
The Royal Protector

Everything seemed wrong in Lyra Castir's life. Her parents dying, an over protective foster 'dad', a foster brother who doesn't act like a brother, and her mysterious head injury in which she lost all her memories... just a couple examples for ya. Her only freedom is school, which to her means getting away from her life at home. On her way home from school, on a seemingly normal day for Lyra, she gets stopped by a total stranger. That's when her life gets turned upside down, and now Lyra is not only saving herself but a family she never knew she had from another realm. *** I hang up the phone, and continue walking home. I can't believe Sean would do and say something like that during school! I'm trying to shove my phone back into the phone pocket in my back pack when I trip over the big crack in the sidewalk again. Making that the third time this week! "Whoa, I gotcha!" I heard a boy say, and I feel arms wrap around me. "Gosh where have you been? What are you doing here?" He asked me. Once I was back on my feet I pushed away from the boy. "Hey Lyra it's me, Chase." the boy said. I looked him up and down, I don't recognize him. I take a step back. His face changes from pure excitement to confusion. He has blonde hair, and brown eyes, very thin figure but something about him is familiar. "I ... ah..." I don't know what to say to him. What if he is some psycho? "I've been trying to find you since the accident! Why didn't you come back home?" He asked. I take another step back, How does he know about my accident? "Lyra what's wrong?" He steps towards me, and holds out a hand. "Come on Lyra your parents are going to want to see you, so stop playing and lets go!" "My parent's? What?" I say. He looks defeated, and lets out a sigh. Now this isn't funny. My parents are dead. "Lyra co-" he begins. "How do you know my name?!" I say, I need to run. He is crazy! "Lyra it's me Chase. The last time I seen you was right before your accident." He paused. "You... you aren't playing are you?" he hesitated. "I'm sorry... I think you have the wrong Lyra." I say and walk around him, then I begin speed walking. "No I don't! I've been trying to find you for the past two years. Well, you and the others. You don't remember anything... at all?" he asked behind me. "Leave me alone!" I say. He grabs my wrist, and I whirl around. "My dad gave me pepper spray!" I say and I start digging in my back pack for it, thankful for once about him being over protective. "Your father? Are you kidding me? Lyra your father and mother are trying to find you. You don't remember who you are?" He is talking and I find the spray. "Lyra your not mortal." "If I'm not mortal what am I?" I laugh, he making up fairy tales now. "You're an elemental, a protector of the royal family in Spridge."

Author_Flower · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Normal life

Finally, my hand hits the off button on my alarm set for school, but I don't want to get up. It's not because it's time for school, I want to school. I just don't want it to end, and this is the last Monday of my sophomore year. Meaning, I'll be stuck in my house again, with Harris, my overprotective foster dad, and Sean, my pervy foster brother. Shoving my black comforter off of me, I slip out of my bed beginning my morning routine or getting ready for school. First, looking out the window for a weather check, second, showering and all the hygienists, and third, getting dressed and leaving. Grabbing the hair pony from my dresser I leave my room and head down the stairs to the kitchen where

Harris will be waiting for my breakfast that I never eat. "Morning sweet pea! How'd you sleep?" Harris asks shoving a plate of waffles in my face, I swerve around him. "No breakfast again? I should make you an appointment. I mean I don't need you getting sick." He begins worrying out loud, and I sigh grab the plate take one bite, and leave. I don't even bother to ask Sean for a ride. The last thing I want on my last week of freedom is him trying to get me to give him a blow job. It's only a fifteen-minute walk to the school from our house so I don't mind. Reaching into my backpack, I grab my iPod slide on my headphones, and play Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer. Ironic, that's what Melanie would say right now. Since I'm currently suffering from Amnesia myself. I have been now for two years since I was 13. I don't even remember the accident. I just know it killed both my parents, hence why I'm in foster care. The doctors told me, that my name is Lyra Caster, but that's about it. My family moved a lot ... I don't know. I guess it's good having amnesia, it's hard to grieve over people you don't know... that's also the sad part. I don't remember my parents at all. I don't even know their names. Other than Caster. Distracted by my iPod, I almost fall to my knees tripping over the big crack in the sidewalk. I do that all the time! I glare at the crack and continue my way to school. Pulling the lock away from my locker, I swing open the door. Grabbing all my homework out of my backpack. Then I toss the bag on the bottom, grab my math book and other necessities, shut it and lock and head to the math room. Taking my seat next to Sophie, we say our 'good mornings' and 'hellos'. She pulls out her phone, to show me something and I see her wallpaper. It's a picture of Melanies, her, and me from Halloween. I was Yue from Avatar the Last Air Bender, Melanies was Tinker Bell, and Sophie was a minion from Despicable Me. I look at my costume, I looked a lot like Yue, even though she was a cartoon. My hair kinda put it all together. White. My natural hair color is white, no I'm not an albino either. I've tried dying it, but it doesn't stay. Even when a professional does it, it all comes out and it's white again. I like it, it's different and it's real. "Did you hear a word I just said?" Sophie asks nudging my shoulder. I look up at her, but I didn't hear anything. To lost in thought, she sighs. "I said we were invited to that party Friday, you know end of school big celebration." Now I sigh. I lean back in my chair. "I hate those parties." I whisper, and then the bell rings, Sean walks in late like usual. He sits down, and the teacher starts the lesson. Aftermath I head to science, today we're just cleaning up the room. Throwing away dead frogs that weren't used, and letting go of all the bugs we caught that were still living. I hate this, it's like being rubbed in my face that school is ending. Even if it is only a couple of months, I hate summer, I hate the weather and the whole no-school thing. Maybe it would be better if I was allowed to be in sports, see friends, have a job even! But Harris won't let me. Too many things can go wrong, that's what he says when I ask him. Whatever that means. Sophie and I make our way to the lunch room a couple of periods later, chatting about summer plans already. I don't think she realizes I hate this conversation. Grabbing our food we sit next to Melanie and keep up the summer plans conversation. I notice of course when Sean comes in, I think everyone notices. He comes in talking loud enough, for people across the country to hear. He frantically looks for a second around the lunchroom, landing on me. He sends me a look, almost like a warning. I stand up and dump my tray, what the hell is his problem? I go back inside, brushing past Sean and his friends who still haven't taken their seats. He grabs my elbow and whispers to me. Once he lets go, I plop into my chair and smack my head on the table. "What is Sean's problem?" Melanie whispers, and I rub my forehead. Head-butting the table isn't a smart idea. "He seems, more... creepy perv brother today than normal." Yeah, she couldn't be more right. He didn't hit on me today though. He seemed genuinely worried, but he didn't say what about. He just told me to watch my back, and always carry the pepper spray Harris gave me.