
Chapter 48

"Hey guys can I sit beside you?"A young girl asked I was about to say yes when Jungkook talk

"No"he said as he put his bag in the other seat.I slapped his shoulders

"That's Rude!"I said and get his bag as I put it beside me

"Yes You can sit in there"I said and smiled he just smiled too

The Plane started to move.Jungkook fell asleep in my shoulders.I stared at him and he is really cute when he is sleeping

"Oh is he your husband?"The Girl asked I just nodded and smiled

"Really?He is kinda hot."He said which made me uncomfortably sit

I saw her putting her fingers in Jungkook's Lap which made my eyebrow raise

"So How long are you now?"She asked. I saw her again sliding his Fingers through Jungkook's lap

Oh God Please Calm me down

"7 years are still counting"I said and  smile

I don't like her Touching my husband

"Oh.."She said I look again in her hand and its now almost at Jungkook's Private part

I Lost my Patience.I hold her hand tight and Let out a Fake Smile

"I Think You are touching my property,You might want to find another seat"I said then she smirked at me

"How old are you?"I asked

"Im 17 years old"She said and smirked

What the Hell 17?!She is too young!

"Oh You're still young,I think you might want to Focus more on your studies Darling rather than Flirting at Someone's Property" I said and smiled

I can feel that she Is Irritated.I just smirked But before she left she said something which made me more nervous

"Im Princess Tamara By the way.Hold Him tight Because I might take him away from you"She said and left

"How Dare You!"I said angrily but she just let out a Playful smile

Jungkook is right we shouldn't come here!I have to talk to him as soon as we reached our Place

"Hey are you okay?"Jungkook asked

"No.I have something to tell you as soon as we reached the Place"I said he just nodded

I hugged him he hugged me back

"Im scared you might leave me" I said starting a conversation with him

"What makes you think of that?"He said and laugh

"Nothing...Jungkook Let's make a Promise"I said looking through his eyes

"Of course what is it baby?"I let out a deep breath

"Promise me you will never get close to any girls"I said

"Of course I can do that,But you too don't you dare get close with other boys Or I'll kill them"He said which made me laugh I just nodded

"I Love you Jungkookiee"I said and Kissed him

"I Love You too baby"He said

I let out a sigh..


As soon as we reach the Place its sad because One Person One Room only.Even couples are not allowed to share in one room

Jungkook got angry after he heard that But I calmed him down

I didn't put my clothes in the Closet anymore because I'm gonna tell Jungkook that we are going to leave As soon as we can

I left my room and went to Jungkook's Room

I knocked first then in a seconds he opened it He made me sat in his couch

"Jungkook I want to leave in this Place now"I said and pout

"I thought you want this?"

"I don't want it anymore"I said

"What why?"He asked i just bit my lips,I want to tell him about the scene earlier but The words are not coming out from my mouth

"Can we just leave?I mean right now?"I said then he looked at me

"Okay fine"He said and hugged me

"Thank you"I said and smiled

We decided to leave now,We are heading to the Reception where People do their check in and check out

We were about to go to there but someone blocked our way Its Tamara

"Hey Guys!Where are you going?!"She said But She is only looking  at Jungkook who is busy looking at me with question face

"Well Its none of your business,Btw are you done reading and answering your assignments?"I asked and Smirked

"Oh if its not yet done then you should do it now and If you need help then Just call me,Btw we should go now"I said and pull Jungkook

"Who is She?"He asked

"Don't tell me you're interested?!"I said and raised my eyebrow

"If you are Interested then you should tell me so that I could leave you!"I said again which made his eyes widened and hugged me Immediately

"No baby Please no!I love You More Than My life!"I just smiled

"Aish nevermind!"We asked the Receptionist if we can take a private plane and leave the Island but what she said made me more nervous on what will happen

"Im really sorry Your Highness,But you can't leave the Island Until 2 weeks but You can leave after three days"

So we really are staying at Three Days?!!!