
Chapter 363: Angry At Mo Jiao

"If it is not because of you, Yang Zian would not lose his arm." Jin Qingzhao shouted.

Yang Zian held the shoulder that his arm had been cut. Usually, he would agree with Jin Qingzhao telling her that Mo Jiao did not mean to do that. However, this time, the consequences of Mo Jiao's action hit him so badly that he could not defend her anymore.

"If only you could defend yourself, Yang Zian would not rush to yourself and lose his arm." Jin Qingzhao shouted again. 

Even though Yang Zian and Jin Qingzhao often argued with each other, they did not hate each other. They entered the Tianlong School at the same time and were from the same town. They knew each other way back. 

Seeing the person that she had known for a long time lose his arm for someone like Mo Jiao, Jin Qingzhao felt wasted for Yang Zian. 

"I am just scared. You can not blame me for that. It is not my fault that he lost his arm." Mo Jiao did not want to take the blame.