
The Rose King

In the Era, where some famous elite families are ruling the world, while are other people are considered Low class and treated brutally by these elites. One of these elites is a boy named Keith who decides to change these wrong parameters by going against his own family...

Amna_Talha · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The Rising Flames

Keith was staring at the Mansion on fire, standing in front of its main gate, where cars of fire brigades and ambulances were gathered to evacuate and rescue the people there. It was once a big silver building with ten white pillars on the front of it, spaced in an order with a regular gap in between. Windows were as large as doors made of wood and glass and its wide corridors could be seen from far away the building. It was named as Mansion of Janes where the famous elite family named Janes were living and controlling all the affairs of city named Derfin including banking, media, journalism, accounting and everything, either directly or indirectly through some agents from all renowned companies regularly reporting to them about their internal affairs. "Thanks to God! Sir Micheal janes and his wife Dina along with their two older sons are saved!" said one of the rescuers in a loud tone. "But what happened to Watson? Their youngest son. He is nowhere to be found!" cried out other rescuer. "Look here he is....." said another rescuer in a grimacing tone as Watson was found to be dead, his body covered with blood and burns...

Three years ago...

With the voice of spoons hitting plates periodically as they were having rice with grilled chicken as a dinner, Keith asked his father who was the owner of their elite family, "Where has Bruno gone? I was used to his company for a while" in a firm tone, not making any eye contact with his father. "He doesn't belong to us anymore, you should forget about him now" in a casual tone, while noticing the questioning silence of his wife Dina and his older son Jason. "Why doesn't? Is it because he couldn't follow your order of abandoning his family?" said Keith angrily with his clenching fist hitting on the table. "Calm down Keith, father must have some valid reasons for suspending him" said mother. "You are all the same!" Keith stood up and left. " I wonder why he is like this..." said mother in a hopeless tone. "What's so strange? It's just so much of admiration for Bruno that he couldn't hold himself after being heard of his suspension " said Jason as he knew his little brother more than anyone. " Keith is now 9 years old already, but his anger towards us is rising as his increasing age, I wonder why he is like this... " said Father whose name was Micheal, while he was standing up from his chair to leave the table.

After few hours...

There was a knocking at the door of Micheal's office, " Yes, come in". It was Keith's recent tutor named Richard. "Yes Richard, how's Keith doing?" asked Micheal while revolving his chair towards him, " Sir... It might worry you a bit but..

" replied Richard. "Go on Richard, I know my son is definitely a piece of worry" said Micheal calmly with such an understanding. " As you already know Sir, Keith is beyond normal in understanding Physics and Mathematics and anything that involves Logic... His skills as a student never worries me, rather he seems to even teach me at some topics.. But his views towards us and other elite families are depressing.. Like he simply thinks that we are wrong.. Our behavior towards low class people is wrong.. He is depressed that why you ordered death penalty for Bruno for not following your order of abandoning his wife and a child because you wanted to send him on a secret mission as an agent where he had to be presented as dead to his family.. He believes that low class people and all elites should be treated equally on all levels.. " carried on Richard. " Stop it Richard, you are Keith's tutor, you have to correct him! Change his mind or else I will give you the same treatment as I did to Bruno" said Micheal in a harsh tone. Richard was himself just a worker at this graceful Mansion where this elite family named Janes were living. After hearing such a threat, he immediately responded with fear, "Yes Sir, I will try to change Keith's mind, I will try my best.." in a normal to muttering manner and then he just left with a chill of cold running down his spine while opening the office's door as he remembered how Bruno's body was sliced into pieces after dreadful torture.

During his evening class with his tutor, Keith asked, "Sir Richard, I am becoming fearful of my anger which has been mustering inside me... I have heard screams and seen deaths of so many comrades.. That I often think that I should avenge them by doing the same to my family.. Who gave us such a right to be such a tyrant to low class people?" expressed Keith in a desperate tone. " Keith, my disciple, you are like a son to me, don't risk your life by thinking such a thing.. You are alone.. You are so little.. This system is as it is since ages.. Elites have been hating us for a long time.." said Richard in a low tone, " Whenever I hear you say such things, I get worried about your outcome.. What will become of you.." he continued as his voice was hopelessly getting low. "Sir Richard, I think I can do it.. I think you should have faith on me.." Keith tried to console him. "But Keith, my son, don't you love your family? How do you think of going against them?" now it seemed like Richard was getting serious. "No Sir, I tried to find love for them in my heart, but kept on searching and searching.. It was like an empty shell.. However, I feel bad for my little brother Watson who's only 4 years old, he doesn't even have any sense of tyranny and torture his family is doing on others.. I wish he was not born here.. He's so cute yet so unlucky.. " said Keith with a grim smile on his face. Richard couldn't tell whether Keith was serious or just joking, but looking into Keith's eyes, he could see slightest hope for all those people who had been suffering just because they weren't born in any royal family.