
The Rose That Grew From Concrete

The rose that grew from concrete Tiara Lowe has had it rough since foster care days, she eventually fell in love with one of the corner boys from her foster care house and ran away with him, wrong decisions, wrong decision. She had to endure all types of abuse and at the bare minimum, she had to stay in a separate room when Tavane had his girls over, but one day she came up with a master plan to get away from the situation, although she was scared and hadn't been out of the country she travels for hours going to a researched destination after stealing from her ex-boyfriend. what will happen now that she's in another country, with a stolen card and money, trying to find a better life she will meet obstacles and she will fall short or maybe in love but she would never give up and she. didn't even at the brink of death. Started On January 15,2021

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~Tiara Lowe~

*1 month later*

Yes, Baby, Life was going pretty fine thus far I was living a normal life with a bit of happiness I wasn't sad anymore I'm just determined to be better, do better, and manifest greatness.

The other day I went to transfer some of the money To the bank and surprisingly I had the authority to switch everything to a new account by using my document so I did exactly that Ending up with a little over a million dollars but I didn't bother to waste that money since I know what it's not like to have it and I thought it was a bit sketchy I Invest some of it in trading and bought a share with some of it from the both of them I've been benefiting and making more money.

I now attend an online course that would help me get certified on the high school level I was killing it thus far after I complete this course I planned to attend college see where it goes from there.

I'm almost twenty and I crave nothing but stability.

I also got the work at McDonald's and I work there part-time on a six-hour shift, and once I clock out I focus on my classes and working at Malik's club as a bartender.

At first, it was hard but I couldn't turn down the money, I saw that I went from broke to a millionaire with two accounts in the space of a month but nothing changed I still ubered, worked two jobs and saved money that I didn't need to waste.

It was 10 pm and I was leaving the club, some nights I got dropped off by Malik or his friend that visits the club but they both were out of the building tonight so I had to travel by myself I walked down the street waiting at the side for the Uber to pull up but he took forever I texted my friend Aliyah who Worked at McDonald's to pass time since I was bored.

looking up the Uber was still not there I decided to walk further up the street with the hopes of seeing one being loaded that I can take to at least leave the dark street that this club laid on.

I stopped once again looking across the street as the man signaled for me to come across I went across and ask for the direction and he told me where he was heading and I thanked the lord before sitting in the backseat.

I had pepper spray and a knife in my bag but I learned not to travel in the front seat at night creepy people might be in the back and that's how you sign up to get kidnapped.

Reaching my apartment I walked up the porch feeling heavy all of a sudden, I was about to retrieve my keys when the door slightly cracked open causing me to step back in shock with my heart running out of my chest I looked up again to ensure the I was an apartment three and indeed I was.

I might not be the sharpest female but I had enough sense to know that I came back to the right apartment.

"Are you going to come in or not?" Tavane asked standing in the door frame and just like that the heavy feeling I had earlier became more heavy and unbearable.

My knees buckled in fear and my adrenaline rushed in I knew I wasn't strong enough to put up a fight so I dashed down the porch not even paying any attention to the heels that were giving my ankles a warm time.

"You know I'm only here to talk right slow down mama" Tavane shouted and I stop trying to reach my phone in the process but he was getting closer and my feet hurt, My breathing hitched as I tried my best to dial the police number.

On the second ring, somebody answer, and I immediately started shouting hoping they could pick up on what I was saying.

In split seconds the porch light on apartment four came on but nobody came out to help me Tavane grab me and drag me to the house pushing me down on the couch and closing the door I sat there and tried to be calm knowing if I made any wrong move I'll be hospitalized.

"Why did you think for a second that I didn't know where you were staying, I have people and eyes everywhere don't you know that?" He asked calmly

I nodded and tried getting up only to be pushed back down, I felt defeated at this point I felt like giving up I didn't know what else to do imaging I thought I was free from this all.

"Why are you doing this? " I asked trying my best to keep my voice at the lowest base.

"I love you Tiara and I never stop I made some wrong choice but I'm here to make them right, I'm a changed man just let me proof or to you that I got us and us only" he said holding my and looking in my eye.

Was I convinced? yes, did I want him back? .

"I'm sorry T, I don't want this nor do I want to be with you I'm okay living and staying by myself I'm making progress in life, I'm learning new things, I'm employed and I feel independent like no matter what I just won't go back to you I'm a new person leaning to be a better woman" I said to him and he squeezed my hand.

He started to push him self upon me leaving sloppy kisses all over I started to ease him off but he held two hands firmly with one of his hand while he sat on both of my legs trying to take my clothes of I tried my best to fight him off, we were both on the ground wrestling.

In a swift motion he boxed me twice and yanked my skirt off, as he tried his best to get into my panty I wiggled hoping he would stop, I've been raped to many times by this man and everytime it happens the trauma gets worst if I was to get rape tonight I don't think I would make it out alive.

He eased himself up and started to push into me I screamed and try biting his hands but it was doing me no justice he stuffed the cushion over my face while I tried my best to breath while crying.

I can't believe I was enduring this again I was doing so good for so long.