
the new royal

it was just a normal day while the queen is giving birth. but sadly the queen died and princess emile was born yep that me. I was the 4th child born my 3 older teenage brothers are annoying as heck but whatever there triplets then me a newborn. my dad never really came and my brothers only came to get out of there lessons. well I mean I guess that was okay I didn't really care anyways since I was a baby won't I am a baby and eventually my dad started coming around more and wait, what if I make my dad love me so much like he'll fall into my trap and then I'll move on to my brothers well that sounds like a good plan I wonder how I'm going to do it though. The next day I woke up to my father staring at me "oh thank god shes awake" said,my father. Of course I'm awake why would I be.

Why did he say that find out next time