
The Rose That Grew From Concrete

The rose that grew from concrete Tiara Lowe has had it rough since foster care days, she eventually fell in love with one of the corner boys from her foster care house and ran away with him, wrong decisions, wrong decision. She had to endure all types of abuse and at the bare minimum, she had to stay in a separate room when Tavane had his girls over, but one day she came up with a master plan to get away from the situation, although she was scared and hadn't been out of the country she travels for hours going to a researched destination after stealing from her ex-boyfriend. what will happen now that she's in another country, with a stolen card and money, trying to find a better life she will meet obstacles and she will fall short or maybe in love but she would never give up and she. didn't even at the brink of death. Started On January 15,2021

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6. Tell Me Again

Tiara Lowe

"Girl I know you see that fine man talking to you," Aliyah said nudging me a bit I looked at her like she was crazy and moved on to the next order she knew I wasn't entertaining a soul I was afraid of men and their capabilities.

" Aliyah I'm not worried about these men I told you this already," I said walking to the back to tell them to pack more fries.

I wasn't interested in anybody I don't want to blame her for trying to set me up with somebody but that's not my priority It has been one week since I got raped and I haven't seen or heard from Tavane and trust me I was in gratitude.

I have been staying at Malik's house for the past couple of days and it has been good I didn't see him acting differently towards me we had the same chill relationship and at work, I kept it professional until he or Kyle is ready to pick me up.

I had respect for myself and him what would I be doing with a man in his house I'm there and he doesn't bring his females by although the situation is different since he had several places.

" Look I know what happened I'm not saying you should move on now but baby you are beautiful you turn head and break necks you can't just expect nobody is going to want you, you attract both gender and that's a flex one day you will have to move on all i'm saying is that exchanging numbers for friendly conversations won't hurt" Aliyah said

I gave it some thought and agreed with her, we continue to converse and work throughout the day since we were on the same shift and we were working the front.

"Child when are you going to give Kyle my number that nigga is finer than the finest wine," Aliyah said she did not rest and although it got annoying sometimes I still loved her.

I looked at her for a couple of minutes straight before trying to answer her, she always talked about Kyle since he came here to get me a few times but Kyle was my friend, and having two friends who date is almost sacrificial plus Kyle already had a baby mother, a girlfriend, and a side piece.

"Aliyah baby you know that man carries his baggage around, he has a whole son that three years old, a girlfriend for five years, and a side piece that I recently found out about he went to pick her up the other day and she was mad about riding in the back sis was pissed," I told Aliyah while we both laughed at homegirl.

She made a broad introduction on some "Hey Tiara i'm Ava Kyle's Girlfriend I've heard alot about you" I had to look at her for a long time because I didn't hear shit about her, Kyle would've been crazy telling me about her when I already knew the baggage he carried I would've talked him out of it.

"Ti I can't want the man and I'm sure it will be just sex I'm not looking for a relationship I'm barely twenty-one I'm just having fun for the both of us since your not about to get any " Aliyah said causing the lady who was ordering to laugh.

"Young ladies get all you can from now because once you are in your fifties the positions get more detrimental God knows I don't have the back and the knee for the sex life I want," the lady said smirking.

"You heard what auntie said Tiara, I know you heard," Aliyah said I held my head down in shame and hand the lady her order making sure I rush the preparation.

I looked at Aliyah and once again she was a mess.

"By the way, I know that Kyle picks you up on Wednesdays to work at the club i'm coming with yall today I left my little Betsy back home," Aliyah said applying lipgloss.

I laughed at her as we covered the shift quickly and cleaned up we waited until Samaria and Chanel came to take over the shift before we left out.

Kyle was already waiting outside so I walked up to the car and got in the back while Aliyah got in the front.

"Kyle she'll tell you where to drop her and you know where to drop me, I'm not feeling too well," I said positioning myself in the back seat my head felt as if it was spinning and I felt sleepy.

"You want me to get you some tea or something to eat?" Kyle asked and I nodded.

Aliyah handed me a pill and I took them and fixed my bag under my head trying to get some rest I wanted to sleep but my eyes wouldn't let me.

"So Kyle you know I've been seeing you around you not my type but you could get some of this let me know what you are on and we'll link no strings attached babe," Aliyah said and we all bust out laughing she was the mess.

"Capping, Kyle she thinks you are the finner than the finest whine so obviously you are her type," I said and she looked back at me.

"Aint you sick chile, stop cock blocking and go to sleep I could get some right now, right here," she said patting down Kyle's private area.

Kyle on the other hand was having the time of his life, they already exchanged numbers, and all of a sudden we were at the club first with no food to eat and no tea to drink, I hate my friends.

"Okay Liyah please tell me again," Kyle said smirking.

He parked at the back of the club and we got out entering I won't to Malik's office while they wander off to where ever, I always came here to take a shower and change before work since I was safer here as well as my stuff.

"Hey Kid" Malik greeted me.

"Can I have some food please?" I asked and he nodded and started making a call I went to the private bathroom and changed trying my best to not fall over in the tub this headache was giving me the chills the pills weren't working.

I turned off the shower and call Malik in the bathroom to sit on the toilet while I shared with him all the tea that took place at work today and how Kyle and Aliyah were probably downstairs somewhere rubbing genitals together.