
Chapter 24 - Duel at Lareyville city pt1

The tribe headed back to their village, where they would be picked up by Vale to be brought towards Lareyville City. There, they would fight the three goons that had ambushed them earlier that day in the forest. They expected to find two prisoners there too. However, they were still a bit worried because they would head straight into the lion's den for this exchange. They walked towards Galley Village with birds singing during the silent period before the storm that would be the duel. Collin had made sure that there wasn't anything hidden that would happen if they lost. However, the Mellico corporation promised they didn't have anything malicious hidden for them.

Collin guessed he just had to cope with it as the trio arrived at their village. To their surprise, a carriage with Vale waving at them was already waiting for them. So, the trio hopped onto the carriage and took a seat. Life as it used to be had entirely been redone. People went back to using carriages because there simply wasn't any gas, electricity, diesel, or whatever left for cars to ride on. Most of the horses still survived the transformation.

The carriage started moving on the main road that led to Lareyville City. The eventual obstacles of street lamps that were lying on the ground of the road were followed by signs pointing to Lareyville City.

"Vale, how do those duels actually work at Mellico corp? None of us have been in a duel before," Collin asked Vale truthfully.

"Well, two people fight each other until one of them reaches 1 hp, which then decides who the loser is."

"I see. Where does the Mellico corp usually use those duels for if I may ask?"

"Well, this is only the second duel that's happened within Mellico corp. The previous one was a traitor of the company who dueled one of the guards with capital punishment on the line. He lost," Vale said casually, and Collin just nodded.

"Ah, actually, isn't it possible for your gadget to set up a safe area for a duel? That might actually be an idea."

Collin hadn't even thought about that possibility just yet. However, it seemed logical, so he asked Sandy, who was quick to respond.

"Yeah, of course! Just show me a location, and I will make a safe duel arena with set rules if one wishes to."

"Ahh, great to hear. Let's set her up once we arrive at Lareyville city."

Of course, Vale's intention was to learn more about Sandy as a whole because he still didn't know anyone who had a device like hers, even when he asked multiple of his team leader friends.

The carriage arrived after a while of shaking on the roads at Lareyville City. Lareyville City was nothing like they remembered it. Even when they fled through the portal when everything was changing, now there was barely anything left. All of the skyscrapers that once stood tall were lying in rubble on top of each other. Collin thought he was able to see some explosions and fires in the distance at the west side of the city, which still seemed to be pure chaos.

Here on the east side of the city, it looks like Mellico Corp is in full control. Many people were wandering through the streets, doing their thing. All the shops in the market they walked through on their way to the duel had replaced the euros with the new RTP. Collin was shocked when he arrived at the middle of the market where a shop was flying in the middle of it. Mellico Corp had somehow managed to claim an actual safe zone, but the permissions were only for members of the house, so the tribe sadly wasn't able to use the shop.

This was most likely to encourage visitors to trade with the traders within the market or to give members of the house some exclusive benefits. Or even both of these possibilities. Collin sighed, looking around at the sad state that the old capital city of the province of Lareyville had ended up in.

However, at last, the tribe arrived at their destination and exited the carriage. The trio went into the huge steel ring that was in front of them, entering through the large steel doors to the inside of the stadium. They then looked for the entrance to the field and found it. They entered the inner field and saw a stone ring in the middle of the stadium. The tribe guessed that this must be the arena for the duel, guessing from both the sight and the cheering they heard from the crowd that was on their chairs, ready to watch this battle.

They reused the old stadium of the city and added a pretty engraved circle that acts as the center arena. It was perfectly placed for the watchers who were sitting or standing at the sides.

Collin summoned Snuggly and Chirp-a-lot, and the five of them went to stand on the left, smaller circle of the bigger circle. On the right side, their five opponents were waiting, looking furiously at Collin's tribe.

Sandy then flew up and started to project a shield around the ring so that no one could get out until one of the two sides reached a critical state. Also, no healing items were allowed inside the arena!

"The battle will start at 3, 2, 1...GO!"

Right away, the two lower thugs shot fireballs at Maya, trying to get rid of her first. Maya quickly responded with her magic shield, blocking the fireballs from doing any damage. The leader then went ahead and slashed his sword at Collin, who lost 5 HP right away.

Collin: 21/26 HP left.

The archer then started shooting at Snuggly, dealing about three damage.

Snuggly: 17/20 HP left.

At last, the rogue threw a knife at Samuel, dealing about 4 damage.

Samuel: 18/22 HP left.

Collin gritted his teeth, then talked to the rest of the group.

"They are using the same vile tactics as earlier, so brace yourselves."

Maya nodded and planted her staff in the ground, dealing 5 DMG to each of her opponents.

Mellico lesser division leader: 25/30 HP left Mellico lesser division rogue: 20/25 HP left Mellico lesser division archer: 20/25 HP left Mellico prisoner mages: 15/20 HP left; 15/20 HP left

Chirp-a-lot picked up Snuggly and tossed them onto the leader while Snuggly bit on, dealing 5 damage and 3 damage over time.

Mellico lesser division leader: 17/25 HP left.

Samuel threw a poisoned knife towards the rogue, dealing 4 damage, but not activating the poison effect, sadly.

Mellico lesser division rogue: 20/25 HP left.

Mellico prisoner mages:

15/20 HP left

15/20 HP left

Chirp-a-lot picked up Snuggly and tossed them onto the leader while Snuggly bit him, dealing 5 damage and 3 damage over time.

Mellico lesser division leader:

17/25 HP left.

Samuel threw a poisoned knife towards the rogue, dealing 4 damage, but unfortunately, it did not activate the poison effect.

Mellico lesser division rogue:

20/25 HP left.

Collin threw his wrench at the archer, dealing 3 damage.

Mellico lesser division archer:

17/25 HP left.

With that, the tribe proved their point to the lesser division. No matter how much someone tries to bring them down, in the end, it will all be paid back with even worse consequences.