
The Rising Phoenix with a Promise

This novel is about a princess fighting for her freedom and of her people. It is full of action, suspense, betrayal and a bit of romance. Here is a short clip from the novel: How did it come to this? What did I do to deserve such injustice? From the moment of my birth, I have always done what I was ordered even if it went against what was right and sacrificing what I wanted most. From the moment of my birth, I have done what needed to be done without questioning the motives as to why it needed to be done. This darkness is all-consuming. It eats at your soul. As I sit here, trapped in these four walls, I try to keep myself sane. I try to remember the few happy moments I have lived in my short life, but they seem to escape me. All I can do is remember the harsh moments I have lived in my short life. I have seen more cruelty in my 20 years of living on this planet than a person who has 50 more years than I do. Yet, what can I expect by the way this place is governed. Most people here think they live in a utopian society, but they don't know the truth. The few who do either revolt against the the royal family or completely ignore it for the fear that they feel. Yet, I know the truth and I have done nothing to free my people from this burden.

ganguiano136 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


Hi there,

So a few of you have already read the first chapter. I want to thank you for that. For those of you who are just reading the novel, I want to thank you as well. Your support and gifts help me to continue writing. As I was writing the next couple chapters, I decided to change the point of view. In each chapter, I will indicate who's the point of view (POV) you are reading. Sometimes I will mix more than one character's POV. Other times I will switch the POV in the middle or towards the end. It just depends on how the story develops. Once again I thank you for your support by reading my novel. Also, please feel free to leave your reviews and any comments that could make the novel better. I will be updated the novel weekly. I will be posting a new chapter each week or bi-weekly or sometimes more than one chapter in a week. So stay tuned! Also, this isn't chapter one.


ganguiano136 author of The Rising Phoenix with a Promise.