
The Rose That Grew From Concrete

The rose that grew from concrete Tiara Lowe has had it rough since foster care days, she eventually fell in love with one of the corner boys from her foster care house and ran away with him, wrong decisions, wrong decision. She had to endure all types of abuse and at the bare minimum, she had to stay in a separate room when Tavane had his girls over, but one day she came up with a master plan to get away from the situation, although she was scared and hadn't been out of the country she travels for hours going to a researched destination after stealing from her ex-boyfriend. what will happen now that she's in another country, with a stolen card and money, trying to find a better life she will meet obstacles and she will fall short or maybe in love but she would never give up and she. didn't even at the brink of death. Started On January 15,2021

Life_With_Keiona · Thanh xuân
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7 Chs

1.New place who y’all?

My name is Tiara Chadae Lowe; yes I finally got my papers although I already knew my name, The place was a bit hot but I was managing, I've been in Atlanta for two days now, yesterday I got an apartment and some more clothes today I was planning on going to the store to get some food, I didn't know where the stores where but maps was my best friend right now.


I don't know about anybody else but being here is the best I've felt in my whole life, I felt blessed, free, happy, and independent, nothing else mattered I felt like a whole new person, I wasn't being disrespected, slapped or pushed around I am now a new person in a new city waiting to meet new people.


"What do I wear now?" I asked myself as I strolled through the bags of clothing I had since I didn't pack them out as yet I was way too tired and there was way too much clothing Yesterday I took a bus out of Atlanta and went to draw some money and came back here just to be safe.


I'm a 5'3 dark skin girl, I have short jet black hair, I am considered by many to be thick, I have a chubby face and almonds eyes with nice honey orbs, I have three tattoos one on my wrist a tiara, one on my thigh a rose wrapped around a gun and the third one is a small butterfly under my breast.

I got my first tattoo at seventeen when I was forced by Tavane to get it at that time I got the tiara followed by the rest that I got after.


I picked out a black crop top and black jeans shorts to go with it along with my black Nike slides that I brought here with me, I placed them on the bed and cornrow my hair after that I pulled on my short bob lace and glue it down securing it properly.


I tied my edges down and put my bonnet on if I didn't know to do anything else I sure did teach myself to do my hair and makeup, I used to enjoy getting pretty no matter what I was going through.


After showering I did a light make up look after all I was only going to purchase food items, I got dressed and then grabbed my purse heading out making sure I had the keys to my apartment, wow did I just say my apartment I thought to myself no matter how I got the money I am proud and I deserve this.


I called an Uber and waited for the driver to come after what seemed like forever he pulled up, I got in the passenger seat and greeted him and he greeted me I told him I wanted a Walmart stop and once we got there he let me off and I paid.

I walked into Walmart and took a cart from upfront and went down into the store, I went to the vegetable aisle first picking up some lettuce, carrot and other vegetables for my sides and salads, after that, I strolled to the fruit aisle almost everything I saw in front of me I was fruit person so I always hogged out on fruits.


I was now in the meat Isle looking around keenly due to me being bet skeptical I liked purchasing the best of the best, I was standing there deciding which parcel of beef to take when I finally decided and was about to reach for it a hand stretch over me and reach for it I turn around giving the imposter a stern scold.



"Excuse me sir I think that's mines can I have it please," I said to him.

He looked at me from head to toe and snickered.

 "You must not be from around here, everybody knows me and knows not to talk to me with so much sass," he said dropping the beef into his cart.

I look at him from head to toe as well and boy was he fine he had on a black button-down shirt and black dress pants that fitted him properly and complement his shiny black shoes, he had a tattoo peeking from his collar, he wore a black glasses that seemed to be prescribed he was very light skin maybe a caramel tone he wore his hair in short wave sported with a neat and well-kept fade he was amazing.

He could have my beef and then some but I wasn't going to let him know that he caught me looking and him and stepped back with a smirked I smiled at him as I turned my back to him bending over picking up the other items I wanted in that section when I got done I turned around and took my beef out of his cart and pushed my cart to the fish area leaving him there.


"My bad mamas but I need that back, although you bad as hell," he said I laughed at him for being so dumb and took up three parcels of fish.


"Are you employed, I have a couple of business that I run on the side while I take care of the one my father handed down to me I'll be happy to hire you if you're interested I have a free spot at the club right now? " He said walking up to me.

I pushed my cart away from him and stood where he was at.

"You must be  playing right?" I asked.

"Yes, No my name is Malik Verbena, you must be new around here if you don't know me here's my business card," he said handing me it.


I took it and looked at it before thanking him.


"So what is this club about?" I asked him.


"Well you can be a stripper, a bartender or a bottle girl; whichever you prefer the bottle girls make less but they do get big tips, then you have the bartenders who have a steady pay plus their tips, the strippers give twenty percent of whatever they make they can give a private sessio n atd lap dances from those we get five percent or none at all the club already make enough money, he said taking the beef out of my cart and placing his own In my cart.


This nigga rest at no time I took his number continued shopping leaving him down in the store while I fetched a few snack heading to check out, I paid for my goods and called an Uber.


About fifteen minutes later the uber driver still did not pull up I was beyond mad and was now considering going car hunting or something I might have enough money to rent one for a few weeks knowing Tavane will soon shut the card down and transfer his money.