
The Rose That Grew From Concrete

The rose that grew from concrete Tiara Lowe has had it rough since foster care days, she eventually fell in love with one of the corner boys from her foster care house and ran away with him, wrong decisions, wrong decision. She had to endure all types of abuse and at the bare minimum, she had to stay in a separate room when Tavane had his girls over, but one day she came up with a master plan to get away from the situation, although she was scared and hadn't been out of the country she travels for hours going to a researched destination after stealing from her ex-boyfriend. what will happen now that she's in another country, with a stolen card and money, trying to find a better life she will meet obstacles and she will fall short or maybe in love but she would never give up and she. didn't even at the brink of death. Started On January 15,2021

Life_With_Keiona · Thanh xuân
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2.Job Searching

~Tiara Lowe~

After cooking yesterday eating and cleaning up a bit, I packed out the rest of the clothes that I bought along with the groceries the place was starting to give off a home vibe I just needed a couple of pictures of my self and all-black furniture for my room I will get those as soon I find somewhere to do a photo shoot and get money to buy the furniture or switch these out for a cheaper price

Yesterday I also did some research on the club that the guy was talking about but I was still unsure about that, I don't want to be a stripper or work in a club I wanted to educate my self, go back to school get qualified enough for a proper job and live a happy lonely life.

I've has only been to the club twice in my life and the crowd made me anxious and the people there also gave me creeps imagine me being creeped out in the middle of a stage fighting to stay on a pole that I never been on before the closet I got to pole is when I go to the bus stop and used to swing around the signs.

I saved Malik's number and texted him personally hoping he'd respond soon and we could have this job searching convo in the meantime I'm going to comb my hair and go out to the town after showering.

I wasn't sure about what my daily task would be but I knew I needed a job, and maybe looking further into online class I try and choose a course that will guide me and lead me to at least a certification I wasn't slow nor did I take year's to learn things I knew a lot and thought my self a lot by using the internet to my advantage I just lack qualifications.

Finally throwing two pieces of clothing together, trying my best to look presentable I wanted to look casual yet professional I wore a short but straight dress and a cardigan with flat shoes and stockings.

I smiled looking in the mirror wasn't shit casual about how I was looking at, I looked employed and I didn't even have a job yet I looked so Intelligent.

I decided to give the wigs a break for a good first impression, I pulled out the cornrows and combed out my hair, applying gels by part trying to get my thick black hair slicked back, for the most parts it was curling up but it was going back nevertheless in a struggle.

Finally getting it back in a neat style I sprayed it with the freezing glue and tired it down after curling the puff at the back.

I should have made breakfast before getting ready but I didn't see a difference. I took out three strips of bacon, two slices of bologna, a small piece of ham chop, and two eggs from the fridge.

I started preparing it knowing damn well that if I eat this much I'll fall asleep on the road after a while later I got done and made two sandwiches which I quickly devoured with the company of some green tea and I was ready.

Ready to take on the city, and any employer google placed me in contact with because of course I'm great so I'm going to be great and God will let me be great.

"Tiara Right, How you doing this morning beautiful?" Malik texted me and I smirked answering his message with a simple

"Yes, and I know it's a beautiful morning and I'm fine" I didn't want to give him flirt vibes nor did I want him to think I'm onto something more than looking for a job.

An hour later I was in the town looking around, I didn't get any job on sight I just pulled up and looked around for a bit then leave making sure to lock the location in my brain since the maps can be so difficult to use sometimes.

"Welcome To Mcdonald's can I take your order" The female looked at me from head to toe scrunching up her face, I honestly felt away but I wanted the milkshake so I Ordered it nevertheless.

I looked around and everyone was shouting at each other and it was just a mess because the customers started to shout too not liking how disrespectful the workers were.

"Samaria I'll wait on my order while you tend to the customers over there I said to the one cashier girl who switches between cashing and packing the orders.

I didn't like her attitude but I wanted to speak to the manager so I decided to wait.

" Girl you gonna wait on this burger because the fries are frying and I don't want to be bothered with your order child, he said sliding a bag across the counter to the girl who stood beside the girl she addressed they seemed to befriend and that's when the controversy started they both started to throw shade.

"Can I speak to your manager please?" I asked and she avoided me finally a girl came from the back to continue cashing I went over to the register and waited for her to cash the two males who were there.

"Excuse me Aliyah nice to meet you can I speak to your manager please it's nothing bad I'm seeking a job," I said to her and she nodded before getting up and going to the back I assume to call her manager.

She came back to inform me that he wasn't around at the moment so I had to come back sadly.

I got my milkshake and left deciding that I'd head home for the day I've only been out for like three hours but I only tried two-place, The hairdresser/owner said she'd give me a call to check my skills out and The manager at McDonald's wasn't there.

For some reason, I wanted to work at McDonald's and I don't know why because thirteen dollars an hour just wasn't going to maintain the lifestyle I wanted to live.

Maybe I should give Malik a call.