
The Rose That Grew From Concrete

The rose that grew from concrete Tiara Lowe has had it rough since foster care days, she eventually fell in love with one of the corner boys from her foster care house and ran away with him, wrong decisions, wrong decision. She had to endure all types of abuse and at the bare minimum, she had to stay in a separate room when Tavane had his girls over, but one day she came up with a master plan to get away from the situation, although she was scared and hadn't been out of the country she travels for hours going to a researched destination after stealing from her ex-boyfriend. what will happen now that she's in another country, with a stolen card and money, trying to find a better life she will meet obstacles and she will fall short or maybe in love but she would never give up and she. didn't even at the brink of death. Started On January 15,2021

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Rose That Grew From Concrete.

Rose that grew from concrete

I walked up to the door, peeping around the corner, I knew he had someone in the house but what could I do about it, this was the regular actions I had to sit around and watch him cheat, sit around and collect heights of disrespect and insult, I had nowhere to go, no family, no friends, no jobs and no level of qualification or certification.


Once upon a time Tavane was my hero, we fell in love when I was in government care, he was just the guy every girl in the foster care wanted but I thought he only wanted me, at age sixteen I escaped from the horrible foster care, we had no education, we barely had food and it was just all-round awful.


Tavane was nineteen at that time and had a job surprisingly I was excited about having a future with him so of course, I moved the first three months of being out of foster care and had no one looking for me I started doing anything with him and going anywhere, around the fourth month I had to start fighting off girls from all angles and let's just say when his girls weren't beating me he was.


Fast forward to this day, I'm now nineteen years old living under the same condition I was disrespected day and night and I had to see girls come and go on a daily.

"Is your sister still here?" I heard a girl's voice asked.

I didn't even wait for him to respond I just went to the back room while I heard them making their way to our bedroom, once again my skin crawled, I immediately got perturb by their behavior and decided to get some clothes from the room upstairs.

I grabbed my phone off the charger and tiptoed past the room that they were in, to the guest room that's where most of my clothing was kept since he had girl staying overnight at times, I was his roommate.

I packed three suits of clothing, five underwear, some things for hygiene, a slide, a few chains, and some hair gel along with a comb and a few wigs the bag was almost full so I left the room and went downstairs to put some snacks in the bag and water. I zipped up the bag and hide it behind the step heading back upstairs.


"Tavane I'm going to the store to get some tampon and food can I have some cash," I asked from outside the door.

I stood there patiently waiting for the money like I didn't already steal some from him, enough to spend a week in a motel but I needed it.

"Tiara how many times I have to tell you to leave me when I'm busy here is my card bring me back some Wendy's" Tavane said opening the door slightly and handing me his card I grab it out of his hand and made a sharp turn heading down the stairs.

I grabbed my bag from under the stairs and headed for the door leaving my problems and everything else behind, I wasn't coming back I didn't plan to the first stop I'm going to make it to the machine so that I can draw as much money as I needed.

I went to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come after about fifteen minutes the bus came I got on the bus and logged out of my apple account changing it so that Tavane couldn't find me while I had this phone.


The bus stop at the terminus and I got off quickly heading to the machine across the road, I drew a hundred and twenty thousand and placed it in the bag pushing it under the few clothing I had, I walked back to the terminus and Looked at the boarding status, there was a train leaving to Atlanta, in fifteen minutes and the train ride was four hours plus stops.


I purchased the ticket and got in the rain I knew nothing about Atlanta but this was my time and escape to earn the freedom and respect I've been deserving I had his card and I had money from now on I would Have to be careful of the transactions I made since it was traceable.

I got in and took a comfortable seat, occasionally searching up about Atlanta and places to stay I was thinking about renting an apartment as soon as I got there but I didn't have any proof of identification and I didn't want to go through the trouble of getting one but I'm going to need it for the hotel too so whenever I get there ill go to the registration please and search for my information and deal with my papers.