
BOOK ONE: Chapter Two

Nina's POV

My eyes became glassy with tears but I chose not to cry. Crying was for the weak girls who didn't understand the term strong. Yes, he cheated but that didn't mean it was the end of the world. In the first place, why was I with him? It can't be the s-x...Trust me it was bland and boring. Oooh yeah! He helped me so much when I began my part job while still in University and this is a major boost to my career and that made me feel indebted and blindly in love with him.

To make things worst, my Red coloured not so big Sedan car broke down just two blocks away from his house. Pride won't let me go back and ask for him and it's night already. Of all places my car broke down in this silent neighbourhood, everyone is always in his house minding his business, most cans here are ordered. I scratch my hair in annoyance, my phone was still at Lucy's.

I walked down the Lucero Estate street having all sorts of crazy ideas in my mind Was I the only one in love? For how long have they been dating??? I hope they both get struck by lightning, I hope he grows fat. l hope his d-ck falls on. One moment I was walking listening to heartbreak songs and the next I was lying in a puddle of mud.

"Oooh, sh-t..." I swallowed my other words after seeing the perfect being take off his helmet and shook his tousled dark hair which was thick and lustrous to its perfect messy shape. He had an almost symmetrical face, smooth, spade-shaped beard, natural warm undertone skin and to add it up those midnight hazel eyes.

Like have I have never met a handsome guy with hazel eyes before? Drolling, the night could not hide his beauty.

"Hey," I sent him a weak smile.

"Would you care to stand up? I want to know if you are hurt..." He rudely replied with rather sweet voice instead of the baritone voice I was already imagining in my head.

"You should help me up. You are the one who threw me here..."

"Young girl, that's what you get for being absent-minded on the road...So are you hurt?"

"Why do you care?" I managed to stand on my feet.

"Because you middle-class people love to be dramatic. One moment you are okay and the other you are busy looking for me claiming I broke your bones..."

In a spur, I hated that handsome man. He was a product of the devil and the angel In a spur, I hated that handsome man He was a product of the devil and the angel of death herself. Such arrogance.

"Don't worry, this one doesn't bother arrogant men..." I tried wiping the mud off my stylish little black dress with nude pantyhose and black booties but all in vain...

"Okay", He wore his helmet and got back on his bike but I wasn't ready to let him go that easily after calling me middle class and a girl!.

I began collecting the mud and hitting him...

"How am I supposed to get home all muddy, How will I walk down the streets looking like the ghost of an old wicked queen?"

"You are crazy, stop! Are you being serious?"He cried out walking towards me He took his helmet off again

"Do you know who l am?"

"Do you know the hell of a day I have had?"

"How dare you hit me with that disgusting mud?"

"How dare he cheat on me?"

"What are you even talking about?"

"Why did you throw me in that puddle of mud? Did Frank send you to rub it in?"

"You are really crazy. Are you sure you don't have a borderline disorder?" He began shaking me while my eyes were focused on those perfect lips which were ripe for kissing.

"Do crazy people do this?" I smiled wickedly, smearing the mud on my hand on his lips

"F-ck sh-t! What wrong with you??" He staggered back and I ran. He would have followed me if he wanted to.

I walked for a while hoping to soon get a cab that dropped me off or a nice looking Samaritan to ask for a ride or phone that was willing to carry a girl who looked like she just resurrected from horror.

* * *

"Hey, what happened to you?" Lucy asked when I got inside the house.

"A handsome man happened..."

"Give us the juicy details. Did you get his number? Did you get his name?" The lovebirds began jumping up and down in excitement.

"He ate mud," I replied dryly and went to the guest room which is also my room when I come over.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked throwing me my night cream when I got out of the shower

"Is it that obvious?"

"We saw it.." Williams showed me an Instagram post of Frank and his girlfriend where he claimed he was going to soon be a father.

"Okay," I said coldly and sank into bed

"YoU know we are here for you if you need anything..." She assured hugging me

"Thank you and please switch off the lights on your way out." When I was sure Jane had gone, I sat upright and begun sulking about Frank. He never posted me on social media, was I a sidechick?My eyes were filled with tears the more I manage to fight them.

He wasn't worth my tears and I wasn't gonna cry. Yes my heart was shattered, my chest was heavy with sob but I wasn't gonna become a weakling. I was about to cover myself and sleep when my phone pinged with message after messages.

Albert:Hey Nina, I have some good news

Albert:Call me As soon as possible, it's urgent.

Albert:Are you asleep?

Albert:Girl this news is hot.

Albert was kinda of my manager. I didn''t pay him yet but he always found jobs for me while he insist I should not bother , he is doing this to build his portfolio before he starts a Marketing Agency.

"Hello,what' s the news " I asked with an unenthusiastic voice the moment he received the call.

"Guess what?" He screamed excitedly.

"Come out with it, I have had a rough day..."

"Carlos Valdemar wants you to be his designer for his next album which is to be launched in two months."

"Carlos Valdemar ,the same famous singer his royal highness or another Carlos?"

"The only one you know Boo, he saw you work and ordered that I find you Girl, I am happy for you."

"So when do I start?"

"Tomorrow you will go for and interview and if you pass, you will sign a contract .I am sending you the address asap please don't be late.."


Ladies and gentlemen that's what we call favour and luck... I have worked with a lot of celebrities before but Carlos Valdemar was on another level, he was the fucking Duke of Moroccan He was like a god and me working with him was a lifetime achievement... He had a twin brother who ventured more on artistry and an arrogant big brother who didn't care much about

Watch out Moroccan I am about to paint this town blue! I made a happy dance hopping off my bed all thoughts of Frank replaced with a desire to make this work and hopefully prove to my father regardless I can still work with the Royal Family and just maybe get re-owned! I laughed at my crazy thought already planning tomorrow's first impression outfits.