
BOOK ONE:Chapter Nine

Nina's POV

Fate!Fate!Fate!Who did I offend?Why did I have to fall on this guy's arms? You know l can't stand him or even like him as a human being... Fate you are a disappointment.

"If you don't know how to walk in heels, don't wear them" He teased

"I am sure you tripped me" I raged

"I rather kiss all the girls in this room than even hold you" He said coldly

"Then why did you hold me?" I glared at him angrily.I was losing patience with this

man.Off late the only agenda he had in life was to belittle me or make my life horrible. A crowned Prince and a respected CEO like him going aroun making an innocent girl's life a nightmare,What a loser.

"Do you want me to drop you?" He asked softly and like a fool I nodded

"I rather fall than be in your arms..." And the arrogant man dropped me acting like nothing had happened.

For a moment I thought he was a real man and wouldn't do something like that and so l tried pulling his leg. Poor me, my butt was numb but still on fire.I could see sympathy drawn on some people's faces while others were trying so hard to control their laughter...Thanks heavens only few people were inside the ballroom

"Are you okay???" Ramon asked while he and Lucas lifted me up

"Sorry, you slipped out of my hand..." Stefan faked a Concern, "Hope you have no broken


"F-ck you dude, you literally dropped me."| sneered my expression filled with frustration.

"We are officially enemies, Prince Stefan" I whispered at him before Luca accompanied me to the washroom. But that nigga didn't even look apologetic, his eyes were lighting up with mischief,I really hate him..

As we walked to the bathroom, I could notice girls ogling at Lucas.He had worn a black

blazer, white V-neck shirt, a pair of rugged skinny jeans complimented with suede boots... He look different but hot..

"Are yoU seriously going to take me inside "Are you seriously going to take me inside the ladies' Washroom?"

"Yup." He shrugged and opened the door to the ladies' room.

I expected girls to push him out but there they were taking selfies with him and he seemed to be comfortable with the attention.

"Are you okay?" He asked when it seemed I was done with the retouch of makeup...


"Excuse me ladies but my bff is done so l have to go..." Lucas stated and all girls

begun pleading for him to stay a little bit more only for him to hold my hand and walk me out of there. Some old ladies had the nerve to sneer when they saw him come out of the ladies' washroom but he didn't care.

"Lucas, go have some fun .I will be fine.."

"You Sure?"I nodded.

"Okay, take care" He kissed me on the cheek and went to mingle with other guests.nJust when I thought I could finally breathe, Some cheap lousy bloggers came and stood beside me..

"Nina, why is your boyfriend dancing with another girl?" One of them asked..

"Don't tell me he dumped you? This is hot gossip." The other one giggled..

"You want to know what why he dumped me,any problem? That b-tch is pregnant and I don't give a sh-t about it..Screw you cheap bloggers, write what you want. I don't care and spoke in a raw harsh voice..

"So any other question???"

"We are s..." One of them tried to act Sympathetic but I was done with people butt rubbing my face...

"Oooh please! Quit the pretence before shove that champagne glass you are holding down your throat..."

The two of them trembled at the thought of that and walked out of my sight as fast as their legs could carry them.A sweet melody begun drifting through the atmosphere making the place less unbearable. looked around for Carlos but he was busy laughing and talking with everyone apart trom me.

"Hey, a sad night.."Alia stood beside me

"Tell me about it." I gulped down another glass of champagne. Yes I would have been excited to chitchat withher but too bad my mood was already bad or was it?

"Crowned Prince Stefan is a very arrogant man, trust me and a more arrogant man as a boyfriend..." Suddenly my mood lit up, I always thought the Crowned Prince was dating the duchess of Sweden.Did not know rumour so it was true.. Now I was ready to listen to this juicy gossip.

"I know you have heard the rumours about dating the Duchess they were true.But he

loves making women feel inferior, he thinks they can be bought with money. Oooh!! hate this man sometimes but his body makes me feel entirely different things "

Fate it seems you didn't forget about. me.Finally I havea girl who despises Stefan as much as I do.My fashion assistance ..

" would do anything to get back at him.." The words slipped out of my mouth unguarded.

"That's very wrong.."

"What?" I guess I had messed up and- alot to the wrong person. That's very wrong and I love it.."

Phewks! I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand in my mind.She really got me there...

"Here." She gave me her business card containing her house address's

"We can have coftee sometime..."

Betore we could chitchat more, some ladies wanted to take some photos with her while Roman pulled me aside.

"Yes Roman?"

"What's happening Nims, why is Frank with

her???" I felt the concern in his voice...

I sighed," It seems I was the sidechic Frank. That girl is pregnant my guy." I could feel tears

burn behind my eyes.

"Sorry Nms. He placed his hands on my shoulders,

"You don't have to stay if you

"No, I wanna stay...And the fashion show was amazing. I loved every detail.."

"Coming from you, it means alot.. have to attend to the other guests call me when you

need anything..."

Inodded and he hugged me before walking away. I took another glass of champagne from the waiter and before I could gulped it down, Some three girls who think we are friends walked towards me.

"I am sorry sissy, I heard what Frank did. It's Very wrong. How could he impregnate

another woman?" One of them faked a Sob.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

Another one placed her hand on my forehead to feel if I was fine.

Like c'mon how is a fever related to a heartbreak?

"We are here for you Nina, we love you bestie"

I would rather spend the rest of the night staring at the crystal chandeliers spiraled

down from the arching sky-blue ceiling illuminating the glimmering golden walls and a floor so polished it looked like an ice-over lake than to talk with these gossipers.Stupid gossip. Stupid lame people who gossip. Damn! hated the fame...

If hearing them chatter wasn't worse, I had to persevere their accompanying watts ot rose, hyacinth and Jasmine.

"Girls, I know where to find you when I need you. It not like I am on my deathbed so it you don't mind, walk away. I need to think"

When they walked away from me, God knows what. I gulped down several glasses of champagne looking at Carlosvapparently was looking at me..His eyes ignited something inside me like an blazing fire.. He smiled at me and begunbwalking towards me when I suddenly saw

Frank standing infront of me. When I Iooked for Carlos over Frank's shoulder, he was no longer standing there.Where did he go? Why can't anything go well in this party for once?

"Nina, can we talk?"