
The Risky Sacrificial Love.

Anita would never dream of becoming an orphan but unfortunately, she is one.Her own view of life differs from the others,she believes there's still hope for her out there ,even when the orphan workers read her cover and misjudged her. Anita, over the years has related to one of the orphans named Nika who was like a sister to her.Anita know not the life story of Nika who kept it as a secret but Anita still love her for who she is. Anita soon find herself into a family she has wished for, but the outcome of everything was the reverse of how she has admired a family. Anita was sent out of the house which led her into the world, out there in the world, this is where it was all made clear to her.

Mochifa · Thanh xuân
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7 Chs


The morning sun rises and shone at me thru the window,as I tossed over on the bed,I moved my hand on the bed trying to reach for Hoppy, but she isn't lying on the bed, maybe, she is outside working out some stuffs, but I haven't concluded yet. I joyfully rose from the bed and looked around.

... Hoppy! just stop playing this prank

on me, come on Hoppy... Hoppy!...

I called.

The Shack was silent,I walked outside but no finding,I went back to the Shack worried about Hoppy, this time around, I found a letter with a red stamp on it placed on the table,I opened it and read thru.

"Good morning Anita!... how was

your night rest? it's a blissful

morning with smiling sky.

You might be wondering where I

might be,I just want you to know that

all my life has never been of any

value,I have trained myself in

surviving thru the way I think is best

for me.

I am good at nothing and people look

down on me.Applying for a job,they

find me faulty. I apologize,they think

that's what stupid people do.

I have been bullied and embarrassed,

I bear the pain alone,they don't want

to take me for who I am.

... fatherless Hoppy, such a bastard...

they would say.These words hurts

deep down.

Everyday,I live my life in regret, what

if I never exist,I will remain an egg

in its house,I think I am different

from everyone, maybe I don't belong

here, maybe I am cursed,no one

appreciates me,I am like an empty tin.

Anita!... you have been a sister to me

since I met you,I accepted me for

who I am and corrected my life,we

promised each other, that we will be

sister's forever and I assure you that

YES,we are and forever will be.

Nika has been in my heart,I live

because of her,I have caused pain to

others because of her,I wanted to

see her happy.

I know you will take care of her for I

don't worth living. If I don't survive

this,I have some cash under my bed.

it will be enough to buy a new house

for Nika's sake as I promised her.

Tell Nika, that I loved her till death,

promise to take care of her and

never to make her life miserable...

... Anita!



I broke down into tears but was interrupted by the news over the radio as I paid rapt attention.

"This morning...a teenage girl has

been found and arrested to be the

victim who broke into a bank for

robbery, not only is this her first

attempt, but her crimes has led to

the death of many and therefore,it

has been concluded that she will

be killed by firing squad..."


I shouted, running into the town, over there is Hoppy dragged by the SWAT and followed by angry crowd.

"Justice for the innocent !...

shouted the crowd.

Hoppy was pushed forward to stand alone as the seven of the SWAT members stood some miles away from her holding their gun, waiting for the command to shoot.

"Nooooooooooooooo !

I shouted, pushing myself through the crowd to reach for Hoppy.


She heard my voice,saw me running towards her, she felled down on her knees, spread her arms, smiled at me and placed her head up

1...2...3... shoot!...

The SWAT commander ordered .

Bullets of guns were released towards her,my eyes opened wide and countless tears

ran down my cheeks,I felled down on my knees.

" Hoppyyyyyyyy!..

A voice shouted,I looked back , behold, here comes Nika running to embrace her,I ran after Nika, holding her back as she angrily tries pushing me away.

"Let go of me!... Hoppyyyyyyyy!

I held her tightly close to me, she couldn't hold back those tears anymore.

"Come on Nika! let's go home, she

is dead"...I persuaded her.

"No Hoppy!... she said, looking at her

corpse as tears roll down.She continued sobbing as I put out my hand and said.

"Nika! let's go home!...

She looked back again, holding my hand as we walk back home.

Nika couldn't retain those tears as we went back to the Shack, she kept stagnant like an ice and remained dumb .

"Nika! drink some tea"...

"...no ! I don't need any"... she replied


"What then do you need...Nika ?...

I asked.

"I just need my sister back"

She stood and walked to the table where her Hoppy's picture was kept, she took it up, placing her palm on it and glancing at it.

Seeing that she couldn't endure the pain and how dearly she is to her, she have got no one else, Nika couldn't let go,it was unbelievable to her as how the world left her with nothing.

I watched Nika standing with the picture for some minutes,I walked up to her.

" She is sister like no other,sacrificing

her love for me even when it means

taking away her own life,I always see

her in my dream where we would run

up to the river and splash water on

ourselves,I thought that one day, it

could come into reality,I thought that

one day, she will hold my hands and say

...I am here for you... Nika lamented.

"Nika! I know how you feel about this

and I know there are no words that can

ease your pain,I cannot imagine the

pain and heartache you are feeling,

losing someone close is so hard,I know

that grief comes in waves, be kind and

gentle with yourself. I'm here to be a

shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen to

anything that you may want to share.

Take your time to know that you have my

full support and no matter what,I will

stand by you"...I assured her.

Nika wiped her tears and embraced me warmly.