

There wasn't any magic in this world, but the world itself never lacked the resources to provide and advance civilization thus far. Not too far ahead, but not far enough for humanity to take full advantage of what was given.

The predators of the wild were more intelligent, even so far as distinguishing the true intentions of people around them, being able to understand human speech, even knowing how to bargain their services. Horrifically even their hunting… was executed to never letting anyone, know their next move.

Those that feared what they couldn't understand stood clear of these dangers to their own life, but those that were taught, showed respect to the dangers that the unknown held, never feared them. For the dangers never gave the respected a reason to fear them.

That brings us to the woods were a physician known by two of the greatest countries and their kings gathered in a warm hut within these woods. Conflict between the two kings seemed to dissolve while within these walls. They were equal in the sense of the word, unbothered by the duties to their own country or responsibilities.

"I still remember when my wife held our child during a hearing because she was frightened half to death with the running ideas of a kidnapping by your hands." The King of Tillbary remarked in a humorous manner, no accusations found within his tone.

"That's an idea that's still in the making Phillip, I was torn wheather I should just stop at your child or take your advisor too." The King of Vinfult proclaimed.

A quick silence befell the room soon followed by the laughter of the 2 men.

"Part of me hoped that you'd taken my wife instead, my advisor is a different treasure that I'll have to protect from the likes of you! You have a scary nac for seeing talent where there shouldn't be any!"

The Physician, taking a sip of his black tea, remembers how quickly Maverick and Phillip became friends once they found common ground to stand on. They both understood the labor of running a kingdom and for them, this was them running away from that labor. Taking their crowns off and just simply being people within the walls of this hut in the woods. The Physician saw to that rather quickly. Knowing full well that their soldiers were becoming more wounded within the passing years of this war each king had their own agenda, but got sidetracked with each other's conversation.

After a short while of laughter and drinks the men settle down to exhale, what seemed like only minutes to them were truthfully hours so to say. Though time never interrupted their moments, Phillip's Carriage was his que to return to his reality. As the same for Maverick, the two kings had many more to talk about inside of the peaceful walls of the Physician's hut.

"Be safe going home Maverick, you never know when I'll strike you soundly" Phillip mocked.

"Do your worst Phillip, I've been talking to my son 'bout upping the training for my weakboned soldiers" snapped back Maverick. "And you be safe out in these woods, Doc."

Verlo Docson was a Father, Physician, and Husband. Although with the passing of his late wife he's been left to raise a sweet daughter on the occasional help of his older sister and the townsfolk's nearby. "I'll do my best to be, but at my age it's good a thing I have my daughter by my side for the support to my work."

"You truly cherish her, speaking of where is Nora? I'd like to crown her to my son someday." Maverick and Phillip were persistent on making not only the Physician their own but also his daughter. It wasn't surprising considering how much Doc boasted about her knowledge even someday surpassing his own in many more categories other than just medicine. It never failed to send shivers down the backs of both men whenever the physician brought up a new concoction that Nora had just invented with the herbs around her in the forest, and what the concoction did in every detail. These were prodigies that neither king refused to give up to the other.

"Funny you mention marriage proposals, cause my son had mentioned that your daughter refused his and wishes to see her in person in the upcoming week."Phillip retorted.

"Oh don't your son go feeling special, she refused Maverick's boy as well when he sent a letter of proposal." Doc witty response to the retort dragged a quick and sizable laugh out of Phillip. Maverick puzzled asked if she was promised to anyone.

"Don't get the wrong idea gentlemen, she made it clear to me that she looking for anyone's proposal. Because she liked her life as it is now, without a worry to mind but the research and health of the people she can help." Not speechless but no words to say to the statement they just heard. The kings glanced at each other understanding each others hint of defeat. Regardless they weren't giving up.

"Well best be on our way, we'll attract too much suspicion if we travel too late in the night."

"Couldn't have said it better Phillip, a quite night to you Doc, Phillip."

"A same to you two gentlemen, a safe travels and a quite night."


From that first moment until 3 years later was a remarkable time for the 3 men, laughing and cracking jokes without a single care from each other and the burden of responsibilities temporarily shaken from their shoulders.

But since those friendly gatherings then from the Kings letters, things seem to have taken a turn for the worse. Phillip had started receiving pressure from the nobles about their resources depleting at a freighting rate, the citizens were slowly turning against the Royals, and on top of it all his wife had fallen ill for some unknown reason that was being looked into, but was suspected poisoning.

Then Phillip's wife, the Queen of Vinfult was found lifeless in the morning on their bed. Distraught about the death of his wife, Phillip had sent his advisor to uncover the truth leading to his wife's death. Unfortunately the truth hurt more than her death, Phillip had decided to officially strike first to stop the truth from spreading. For Phillip, this war was a much needed distraction.

For Maverick, he had fallen ill during the war and his son was taking head of command, once again asking the physician to help and assist in the new war that is currently partaking at the moment.

Doc knew full well that Maverick's boy could handle himself when it came to authority and respect from his soldiers. The worry that was scratching the back of Doc's head was Nathaniel's war experience. For the boy was going against and enemy many decades older than him.

"I truly wonder what happened to Phillip for him to break as such." Doc pondered the possibilities of what Phillip had found out, but nothing caught and held his assumptions.

"I just hope our village doesn't become involved in the unfolding choas." responding to her father's last question. Nora was concocting something new on the table, catching the attention of her father.

"What experimental drug is my genius whipping up this time?"

"It's the same thing I've been working on for the longest now, and it's becoming frustrating to be stuck on."

"The drug that helps bleeds others out?"

"Phrasing is impotant, but yes, with this we won't have to worry about soldiers with missing limbs losing their lives before they even reach us. But on the other hand they're people who will definitely weaponize this in turn leaving the breadcrumbs back to me for a newly developed weapon, I refuse to have my work labeled as a weapon."

While Doc knew that his daughter didn't want her drugs to be weapons, even the old man knew that at some point in time, it'll become inevitable for them to not become weaponized in the long run….

An idea of a series that stirred in my head a long time…

Nahncreators' thoughts