
Dreaming of the Past: A Reason to Die Pt 4

After observing two lifetimes so far, their bodies were approaching the limits of exhaustion. But they were unable to break away from the dreamworld and would have to depend on others to sustain them somehow.

Meanwhile back in Lunar Eclipse City, two weeks had already passed and the girls were forced to call their Mother to calm Lagina.

"Lady Samara, will they be okay? It's been so long since they fell asleep." A worried look visibly on Lagina's face despite the reassurance of Kaia and Kaija.

"Well, they share quite a long history together. For the time being it is best to let them relive the events fully. However, there is no need to worry as the dreamworld's concept of time is different than reality."

"Mother's right Lagina. They're shuffling through many important memories together. Many years will have to pass them by in the dreamworld for them to fully reconnect. So for now, we only need to give them energy supplements once daily."

"That's correct Kaija. So Lagina you can rest assured they will be fine."

This was, in fact, the case as the pair had moved through many years of memories. In one afternoon 6 years had passed in the dream world and it was now time for the inheritance ceremony to begin.

"Juniors, as you are all aware, only those who have earned the right to claim an inheritance may stand in the ancestral ground. Deep below the village, our fallen brethren have sacrificed even in death for our future, do you understand?"

"Yes, Elder Savas!" As the group responded it clearly showed the unity and militarisation of the village.

"You 10 juniors now stand before the Ancestral Wall, in this graveyard of crystal cores. When I call your names you will step forward to salute the King and his Generals. Once an Orb approves of you it will radiate its light even more brightly to indicate your worthiness.

My son Sandor step forward…

Fahim step forward…

Aaron step…





Valencia, step forward."

As Valencia stepped forward the orbs all glowed then the central Orb went dark followed by all except one. Glowing like a ruler over the others, the East Orb summoned Valencia and soon she was taken.

"Hittan, step forward."

As Hittan took a step all the Orbs glowed brightly then suddenly went dark. All but the central Orb, it glowed even more splendidly. Then a voice was heard accompanied by an ethereal form that came from the central Orb.

"Not bad, young King. But it seems you are not predestined for true rebirth in this life. Maybe, in your next life, you will have better luck." With that, the ethereal image returned to the central Orb.

"What is this? Is that it, Elder Savas?" A little upset by the comments of the remnant soul Hittan looked to Elder Savas. Who was on his knees shivering in awe!

After the inheritance ceremony ended the juniors returned to the surface. One could imagine the chaos such news would have on the village. Hittan was the confirmed reincarnation of the King and Lord of the Godbeast! While Valencia was the East General's reincarnation! But only the council of Elders remained composed after hearing Sava's report.

On the plateau above the village, in the former site of that little cottage. Seated around a crystalline table the Council of Elders listened to each word Savas had to say.

"It cannot be questioned that he is Gilead and it seems Kata's prophecy is on track."

"Indeed Alix, that would seem to be the case," answered Aart, the surrogate clan leader.

"What options do we have? Should we allow the events to unfold as predicted?"

"We have no option Sade! Clearly our enemies have not fully given up!"

"Seager! That is enough, we all must grit our teeth and do what is required."

"... My error, Aart. I know we do this for our King."

Here, the meeting and Savas' report came to a close.

"So you are the reincarnated King and I'm your... underling? Your General?" Staring coldly at Hittan, Valencia's cold and domineering personality seemed at odds with the situation.

"My Queen, I have not wronged you nor have I given you any cause to be angry."

"What about Kata?!"

"That is Gilead's wife. My name is Hittan and I have only one Queen. In my heart she is perfect and all that I need."

"Sweet talking won't always be accepted!"

"Should we prepare for a sparring session then? I'll prove my sincerity"

"No! All you do is defend and take the hits. Then guilt me into doing the things you want!"

"My wife knows me well, haha. She should also know that I love her and only her."


"Gilead was married to Lady Kata, but I am married to Queen Valencia."

"Good. In this life, you, Hittan of the Sapphire Ice Dragons, belong solely to me. Kata can have the next life and I promise not to interfere in any future reincarnations."


"Come, let us have that sparring match. But we can skip the foreplay."

"... Mmh. You won't interfere…?" Mumbling to himself Hittan suddenly felt like he lost something.

looking to the steps that climbed into the horizon. Many things ran through his mind. But now the idea of his death and losing Valencia at some point was at the forefront. Was there truly nothing he could do to keep her by his side for eternity?

Walking off into the distance Valencia realised that Hittan was still in a daze. She could only guess his thoughts, but clearly their deaths were among them.

Walking back to him she could see the flashes of loneliness in his eyes. Pulling him by the hand she softly spoke, "when the time comes we will know what to do. It's pointless to worry about it now so follow me to our underground training grounds."

Wrapping her arms around Hittan's neck Valencia slowly rested her head on his chest. Seemingly only willing to show such vulnerability in private and only with Hittan.

"My Queen, I said it and I meant it. Gilead was Lady Kata's husband and I am yours. If you're still worried about it then I will have to carve my feelings into your body."

"..." Squeezing herself closer into his embrace she whispered, "promise to never forget me."

"...I promise to never let you go."

Back to school week and more things to do or adjust to, once more. Sorry about the spotty releases. I'm trying to maintain 2 chapters a week minimum.

DKALFcreators' thoughts