

A god Arteria created a Planet named Artecha, and placed four islands. Arteria took four pieces from his body to have four gods every one island. **** There is a god who does not obey the rule, and one of the brothers killed the two brothers to take revenge and there were two brothers left and they became rivals.

RedxNee · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: The revenge

After the battle, Mirem, a close friend of Graddho, and his disciples go to Graddho's palace to take Criston, who is Graddho's son. Mirem knocked on the door, and Graddho, worried about Trixan's reaction, came out and said, 

"I'm sorry, my dear brother, but if I tell Trixan that I just took Criston from you, he might get angry and stop talking to me. You know Trixan's attitude."

 Mirem, feeling betrayed because Graddho had promised to bring back Criston, responded with anger on her face. 

"You promised to bring my son back! Alright, I'll give you a few days to bond with my son and tell the truth."

 Mirem left with anger on her face.

A few hours ago, Graddho called his son Trixan and asked if he wanted to visit the Artecha, 

"Hey lil kiddo, do you want to wander around the artecha?"

 Trixan enthusiastically agreed, expressing his gratitude towards his father. 

"Sure, dad! you're the best!"

 However, when Graddho's eyes started to tear up, Trixan became concerned and asked what was wrong. 

"Dad what's wrong?"

 "Nothing nothing.. Get ready!"


 Graddho initially dismissed it, but the reader is left wondering why he was crying. This moment marked a significant turning point for Graddho, as it was the first time the God of Heltra had ever shed tears.

While he and his son, Trixan, were leisurely wandering around the park, Graddho was suddenly struck by shock and confusion when he realized that his son was missing. Unbeknownst to him, a mysterious person had taken his son while he briefly left him on a bench to buy some food. Alarmed and desperate, Graddho immediately called upon his disciples to assist in the search. In addition, Graddho reached out to his brother, Mirem, via a letter, expressing his anguish and pleading for help. The letter stated, 

"Dear Brother, my beloved son is missing. I understand that you may have doubts and suspicions, thinking that I might have orchestrated this to prevent you from reclaiming your own son. However, I assure you that I am not one to lie. My son has been missing for an extended period now, and the people here claim that a mysterious person is responsible for his disappearance."

Mirem, received a letter that made him furious. The letter accused Graddho, one of Mirem's trusted advisors, of being a liar. He accidentally punched his desk and said, 


 because what he was thinking was that he was lying. In a fit of rage, Mirem confronted Graddho and demanded the return of his son, Criston. and took Criston without a second thought. Mirem shouted as he arrived in the Heltra palace, 

"Graddho, give my son back!"

 Graddho came out and said, 

"Mirem, I am not lying. Look around the palace."

Graddho insisted that he was not lying and invited Mirem to search the palace. Mirem, along with his disciples, frantically searched for Criston but could not find him, Mirem hurriedly ran to Graddho and grabbed Graddho's clothes as if he had lifted him up in anger. Frustrated and enraged, Mirem confronted Graddho again, threatening to harm him if his son was not found. Mirem's anger reached its peak and said, 

"Where is my son?"

 This was the first time that Mirem was very angry. 

"I'm not lying, I don't know where Trixan is.

" "Find it, and if you don't find my son, if you don't find my son, I will kill you.!"

 It was as if Mirem turned red with anger and he stormed out of the palace.

When Mirem got home, he immediately called out for Crimson to come and eat dinner. 

"Crimson Its time for dinner!"

 However, he was surprised when no one answered his call. Concerned, Mirem decided to check Crimson's room, where he made a shocking discovery there were several guards lying dead inside the room. Panicking, Mirem searched the room for any sign of Crimson, but he was nowhere to be found. In a desperate attempt to find answers, Mirem reached out to Jelieah, calling out her name in urgency. 

"JELIEAH! Crimson is gone!"

 As he entered their room, Mirem's heart sank - Jelieah was covered in blood. Horrified, Mirem quickly attended to Jelieah's wounds and rushed her to the nearest physician, who informed him that she had lost a significant amount of blood, and needed immediate medical attention.

Mirem went to Graddho and said, 

"Graddho, Crimson is also missing; we need to help each other find the twins."

They search and never give up. A day after they were still looking, Mirem saw a mysterious knife with ice on its tip in Crimson's room. She wondered what it was, and it served as a hint to find the mysterious person through the fingerprint of the knife. Everyone in Artecha was summoned, and Mirem and Graddho said, 

"We need to check your hands to find out if you killed and tried to take the twins."

 A few days ago, none of them had the same fingerprint.

The twins have woken up in a high place - a towering cliffside overlooking the breathtaking Skyetra village. The village is bustling with activity, inhabited by people of various races with majestic horns protruding from their foreheads. The twins find themselves surrounded by a group of these horned individuals, their hands tightly bound and their mouths muffled. The curious crowd mutters to each other, 

"Who are those two creatures?"

 "Are they the main course for today's feast? They look absolutely delectable."

 In the midst of the commotion, a mysterious figure steps forward, his presence commanding respect. 


 he booms, 

"If you don't keep quiet, you may end up on the menu yourselves!"

 The two Decoms, as they are referred to, fall silent, fear gripping their hearts. They are now in the Palace of the Decoms, ruled by Viexlie, the last and most powerful Dragon who can assume the form of an elderly Decom. Viexlie requires the potent energy that resides within the two twins to sustain his power.

 Viexlie, a powerful being, declared, 

"Well hello there, I need you two to be my food because I'm inhaling a delicious and strong energy!"

 it laughed like a demon, 


 Crimson, one of the twins, hesitantly responded, 

"Do we have to? We're only 13 years old."

 Viexlie responded menacingly, 

"You will be the way for me to become a Dragon. If you don't want to, you can't do anything about what you don't want and what you want!"

 Trixan, the other twin, felt overwhelmed with fear as Viexlie put them to sleep. While they were asleep, it felt as if they had been injected with a magical drug. This drug made the twins' worries go away and later they performed a ritual. The purpose of this ritual was to transfer the souls of the twins into Viexlie's body, granting it the strong power needed to release the Viexlie Dragon. Viexlie says.

"Hmmhm I can feel the strong energy going through my body"

 and Viexlie's old age seems to become young and the two twins seem to be losing weight and losing juice because of what they are doing to Viexlie.

Soon the two twins became as thin as bones because they lost a lot of blood. Viexlie is finally up and ice is gradually covering its body 

"I can feel my victory."

 it's like the voice of Louphy the mortal enemy of Arteria, what they don't know is that before Louphy died he merged with one of the Dragon and it was Viexlie The Decoms praised their new god Viexlie the people are afraid because of the energy they see in Viexlie it is too strong than other gods twice its strength. Viexlie possesses a powerful elemental skill known as Freezoh, which allows him to freeze objects or people. 


 When he uses this ability, he floats off the ground, his eyes glow, and an aura surrounds him. Additionally, Viexlie possesses another ability called Energycom, which is a dominant and dangerous elemental skill.


 This ability allows him to drain people's energy Viexlie said, causing them to become immobile and lose weight. It is also mentioned that Energycom involves taking blood to make Viexlie younger. people have tears in their eyes because they can't move and they're slowly losing energy and they're losing weight because energycom also involves taking blood to make Viexlie younger.

what do you think will happen?

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