"What!" Suddenly the temperature in the market started to skyrocket! The surrounding market stalls and buildings began to warp under the rising heat. The fighting suddenly stopped as everyone started looking at Hittan as his body started glowing white!

"Who has taken my wives?!"

"Their… their leader took them about ten minutes ago!"


Instantly the gravity around Hittan in a 100-meter radius changed and all parties that were unknown to Hittan were on their knees! Turning his head towards the 5 most powerful fighters he uttered one word.


"Sir, please spare us! We were only asked to delay them until your arrival. It was Lord Malach who planned the whole thing! He wants to use the girls as hostages to stop you from fighting back and suffer a humiliating death."


"Sir, Sir, Sir they have been taken to the underground arena on the south side of town in the Carbon district."

"Thank you, now die!"

Gravity started to strangle the man! But his last plea caught the ear of Hittan.

"Wait, I overheard something else! But you have to spare my life if I tell you!"

"Speak, if it is worth your life, I will not kill you."

"I overheard the Alicorn male students were a part of the plot to get you to the Arena. But they were tricked in the end."

"Lies!" Mark shouted clearly unaware of what took place. However, Hittan saw guilt in Jager's eyes and intense worry for the girls in Sang's.

"I will not kill you, as promised, but I cannot control what they do to you…" Eyeing the Alicorn members Hittan spoke to Edan, "you now have 45 seconds to wrap this up and meet me at the Arena. Sang, you are expected to be there as well!"


Hittan took off towards the Arena in an explosive amount of speed!

"Okay team, we have 45 seconds to finish this and catch up to Hittan. Let's move!"

"Haha, even if you catch up to him it won't make a difference! Our boss is a level 2 Immortal balancing Rank warrior with 350,000 units of strength!"

"Let, us, worry about that." Edan became deadly serious as he pulled out an Elemental Artifact Sword which boosted his strength by another 20%. Giving him a complete strength of 148,202 units!


The doors of the arena were blasted open!

"Welcome, Instructor Hittan! We meet again after such a short separation. I had planned on having one of your little minions go and fetch you. But thank you for saving me the trouble."

"I assume you were gonna have Sang or Jager come to fetch me?"

"So you found out? Haha, I guess you can't blame them for being naive kids. Just, like, you! By coming here today you have sealed your fate!"

"Where are my wives?"

"Didn't you hear me or are you pretending to be brave?! Hahaha, how childish to ignore someone when they're speaking to you."

Tired of his nonsense Hittan pushed his spirit sense at risk of exhaustion. Hittan had long since discovered that even with his high Dao level every use brought tremendous strain because of the imbalance in power of body and soul.

'Found them, they don't seem to be harmed just a little flustered but they seem to be okay.'

"Since, you wish to start then why not? Abbas, bring them out!"

"As you wish, young master!"

A few seconds later the girls were sent out while being accompanied by the owner of the unknown voice.

"Is this the young instructor you were talking about? He's only at tier 3 Diamond rank, are you sure he defeated Andras?"

"Yes, he did and at that time he was only at tier 1 Diamond rank. So don't underestimate him!"

"Sure young master. Instructor, Andras was one of my closest comrades in the arena. A place where we kill to survive and I can't believe you killed him, a veteran of the arena."

"Your name is Abbas, correct? I will offer you the chance to walk away from this given that my wives were not harmed."

"Funny young one. But you've misunderstood something here."

"What's that?"

"You are not in a position to negotiate. You either do as you're told or your pretty wives will suffer! See, even if I believe you aren't my match it can't hurt to be cautious in these situations. Don't despise me for that, because this is how one survives in the Arena."

"Yes, being cautious is the right thing to do. But you've made a serious mistake."

Hittan took a step towards Kaia and Kaija and instantly the gravity doubled in the arena with only the girls being unaffected. Bang! Malach hit the ground unable to stand while Abbas lost control of his limbs but was barely able to stand. With a second step, Hittan was now directly in front of Abbas and beside Kaia and Kaija. However, with gravity increasing by another 4 times! Abbas was now firmly planted in the ground!

It was then that Aatami thought the situation was beyond control and took out a messaging crystal used for long-range communication to inform Aapo!