
The Rose That Grew From Concrete

The rose that grew from concrete Tiara Lowe has had it rough since foster care days, she eventually fell in love with one of the corner boys from her foster care house and ran away with him, wrong decisions, wrong decision. She had to endure all types of abuse and at the bare minimum, she had to stay in a separate room when Tavane had his girls over, but one day she came up with a master plan to get away from the situation, although she was scared and hadn't been out of the country she travels for hours going to a researched destination after stealing from her ex-boyfriend. what will happen now that she's in another country, with a stolen card and money, trying to find a better life she will meet obstacles and she will fall short or maybe in love but she would never give up and she. didn't even at the brink of death. Started On January 15,2021

Life_With_Keiona · Thanh xuân
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~Tiara Lowe~

"Good morning my love" I heard above me as I tried to move off the floor, but for some reason, I felt immobilized I couldn't move My eyes were wide open but I felt blind, It was as if my sense vanishes.

I looked up, and there he was, I now felt defeated remember the events of last night I felt cheap and dirty this beats the purpose of me wanting to live a normal life.

It's like I signed a deal with the monstrous devil and the contract could not be breached, I couldn't live like this anymore, I felt trapped and used I had to get out of this.

I whispered a short prayer, while I gathered the rest of the dignity I had left getting up off the floor, my ankles hurt from the running, my face burned in all places and my body was itching.

"I see you walking with a limp I did good huh?" He asked walking towards me I didn't even panic or run I just slowly retrieved my phone from the couch turning my back to him I crept up the stairs indicating that I didn't want to be in his space anymore I started speed walking as fast as I could when I came out of sight.

I got in the bathroom and keyed the door sitting behind it I quickly texted, Aliyah, to let her know that I might be late for work and I texted Malik hinting to him about the incident.

The phone was not at eight percentage and I wanted to keep it charged and out of sight long enough to get out of here.

I showered quickly trying my best to scrub the nasty feeling off me but it didn't budge one bit, I guess I should just come to terms with being his little rag doll and getting rape all the time since bettering my life is a sin.

I used the door on the left of my bathroom to get into my room hoping he's not in there, I lotioned quicker than normal and got In my underwear looking through the closet I grabbed my black pants, black shirt, and my black McDonald's hat.

I got dressed and packed my bag for work stashing the phone in the side just in case I didn't make it out of the house, I was already thirty-seven minutes late for work and this wasn't a good look.

"I'm outside your gate come out I brought breakfast" Malik texted me I gathered the strength to go downstairs and I was feeling much better when I didn't see Tavane in the living room I was about to sneak out but he wasn't anywhere in sight.

I sighed and ran outside locking up the place quickly since Malik was waiting down the street I walked to the fifth apartment and saw my neighbor Becky looking at me I nodded at her and got in the backseat of Malik's Car.

I needed to apply more concealer to my face just so the battered look will be even out and since I'm dark skin it might not be too visible.

"T why are you in the back seat?" Malik asked while he drove off handing me the bag with my breakfast this man was hilarious he went all the way to the city to get me Mcdonald's like I don't work there I could have grabbed this at work.

"So how you gonna get me Mcdonald's boy you real funny," I said to eat it as with God's speed l, I was very hungry and haven't eaten in hours and was just abused and rape and look what I'm complaining about. This is exactly why My God Isn't working in my favor right now.

"Girl bye, I was already out in the city and this was the nearest fast food place that I could get to and make it here in less than an hour, plus I know you are hungry as usual and you are too late to eat at work you really must not want the Job.

I chuckled because I was defeated he had a point as always our little morning debates were now over and the silence became deadly, It was killing me I wanted to cry badly but I held myself together.

"So what happened last night I saw your message plus your nosy neighbor from apartment seven come straight up was giving you this pity look when you came out plus you are in the back seat?" Malik asked looking back at me I looked in my phone at the now six percent that I had left deciding I'll charge it at work.

I look up at him only to see that we were now in the parking lot of my workplace I gathered the trash from what we were eating and immediately got out of the car not answering his question.

I walked to the back and waited for someone to let me in I greeted Aliyah and gave her my phone to charge while I got my apron on and sanitize myself.

I quickly packed some orders and gave them out feeling blessed with all the thank you's I was receiving, I looked at Aliyah who was cashing and she smiled at me warming my heart.

"Girl you are never late plus you seem agitated what's going on with you," Aliyah asked looking at me with concern, I was amazed at how she read me up indeed I was agitated, I felt like Tavane could walk up in here any minute and create a scene.

Before I could answer I felt a slap at the back of my foot followed by continuous sweeping, I turned around to look at Samaria who was sweeping absolutely nothing.

I tried my best to keep my composure because I didn't want to end up at the station for directing all my built-up anger towards this child.

"I want to know if your father is the owner of Mcdonald, the manager said that you are on window duty, something my early ass been dying for" I smiled at her and walked off nodding at Aliyah.

"So you mute now bitch?"Samaria asks while I was heading to the back, I made you turn and stop right in front of her face looking at her from head to toe.

"You know you don't want these hands, you are a talker and I'm not don't make me pop you child' I said to her before bouncing her discreetly.

"Yass Pooh," Aliyah said clapping we both laughed while I headed to the window to take the drive-thru order I lived for window order the people appear so much nicer and I get hella tips for no reason.