
The Road to our Destiny

After the events of Pokemon XY&Z, Serena decides to go to Kanto with Ash to compete in Pokemon contests. While they're in Pallet Town, however, they meet a 28-year-old trainer named Timothy who forms a rivalry with Ash and challenges him to compete in the Indigo League again. Thus, with Serena's permission, Ash joins Serena on her journey through the Kanto region. Along the way they come across Ash's traveling companions as Serena competes in Pokemon contests and Ash rechallenged the gym where he didn't earn his badge properly. But unknown to Ash and his friends, Timothy, his Raichu, Electchu, and his best friend, Coovers from the International Police, are on a mission to go through the Battle Frontier in order to find Brandon who may have found the Gieldanstone: a white jewel that makes Arceus itself obey the will of anyone who holds it. The two men and the Raichu are attempting to retrieve the Gieldanstone before Team Rocket gets it and uses it for their ultimate plan to finally control all Pokemon and rule the world.

HAKDurbin · Tranh châm biếm
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58 Chs

Chapter 39

After preparing rooms for the group, Blaine took the group out to dinner. Later, Max and Kirlia started training the psychic-type Pokemon's method of dodging with Ash and Primeape's help. The pig monkey Pokemon kept attacking Kirlia by with all of its fighting moves, but the shorter Pokemon proved to be quick and on its feet, just like with its fight against Magmar. Ash and Max were amazed at how easily Kirlia avoided each attack and began to wonder if it really means that Max should try to evolve it into a Gallade.

The next day, Ash, Brock, and Max sleep soundly in their hotel room as the sun begins to shine through their window. Brock lies down on his back while resting peacefully on his bed. His moment of rest is interrupted, however, when he feels a soft finger poking the tip of his nose. The tan-skinned man frowns and moans softly for a moment before he starts snoring quietly again.

"Brooooock," says a soft voice. "Time to get up."

Once again, Brock moans and moves his body to lie on his side, facing away from the voice. He starts snoring a third time until he feels a pillow hitting him on the head.

"Ah! I'm up. I'm up. I'm up." He says, immediately sitting up.

He rubs his eyes and lets out a long yawn before he checks his surroundings and finds Holly sitting next to him on his bed with a soft smile. Brock stares at her for a moment before he smiles back.

"Actually, I must still be dreaming," he says.

Holly giggles quietly before she pinches the tip of Brock's nose and wiggles it playfully.

"Then you're having a wonderful dream," she says.

The two of them chuckle quietly before Brock sees Ash and Max asleep and the morning sun shining through the window.

"What time is it?" he asks.

"About 8:30," Holly says.

"8:30?" Brock says before he yawns again. "Why are you waking me up so early?"

"Because I want to start the day with you," Holly says, scooting closer to Brock. "Since we weren't able to go anywhere last night because of Max's battle, I want the two of us to start going places right now. Serena let me borrow her tablet for the day, and there's a cute little pastry shop not far from here we can go to for breakfast before we go looking at shops and other places."

Brock frowns slightly and asks, "Not that I don't want that, but shouldn't you be getting ready with your battle with Blaine?"

Holly winces before she quickly brings back her cheerful demeanor.

"I have plenty of time to do that," she says. "Besides, you promised me we would go touring after Max's battle, and it was too late by the time he and Blaine were done. You owe your future girlfriend a day in the town, mister."

Brock looks at Holly skeptically, having caught her wincing at the mention of her upcoming gym battle. He silently decides to let it go for now and smiles brightly.

"Very well. As you wish, my lady," he says.

Holly's smile brightens, and she stands up to face Brock with her hands on her hips.

"Then you better get dressed before Ash and Max wake up," she instructs. "A whole day together awaits."


After quietly leaving the hotel before their friends could wake up, the two adults grab bags of doughnuts and cups of coffee at the pastry shop and begin exploring the town. It isn't long before they find the plaza already filled with people crowding the various souvenir shops, so Brock and Holly decide to eat their breakfast sitting down at the fountain in the center of the plaza. After that, Holly takes the tan young man by the hand and starts dragging him from shop to shop.

The two of them start by browsing through a street full of all sorts of dress shops. Holly giddily looks through various dresses, blouses, skirts, pants, swimsuits, and handed the ones she liked to Brock to carry them to the fitting room for her. Every time she tries out a dress, swimsuit, or a blouse and skirt/pair of pants together she shows herself to Brock asking how she looks. Each time she does, however, he gives the same, lovestruck looks and says that she looks beautiful or gorgeous or wonderful. Not once does he say that a certain outfit looks better or worse than the ones before. Holly grows irked the more Brock does this, eager to find a new dress or swimsuit or outfit to buy that will draw the attention of the guy she likes more than any other outfit she can find on the island. At the same time, however, she secretly relishes how Brock sees her no matter what she wears.

After deciding to buy whatever outfits she loves the most, the two of them begin looking through souvenir shops. Some of them contain only statues of Cinnabar Island or the volcano itself while others were selling t-shirts and hats of Cinnabar Island. Finally, a little after noon, they find a small souvenir shop containing necklaces and jewelry. Holly happily browses through the store like a little child in a candy store.

"Oh, everything here looks gorgeous," she says. "They have shell necklaces, earrings, even cute little rings made with shells. How adorable."

Brock chuckles lightly with his mouth closed until he hears a sharp gasp from Holly. He turns to her and sees her staring at a glass case beside the register. Inside is a collection of necklaces, rings, earrings, and other accessories made with pearls.

"Oh, I love pearls," Holly coos. "They have them in so many different colors too. Oh, if only these weren't so above my price range."

"You really like pearls that much?" Brock asks.

"I do," Holly says with her hands clasped together. "I think they're the prettiest things in the world. If I had enough money to buy just one of these, I don't know what I would choose."

Brock smiles as he watches the woman he likes admire the jewelry fondly for a few minutes before she sighs and reluctantly looks away from the pearls.

"Alright, I think I've stared long enough. We might not have time to look anywhere else if we stay," Holly says while not meaning it. "It's probably time to get some lunch anyway. Wouldn't you say, Brock?"

Brock gives a sad smile, knowing Holly wants to stay, and nods. Thus, they exit the shop with Brock still carrying Holly's bags. Once they're back at the center of town, Holly steps in front of Brock and gives him a big smile with her hands behind her back.

"Alright, where shall we go for lunch?" She asks.

"Hmmm, I guess I'm open to anything," Brock says. "Does Serena's tablet recommend anything?"

Holly thinks a moment before taking out Serena's tablet and searches before she smiles.

"There's a noodle restaurant that has great ratings," she says. "And it's not far from a bunch of other shops we can look at right after."

Brock frowns and says, "But how are you going to get around to preparing for your gym battle if we keep exploring?"

Holly winces again and opens her mouth to answer, but no words come out of her mouth. Brock looks at her seriously before he puts down her bags and crosses his arms.

"What's going on, Holly?" He asks. "You don't seem to want to face Blaine."

Holly stutters in response, trying to say something to deny Brock's accusation, but in the end, she sighs in defeat and looks at him ashamed.

"Okay, you're right," she admits. "I'm worried that I don't have a chance against Blaine."

"What?" Brock says, surprised. "Why do you say that. You saw Max defeat him. It's not impossible."

"Yeah, barely," Holly says. "He was lucky that his Kirlia was dodging the way it did so he could tire out Magmar. Even then, I don't have a Pokemon as strong as his Rhyhorn or as quick on their feet like Kirlia or have a durable shell-like Kabuto."

"And who says you have to?" Brock challenges.

"But how can I face Blaine and his Pokemon when they are so powerful just like you said?" Holly asks.

Brock stares at Holly before he scratches his chin in thought. Then he snaps his fingers and says, "I have an idea. Do you have your Pokemon with you right now?"

"No, I left all of my Pokeballs in my hotel room," Holly answers.

Brock smirks and says, "Okay, tell you what; after lunch, let's go back to the hotel, drop off your new clothes and grab your Pokeballs. We'll go to the woods near the hotel. You can show me all of your Pokemon, and we can strategize which Pokemon to use in your battle while we eat. Sound good?"

Holly hesitates and says, "I don't know. I'd rather we spend the whole day together."

"We can still do that," Brock says. "I'll be right there, cheering for you all the way. Besides, the sooner you get all of your badges, the sooner you can compete in the Indigo League, and we can be officially together, right?"

Holly sighs, knowing that Brock a point before she smiles and says, "Right."

Brock smiles back and says, "Then lead the way, my lady. Lunch and training await."

Holly covers her mouth and giggles at the way Brock calls her his lady. With her spirits slightly lifted, she nods and takes out the tablet again to lead Brock to the noodle restaurant.


Just as planned, Brock and Holly get bowls of noodles at the restaurant before going back to the hotel. As Holly was retrieving her Pokeballs, they noticed Ash and Max training their Pokemon, and when they ask where Serena, Dawn, and May are, they simply say they went out to relax in the hot springs. After they quickly drop by the girls' hotel room, where Holly drops off all of her new clothes and takes her Pokeballs, the two of them go into the forest near the hotel. Once Brock decides that they are far enough into the forest, he smiles and turns to Holly.

"Okay, let's get started," he says. "Time to show me your entire party."

Holly nods and tosses her Pokeballs into the air, shouting, "Come out, everyone!"

The Pokeballs open, and Toxicroak and Probopass appear, followed by a Pelipper, Farfetch'd, and Wigglytuff. Brock examines all five Pokemon with a smile before he frowns slightly and turns to Holly.

"Do you only have five Pokemon?" He asks. "Cause you know you need six Pokemon for the league."

"Really? But I thought there's only three on three battles at most in a Pokemon league," Holly says.

"It starts that way, yes, but it goes up to six on six during the last four rounds," Brock explains.

"Oh," Holly says, feeling uneasy again. "Then, I guess I better catch a sixth Pokemon before I compete, huh?"

"Fraid so," Brock says before he pats Holly on the shoulder and says, "Don't worry, you have plenty of time. But for now, let's just focus on getting your seventh badge."

Holly smiles again, feeling better and says, "Okay, so what do you think of the Pokemon I have right now?"

Brock turns back to her Pokemon and scratches her chin.

"Well, apart from the fact that I'm glad to see your Wingull evolved into a Pelipper and that you also caught yourself a Wigglytuff, I think I can see why you feel intimidated by Blaine and his Pokemon," Brock answers honestly. "You thought it was going to be an easy win with your Pelipper using water attacks until you saw what Ninetales and Magmar did to Kabuto and hearing what happened to Ash's Squirtle. Right?"

Holly nods.

"Well, the good news is Pelipper is not your only advantage against fire Pokemon," Brock says.

"What? Really?" Holly says, surprised.

"Yep," Brock answers, smirking. "If I remember correctly, Probopass knows Rock Slide, a rock-type move, and Earth Power, a ground-type move - both of which are very effective against fire types."

"Oh, wow, I did not know that," Holly admits. "I guess I usually think fire Pokemon are only weak against water Pokemon for...obvious reasons."

"Don't beat yourself up. A lot of people think that," Brock says. "So with Pelipper and Probopass that makes two Pokemon, you have a type advantage, so you just need to choose one more Pokemon. So what should your last Pokemon be?"

Holly frowns and thinks for a moment.

"I guess it shouldn't be Wigglytuff since fire Pokemon are resistant to Fairy-types," she admits before turning to her Pokemon. "Sorry, Wigglytuff."

"Wiggly," Wigglytuff replies with a nod to show that it understands.

Holly thinks some more before she asks, "Are fire Pokemon resistant to Flying-type like Farfetch'd?"

"No, but Rhydon is," Brock answers. "So you may want to avoid using flying attacks when facing that Pokemon if you're using Farfetch'd or Pelipper."

"Okay, that's good to know," Holly says. "Then, I guess that makes Toxicroak my best choice for a third Pokemon."

"Crock," Toxicroak bellows.

"Makes sense," Brock says before giving Holly a serious look. "Now Holly, I have some ideas with how to face all three of Blaine's Pokemon, but if you're going to win, you have to trust in yourself and your Pokemon. If you don't, you and your Pokemon might not stand a chance no matter what advantage you do or do not have. You understand?"

Holly becomes nervous and says, "But what if things get out of hand?"

Brock steps in front of Holly and places his hands on both of her shoulders and says, "Then don't panic. Just take a deep breath and think of a way to overcome the situation. Remember, you made it this far determined to show that you have gotten stronger. You've trusted your Pokemon this far, and I can see you have improved since back when we battled together at Hearthome City. Just believe that you and your Pokemon are going to win no matter what. Okay?"

Holly stares at Brock, taken aback by his words. Then she closes her eyes and looks down for a moment before she looks back up, smiling again.

"Okay," she says. "I will trust in myself and my Pokemon, and I'm going to win that Volcano Badge."

Brock smiles warmly and says, "That's the spirit."


For the next couple of hours, Brock and Holly discuss some strategy ideas and practice them before returning all of Holly's Pokemon back in their Pokeballs and head back to the hotel. When they come inside, Blaine is at the front desk at the main hall, having finished helping another customer. The old man turns to them and smiles, knowing what's on their minds.

"So, are you ready for your battle against me?" Blaine asks.

"I am," Holly says confidently. "I, Holly, challenge you to a gym battle."

Blaine grins and nods in acknowledgment.

"I accept your challenge," he says plainly. "But I have a condition."

Holly and Brock look at Blaine, confused before the former asks, "What's that?"

Blaine gives the auburn-haired woman a hard glare and announces, "You must face me without Brock in my gym to cheer you on and give you advice."

The two adults look at Blaine in shock, unable to believe what they just heard.

"Why?" Brock asks. "You've never prohibited our friends or me from watching your matches before."

"True, but I saw how you were telling her all sorts of information during my battle with Max," Blaine states. "I can't have her battling me when you can give her advice on something she needs to do herself."

"Oh, please, Blaine. Let Brock come with," Holly begs with her together like she's praying. "We promise Brock will just cheer for me during the entire battle."

"No," Blaine says sharply. "If you can't face me trusting in yourself and your Pokemon, then what makes you worthy to compete in the Indigo League much less earn my badge? Challenging gyms isn't about couples working together, it's about showing the strengths of a trainer and his or her Pokemon. Brock has to stay and that's my final word."

Holly stares at the gym leader devastated. She turns to Brock, hoping he will come up with something to change Blaine's mind, but the tan-skinned man shakes his head and gives her a sad look.

"I'm sorry, Holly, but he has a point," he says.

"Oh, come on," Holly protests. "This is supposed to be our day. I want you to be rooting for me when I battle."

"So do I, but Blaine's right. This is your battle. Not ours," Brock says. "Don't worry. I'll be here waiting for you when you're done to celebrate or comfort you the rest of the day. I promise."

Holly frowns bitterly before she sighs in defeat again and pulls Brock into a hug.

"You better stay true to your promise this time," she says. "And you better be here when I get back."

Brock makes a silly smile and blushes from the hug before he snaps out of it and pushes her back to give her a sincere smile.

"I'll be here," he says. "Just remember what I've told you."

Holly smiles and nods, satisfied, before she reluctantly lets go of the man she wants to be with and turns to Blaine.

"Okay, I'm ready," she says.

"Very well," Blaine says. "Follow me, challenger."

Holly gives Brock a doleful look before she reluctantly obeys. She hears Brock call out, "Good luck, Holly!" as she walks away. She turns her head to give him one last smile before she and Blaine are out of Brock's line of sight.

The auburn-haired woman follows Blaine to the secret passage behind the hot springs and down the steps to the gym. Holly swipes her brow, already beginning to sweat from the heat. Blaine walks over to his side of the battlefield while Holly steps on the challenger's side before Blaine clears his throat.

"This will be a three-on-three battle between the two of us," he declares. "The battle will be over when all three Pokemon from either side are unable to battle. Furthermore, only you can substitute Pokemon. Are you ready?"

Holly closes her eyes and takes a large, deep breath before she takes out a Pokeball and glares at her opponent determinedly.

"Bring it on!" She shouts.

Blaine smirks, slightly amused, and throws a Pokeball into the air.

"Go, Ninetales!" He shouts.

"Go, Probopass!" Holly shouts while throwing her Pokeball.

Ninetales and Probopass come out of their respective Pokeballs and glare at each other, ready to fight.

"Ninetales, use Fire Spin!" Blaine commands.

Ninetales releases a red-orange flame spiraling from out of its mouth, and it hits Probopass, which grunts from the hit.

"Fight back with Rock Slide!" Holly orders.

Probopass' body becomes outlined in blue, and a large rock lying against the volcano wall becomes outlined in blue and floats above Ninetales. The gym leader's Pokemon only has a moment to realize what is happening before the rock breaks into pieces and falls right on top of it, injuring the fox Pokemon.

"Now, use Earth Power!" Holly shouts.

Probopass glows gold, and the ground shakes, causing gold-glowing cracks appearing. Before Blaine or Ninetales can do anything, the cracks hit Ninetales, and it howls in pain before falling down unconscious.

"Alright!" Holly shouts, happily shaking her fist in the air. "Way to go, Probopass!"

"Probo," Probopass responds, giving its trainer a smile.

Blaine silently returns Ninetales to its Pokeball and takes out another one saying, "Well done, Holly, but I'm just getting started. Go, Rhydon!"

He tosses the ball into the air, and it opens to reveal Rhydon looking ready to crush Probopass. Holly becomes uneasy and scratches her chin in thought.

"Okay, so if I remember correctly, Rhydon only knows Horn Drill and Fury Swipes, both of which are normal attacks which Probopass is resistant to," she says in her mind. "So, I should be okay if I just keep using Earth Power to take it down."

Holly smiles confidently and calls out, "Probopass, use Earth Power again!"

One again, Probopass glows gold, and gold-glowing cracks emerge from the ground and hits Rhydon. Rhydon roars in pain with scratches appearing on its body, but Blaine doesn't appear worried.

"Rhydon, use Sand Attack," he commands.

"What?" Holly says, alarmed.

Rhydon suddenly ignores the pain that it's in and starts kicking sand at its opponent. The sand gets into Probopass' eyes, and the large, compass Pokemon shuts its eyes and groans.

"Did you really think Rhydon only knows two moves?" Blaine rebukes. "It maybe be weak against ground attacks, but Probopass is even weaker as a rock and steel type. Rhydon, use Earthquake!"

"Probopass, dodge it!" Holly cries out.

But her cries are of no use. Probopass can do nothing but float a little above the ground incapacitated while Rhydon slams its foot into the Ground, and the battlefield shakes violently. Several shock waves hit Probopass relentlessly, and it lets out a painful howl. Before the earthquake stops and it lies down on its back.

"Probopass!" Holly calls out.

"Probopass isn't going to get up from that," Blaine says plainly. "Choose your next Pokemon."

Holly frowns and begrudgingly returns Probopass before throwing another Pokeball in the air.

"Pelipper, you're up!" She calls out.

The ball opens, and Pelipper comes flying in the air with a cheerful smile.

"Rhydon, use Sand Attack again!" Blaine orders.

"Pelipper, fly up to dodge!" Holly commands.

Pelipper flies straight up in the air, easily dodging the sand that was heading toward it. Blaine frowns while Holly smirks triumphantly.

"Just as Brock suggested, Rhydon is powerless," she thinks. "With Sand Attack being the closest thing to a ranged move, Rhydon can't do anything while Pelipper is in the air."

"Now, Pelipper, use Hydro Pump!" Holly shouts.

Pelipper shoots out a large stream of water that directly hits Rhydon. The drill Pokemon grows weak from the attack, but it stays standing, refusing to give.

"Pelipper, finish with Surf!" Holly commands.

Pelipper swoops down until it's just a couple inches from the ground. Then it lifts its wings into the air, and a giant wave of water emerges from the ground. Blaine and Rhydon's eyes widen as they helplessly watch the wave crash down under the large rock-and-ground-type Pokemon. When the water clears, Rhydon is lying on the floor motionless with swirly eyes.

"Yes!" Holly shouts happily again. "Great job, Pelipper! Just one more Pokemon to go!"

"Pelipper!" Pelipper replies happily.

Once again, Blaine silently returns his Pokemon back into its Pokeball. Then he turns to Holly again with his face looking serious.

"A clever way to best my Rhydon, Holly," he compliments. "I wonder if Brock gave you that idea."

Holly frowns and says, "No, we came up with the idea together. But even if it was only Brock, I still believe in myself and my team that we will beat you."

"Pelipper!" Pelipper calls out proudly.

"Humph, I'm sure you think that," Blaine says, unconvinced. "But regardless, I know for a fact that you will fail where Max succeeded. Come out, Magmar!"

Holly's face turns serious as she and Pelipper wait for what's going to happen. Suddenly, just like before, the lava below the battlefield begins to shake violently before Magmar shoots out from the lava and lands perfectly on the battlefield. Holly feels goosebumps all over her body at the sight of Magmar standing there on the field and coldly glaring at her and Pelipper with a clear intent to pulverize any opponent it is up against. Holly takes a deep breath to keep herself from looking nervous before giving the spitfire Pokemon her own glare and stretching out her arm, pointing at Magmar.

"Pelipper, don't give it an inch!" She calls out. "Use Surf!"

Pelipper summons another large wave of water, and it heads straight toward Magmar.

"Charge through that Surf with Skull Bash!" Blaine commands.

Magmar lowers its head and runs straight toward the wave at great speed. The spitfire Pokemon bursts through the water and rams into a surprised Pelipper head first. Pelipper is sent flying a few feet away from Magmar, who appears to have taken some damage from the Surf attack.

"What?!" Holly shouts flabbergasted.

"You're gonna have to do more than using Surf to stop us, Holly," Blaine says. "Magmar, use Flamethrower!"

"Pelipper, fly up to dodge!" Holly orders.

Pelipper ascends high into the air just in time to avoid getting it by Flamethrower. Magmar starts using Flamethrower again and again, eager to shoot the water bird Pokemon down.

"Now, Pelipper, use Hydro Pump!" Holly commands.

"Hmmm, big mistake," Blaine says skeptically, confusing his opponent.

Pelipper slows down its flying and prepares to use Hydro Pump, but the moment is all Magmar needs to get a clear shot. Using Flamethrower one more time, Magmar hits the water bird Pokemon, sending it crashing into the ground. Holly stares in shock as Pelipper lies on the ground with scorch marks all over its body.

"Now, finish it off with Fire Blast!" Blaine shouts.

Magmar doesn't hesitate to release a Fire Blast that consumes Pelipper with ease. Holly can only watch as the fire disappears with her poor Pokemon inert.

"That's two Pokemon on both sides, but your Pokemon have hardly done anything to my Magmar," Blaine states. "I hope you have something up your sleeve, because I seriously doubt you will win."

Holly frowns sadly as she returns Pelipper to its Pokeball.

"I don't know how I'm going to win," she thinks to herself. "I know I agreed that Toxicroak should be my third Pokemon, but I don't know how we're going to win when Magmar is so strong."

She looks down to look at the Pokeball worriedly, but then her mind goes to when she first caught Toxicroak. She was still at the Sinnoh region but was on her way to a ship heading to the Hoenn region when she stumbled upon a Croagunk. The Pokemon instantly reminded her of Brock's Croagunk, who easily defeated any opponent during the Hearthome City Tag Battle Tournament. At that moment, she wanted to catch it no matter what. The Croagunk took down her Wingull and Farfetch'd with ease, but Holly was able to beat it with Nosepass and finally catch it. Ever since then, the Croagunk has been a treasure to the auburn-haired woman, reminding her of Brock even when it evolved. As she stares at the Pokeball, Holly smiles fondly, before she glares at Magmar.

"I can't let my worries get to me," she thinks. "I won't. I made it this far already, even without Brock there to support me. Right now, he's waiting for me, hoping I won the badge for this gym. I have to trust that I won't let him down. Toxicroak and I are going to take down our opponent for ourselves. For the Indigo League…"

"For Brock and me!" She suddenly shouts while throwing the Pokeball into the air. The ball opens, and with a flash, Toxicroak stands several feet away from Magmar. Blaine makes a soft hum before he points at the Poison-type Pokemon with a relentless look.

"Magmar, use Flamethrower," he commands.

"Dodge and use Poison Jab!" Holly shouts.

Toxicroak dodges the Flamethrower with a quick sprint and charges at Magmar with the large horn on its right hand glowing purple.

"Magmar, dodge, and use Fire Punch!" Blaine orders.

Magmar's fist catches fire, and it moves back to dodge the Poison Jab before punching Toxicroak hard in the gut. The toad-like Pokemon drops to the floor, and Magmar prepares to punch it again with another Fire Punch.

"Toxicroak, quick, use Revenge, followed by Poison Jab!" Holly orders.

Toxicroak's eyes snap open, and it rolls over just in time to dodge Magmar's attack. Then, with its body glowing orange, it jumps back up and strikes Magmar fiercely before the horn on Toxicroak's hand glow purple again, and it pricks its opponent with it. Magmar shoves Toxicroak away from it and makes a fighting stance, but suddenly, it groans and gets down on one knee while purple bubbles appear on its body.

"Yes! It's poisoned!" Holly says triumphantly.

"That won't help you for long," Blaine claims. "Magmar, use Skull Bash!"

"Dodge and use Brick Break!" Holly shouts.

Magmar lowers its head again and charges at Toxicroak, but the toxic mouth Pokemon dodges Magmar and karate chops it in the back. Magmar falls to the ground and groans while purple bubbles still appear all over its body.

"Now, use Brick Break again!" Holly commands.

"Get up and use Fire Blast!" Blaine commands.

Toxicroak prepares to karate chop its opponent again, but before it can attack, Magmar rolls over to face it and unleashes a powerful Fire Blast. The attack hits Toxicroak hard and sends it flying a few feet away from Magmar, landing on it's back. After a moment, the two Pokemon slowly get up, both looking weak. Holly frowns as she sees Toxicroak looking badly damaged, and Magmar only has a few scratches while still badly poisoned.

"What do I do?" She thinks. "Toxicroak can't last much longer, and it looks like we've barely done anything to that Magmar. It's still poisoned, but I don't know how else I can badly damage it with Poison Jab, Brick Break, Revenge, and Mu - wait, that's it!"

Holly's face lights up in realization, and she starts laughing excitedly. Her moment is interrupted, however, when she hears Blaine making another command.

"Magmar, end this with another Fire Blast!" He yells.

Holly's face turns serious and glares at Blaine and Magmar while shouting, "Toxicroak, dodge and use Mud Bomb!"

Toxicroak jumps out of Magmar's line of fire, just barely missing the Fire Blast. Then it opens its mouth and fires a large ball of mud. The Mud Bomb hits Magmar on the chest, and it cries out in pain. The spitfire Pokemon walks back a couple of steps and bends a knee.

"Yes!" Holly shouts happily. "Thank you, Brock, for letting me know that fire Pokemon are weak against ground attacks like Mud Bomb."

For the first time in the entire battle, Blaine is unsure of whether or not he is going to win. With Magmar badly hurt from the Mud Bomb and its body growing weaker from the poisoning, it appears that Holly has the upper hand. Blaine shakes the thought out of his head and tries to focus on the battle.

"Enough of this!" He yells. "Magmar, Fire Blast once more!"

"I don't think so," Holly says confidently. "Toxicroak, finish it with another Mud Bomb!"

Magmar pauses for a moment before it fights through the pain and stands up to face Toxicroak. As its opponent opens its mouth to release another ball of mud, Magmar takes a large breath, ready to use Fire Blast. But as it is about to release, the poison inside its body takes further effect, and the affliction ruins its focus, causing Magmar to use Fire Blast with its mouth aimed a couple inches to the left from its intended target. The large stream of fire shaped like a kanji misses Toxicroak, who opens its mouth, and a Mud Bomb comes out to hit Magmar square on the face. Blaine's Pokemon stays standing for a moment before it falls down on it's back unconscious.

"We won?" Holly asks in surprise before she smiles and joyously shouts. "We won! Toxicroak, we did it!"

"Croak," Toxicroak bellows while giving its trainer a happy grin.

Blaine sighs in defeat and returns Magmar to its Pokeball. He walks over to Holly's side of the battlefield just in time to see her dancing happily with her Pokemon until the two of them see him and stop.

"Congratulations, Holly," Blaine says bluntly. "It seems I underestimated you."

Holly smiles and says, "Thank you, Blaine."

Blaine gets a small nod and crosses his arms before he speaks again.

"That said, I overheard you shouting that 'for Brock and me' when you were taking out your last Pokemon and shouting that he told you that fire Pokemon are weak against ground-type moves," he states, making Holly blush. "I thought I made it clear that gym battles are about trainers and their Pokemon and not for couples to cheer for each other."

Holly looks away bashfully before she collects herself and stands up to face Blaine.

"You did," she says honestly. "But it can't be helped if I battled with both myself and Brock in mind. I know Pokemon battles are meant for showing the worth of a trainer and his or her Pokemon, but that's not the only reason I battle. The fact is, my desire to compete in the Indigo League is for something much more valuable than to simply prove that I'm the best. You may disapprove all you want, but you can't make me ashamed of what I battle for."

For a minute, Blaine doesn't do anything but stare at Holly. She starts to grow uneasy until Blaine sighs and smiles.

"Well, I can't say I approve, but you still defeated me without Brock here to help you," he says before taking out a Volcano Badge. "Here is your badge to show you have beaten me."

"Thanks so much," Holly says, taking the badge before she happily shouts, "Yes! I have to Volcano Badge!"

"Croak!" Toxicroak says happily.

Blaine smile grows, and he says, "That means you only need one more to enter the league, doesn't it?"

"It sure does," Holly says. "Now, if you'll please excuse me, I need to show my new badge to Brock. Come on, Toxicroak."

Blaine merely nods as Holly and Toxicroak start racing up the stairs. Holly's smile grows, the more excited she gets to tell the young, tan-skinned man the good news. She and Toxicroak make it to the top of the steps and barge back inside the hotel all the way to the front desk.

"Brock!" She calls out. "Brock, I did it! I -"

Holly and Toxicroak stop running and look to see no one near the front desk. Holly stares at where she last saw Brock confused and hurt.

"Where is he?" She asks herself. "I told him to wait for me."

Suddenly, the front doors burst open to reveal Brock bargaining in, panting and carrying a shopping bag.

"I'm here! I'm here!" he pants.

Holly frowns and walks over to Brock and firmly yanks him by the ear.

"Where were you?!" She barks. "I told you to stay here!"

"Augh! Sorry!" Brock yells in pain. "I just had to leave to get you something while you were battling!"

Holly looks confused again and lets go of Brock's ear.

"You left to get something for me?" She asks. "What is it?"

Brock rubs his ear and gives Holly a small smile.

"Before I answer, did you win?" He asks.

Holly gives Brock a suspicious look before she plainly shows him her Volcano Badge. Brock's face lights up, and he spontaneously pulls Holly into a hug, lifting her up in the air.

"I knew you could do it!" He shouts cheerfully.

Holly can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm and hug him back until he puts her down.

"Yes, yes, I won," she chuckles. "Though I have you as well as my Pokemon to thank for it. If you hadn't told me that fire Pokemon are weak against ground type attacks, I would never have realized that I could have had Toxicroak use Mud Bomb against Magmar."

"Croak," Toxicroak says.

Brock smiles and says, "Then I'm glad I was able to help even though I couldn't cheer for you down there."

"Me too," Holly says before she gives Brock a pout. "But you better be there for me when I'm going against the Viridian City gym and the entire time I compete in the Indigo League. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," Brock says calmly with a smile. "But I have something that should cheer you up if we're ever apart."

Without another word, Brock reaches into the bag he's carrying and takes out Holly's gift making her gasp and cover her mouth with both hands at the sight of it. In his hand is a small but shiny, pink pearl embedded on a light-brown rock hanging on a silver chain. Holly stares at the necklace with her eyes wide open for a moment before she looks up at Brock.

"You did say you love pearls," he said. "And my family runs a gym that revolves around rock Pokemon, so when I saw this at the jewelry store, I thought this necklace kind of shows both of us together. So if we're separated again or you need something to cheer you up, just wear this necklace, so a part of me is still with you."

Holly continues to just stare at Brock, and her eyes begin to water. Suddenly she throws herself to Brock and gives him a big kiss on the cheek. Brock freezes in place, and his face turns bright pink while Holly gives him a sweet smile.

"It's perfect," she says. "I couldn't ask for a better gift."

Brock lets out a soft giggle before he snaps out of his trance and smiles back at Holly. The two of them stare at each other for a while before Holly turns around and moves her hair back. It takes a second before Brock realizes what she's doing and happily takes off the necklace Holly was wearing and puts her new one on. Holly stares at the rock-and-pearl necklace hanging around her neck before giving Brock another hug.

"I'll keep it with me always," she says.

"I know you will," Brock smiles back before he breaks the hug and says, "Come on, we still have a lot of the plaza to explore. Let's drop off your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center so they can heal up while we look at more shops."

"You read my mind," Holly says, smiling brightly as she puts her old necklace in her shorts pocket. "Come on, Toxicroak."

"Croak," Toxicroak says with a grin.

Thus, the three of them exit the hotel and begin walking to the Pokemon Center, with Holly holding Brock's arm. As they do, Holly gives her new necklace a fond look and rests her head on Brock's shoulder, believing she can take on anything for her final badge and the Indigo League, and nothing in the world will try to keep her and Brock from staying together.

Unknown to either of them, however, Lucy is thinking of Brock while she's enjoying a day off with her squint-eyed Pokemon.