
BOOK ONE: Chapter Seven

Nina's POV

I know you all think when I called Prince Stefan Valdemar a driver that I didn't know he was actually the billionaire Prince of Monaco.

He looked like the boss, from his expensive Italian suit, his shoes, the watch and the similarity features between him and the twins. I didn't know he was a prince that night on the power bike.He was rarely on social media. Only the twins are popular because Carlos happens to the small country's sweetheart with his beautiful RandB songs. While Lucas on the other hand was good with Arts. An added advantage to their success was their royalty but Stefan is a total different case not seen on social media or just any gathering and honestly I doubt if he has any talent apart from looking dropping hot and sexy all the damn time. Thanks to his Arrogance it's hard to get turned on for him.

l just wanted to put him into his place. I could see Lucas and Alia signalling me to shut up but I didn't care.He think he runs the world when actually he just runs the business his family owes.His father is still the King.

If his grandfather did not steal so many lands after our independence or used his smart brains to better the future of his descendants to come he would probably be fruit vendor.He might act all mighty and arrogant but the bottom line was his grandfather was a thief.

Back to things that mattered, working on Prince Carlos custome was fun but pretty tiresome as well.ln his album he had twelve songs and in those twelve songs he needed a different outfit t0 perform three songs..In short I needed to design four unique sets together with his dancers and backup singers.

Was under a good kind of pressure but my personal problems were a barrier to me keeping up. I missed my parents and Frank So muchI walked through the gate only to bump into arrogant man and Sonia. To me she seemed beautiful and seductive, something to be admired from a distance.When he saw me, he quickly dropped her hand like it was on fire. I wish he knew I didn't Care even it he dated the Pope.

"Hey Nina" she hugged me and before I could respond she continued, "I hope you will Consider me as your model in your next project."

"Okay." I walked past them ignoring the steaming hot annoying sculpture beside her.When I walked inside the fashion studio and found Alia busy perfecting her sketche.Half of me was proud of her and another half was jealous of how hard-working she is.

"Alia , this is perfect. I am glad you followed what I suggested.." I smiled looking at the perfect sketches in front of me.

"Thanks Nina" she said blushing while she arrange her glasses and continued

"So what do you say, you accompany me at the Fashion show this weekend?I reallyneed a plus one."

"Are you Sure?" I nodded and she begun jumping up and down excitedly, dancing me

around. "You Won't regret it"

"Okay enough with the hugging and dancing, I am getting dizzy.."

We were so busy with work, finishing up with the sketches, trying to put rough designs together when I smelt a familiar cologne.It was Prince Carlos.Just the thought of him, my heart pounded foolishly.

"Good morning beatiful ladies?"

"Good morning Prince Carlos."Alia respondedwith a smile whereas I tried to get the words but couldn't...

"Are you okay Nina? He placed the hand on my shoulder and I could feel fire all over my body... I eyed him from top to bottom, admiring everything I saw... Damn I want to rest on that chest, sweet lips mamammia..

" Nina?" I shook my thoughts off.

"Excuse me." I turned around and ran to the washroom. Yes, he was my celebrity crush but I didn't know he had such an intense effect on me. I rinsed my face severally but my heart still sang in delight as my mind drove my thoughts to weird places.. Picturing him shirtless, his lips on my lips, his lips worshipping me and how perfect I felt in his arms.

"Lord what was happening?"I looked myself in the mirror and slapped myself so hard

"Focus Niina, he is your boss,got out of the washroom and found him

waiting for me by the door ,starled.

" Are you okay?"

"Yes, No, No, Yes.... am fine..." I finally shot him cold eyes after much struggle..

"I know what you need, some motivation..." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of

the studio...

"Where are we going???"I asked but didn't get an answer only wild hormones getting the better part of me In the car, the silence was very weird.All he did was sing melting my heart away. I was drowning in his sweet voice and couldn't help it

"Here we are.." He snapped me out of my fantasies...

"What are we doing here?" I asked when I got out of the car. We were in the middle of


"l want you to find your motivation and i think I might help you.." He got his guitar from the back seat, held my hand


We silently walked for a while until we reached a beautiful river side river.. The place looked beautiful with the trees, the still water and the chirping birds.

"This place is beautiful," I smiled looking around and appreciating the beauty of nature.

" I kow, so sit down and I will take yourSorrows away"

I sat at the rock beside him and listened to him as he sung my sorrows away. Indeed music is always the medicine.His golden voice carried me away that I His golden voice carried me away that I begun moving my head side to side, snapping my fingers as my eyes welled with tears...

I love you my honey

I don't want anyone but you

You make me feel perfection

All I want is you by my side

"That was beautiful," I fanned myself not to cry.

"Yeah, it was a song I was to sing to my ex the day she dumped me. I was..."

"YOU were going to meet her at the Parki gardens after yoU recorded this song only for her to tell you it's over.." I butted in..

After realising that I had unleashed my parrot side, I covered my face with my hands.I am sorry i talk too much.

"No, I am just surprised of about how much you know me.." He dropped my hands from my face

"How do you know me so much?"

"I am your biggest fan." I blurted out smiling like a fool.

"And I am also your biggest fan..."He kissed my hand making my cheeks warm with


"SO let me sing another song for my biggest fan.."

Guess which song it was.Left behind written and sang by Carlos

'You knew l loved you but you left anyway

Iam a sad song on repeat

How am I to heal my broken heart?'

When I didn't want you to leave me behind .The song he released after Clara dumped him.When he sung that song, memories of me and Frank flooded my mind and I couldn't hold back my tears. I felt the person understood my pain, his voice was meant to sooth my broken heart and the words were to make me cry. I couldn't hold back.

"Nina, why are you crying??

"He left too..."

Those were the last words I said before he imprisoned me in his arms...