
The Rise

Despite being the son of two of the most powerful politicians in the country, Leon never cared greatly for politics. Until his father is suddenly arrested midway through his campaign. Leon, acting out with revenge and worry, finds himself in the middle of one of the greatest political rivalries in history. Story has some illustrations: > Chapter 1 Illustration: The Arrest: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Zi47ZK42vkEYWH9L6 > Chapter 2: The Uniform: https://photos.app.goo.gl/43r61L1qfvx8wTok8

King_of_Crowns · Hiện thực
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76 Chs


The school election voting was over, Leon's plan has failed - now his fate will be decided by luck. The counting began in the teacher's pantry. In the pantry was Princess Joan, Taylor, Leon's close friend, and Jessica Twint's mother. The Principal was there to oversee the process - but all the counting was done by those three. They would each count the votes individually and write down their count on a paper - they will see each other's count and come to an agreement on the results.

Meanwhile, the parliamentary meeting was taking place. The members of parliament were taking their places in the large parliamentary hall - however the Prime Minister's party (Harbor Party) were still not there. Usually they were the first to enter the hall, being the leading party they made sure to set an example of punctuality. After a long while, the speaker of the house stood up and began proceedings.

"It seems that the Harbor Party members will not be joining us today. In the absence of the Prime Minister and his parliamentary members, we must proceed as usual. The votes of the absent honorable members of Parliament will be counted as abstentions. The first issue of order is the legislational change proposed by leader of the opposition Alexander Lapuzi - in Article 4 Subparagraph 7 - regarding the succession to the throne. The house is open to discussion." said the speaker of the house.

He had just introduced the legislative change that would allow Joan Vinzent to take the throne. This way if Thomas Vinzent tries to return power from the parliament back to the throne it will go to his sister instead of him - as she was the eldest. Currently there is only male succession to the throne.

As soon as one member of parliament stands up to begin the discussion the doors of the parliament open. In a mob like fashion the Harbor Party members enter the parliament and crowd the center of the parliament chaotically like never seen before. The members of parliament all turn around, Alexander Lapuzi, Leon's father, stays seated - calm. However the speaker of the house gets up from his chair in aggravated.

"What is the meaning of this!" he shouted echoing his voice across the hall.

One of the Harbor Party members stood forward out of the crowd.

"The party called for a vote of no confidence in Theodore Tomhawk after disastrous results in the recent polls and the questionable dismissal of a minister. The party found the former leader of the party, Theodore, to be unfit to lead the party. I stand as the Harbor Party's new leader" said the member, who the members knew immediately as Hanna Oppin.

The crowd almost gasps in distress. A large roar of conversation between the members and shouting at the so called new leader took over the room. The speaker of the house was unable to control the room.

"Silence!" shouted Hanna Oppin grabbing everyone's attention

"As per the Borrowed Time Act - written and signed by this very governmental body and the Monarchy after the revolution - I, the Prime Minister of this government, activate Clause 43 of the Borrowed Time Act-"

There was a huge roar from the members as they stood up from the seats and started throwing whatever they could at Hanna Oppin.

"You're mad!" shouted one of them

"You'll never get away with this!" shouted another trying to cut her off

They knew exactly what the clause meant. Hilda had already discussed it with Joan, and this is what she was afraid of. The clause, only meant to be a compromise to allow the then Emperor to save face, has always been a thorn in Hilda's neck - the reason she always tried to abolish the monarchy.

Hanna decided to continue her statement - this time shouting louder over the members.

"I active Clause 43 of the Borrowed Time Act - in order to, effective immediately, return power to the Emperor and acting Monarch - Thomas Vinzent."

As soon as the statement was made, several foreign looking guards entered the hall in a military like fashion. Until at the end came in Bethany Garner - the mysterious woman working with Thomas with tight links to Southern states and the underground. She was essentially the army that worked for Thomas Vinzent.

Her eyes scouted the hall like a hawk looking for its prey. Her presence was more immense as she moved closer into the center of the hall. The members quieted down as soon as her men entered and simply starred in quivering fear. She points at Alexander Lapuzi, and two of her men walk up and arrest him.

"Thomas Vinzent is the absolute monarch. His word is law. He is your Emperor. Which of you dare to disobey his rule?" she said in a menacing voice that reverberated in the hall.

Everyone kept quite. She had arrested Alexander - the most powerful person in the room, as a message. Though she was still uneasy, no matter where she looked, she simply couldn't find Jessica Cottonwood. She walks up to the Thread Party bench - Jessica Cottonwood's party.

"Where is Jessica Cottonwood?" she barked at one of her party members.

He stood up and looked at Bethany with a stern stare.

"I don't answer to you." he asserted

When the members saw the man standing up to Bethany, they followed suit - got up and started rioting. Shouting and screaming chants of the revolution and causing as much commotion as they could.

"Tell all units, find Jessica Cottonwood immediately." she commanded and quickly walked away from the commotion leaving the hall. Alexander was escorted out with her. The members tried to leave their seats and go to the door but the guards locked the door and stopped anyone from leaving - even using force to push back the members.

Bethany was walking with haste out of the parliamentary building as Alexander was being pushed forward by the guards to keep pace.

"Where's your wife Mr. Lapuzi." she interrogated

"She's no longer my wife, Miss Garner." he replied

"Choose: your son or her." she said

"You don't have Leon." said Alexander testing her bluff

"You're right, but we have Hilda Cottonwood and Gideon under our custody. It will only be a matter of time before we find your son. I have the whole nation on lock-down Mr. Lapuzi, there's a new order now. If you tell me where she is, perhaps I'll convince Thomas to take it easy on your son, after all, he doesn't exactly carry the Cottonwood name." she threatened.

"You're lying. You don't have Hilda and Gideon." said Alexander, second guessing himself. He knew what the plan was, Gideon and Hilda were supposed to get away - if they weren't able to succeed, it means that they were dealing with something far more superior that they expected. It means that Jessica wasn't safe. For the first time in a long time, Alexander's heart sank in fear as the realization dawned on him, that perhaps, Bethany outsmarted Gideon.

Meanwhile, Leon was in the helicopter he had just got on earlier, with two military guards.

"Gentlemen, we're about to land. Take a look at that beauty - the Emperor's palace in all its glory" said Paul, the pilot of the helicopter.

They were just about to land on the colossal back garden of the palace, that looked like a heavenly forest stamped with lavish fountains and statues. Decorated with the most beautiful flowers and plants of every kind.

Leon squints his eyes through the small window in the helicopter trying to catch a glimpse of the palace. He suddenly notices two people walking out of the palace. They were moving extremely slowly, and one of them looked old and it seemed like he was unable to walk without the support of the person next to him.

"Is that?" said Leon thinking out loud

"Yes. That's him. The Emperor." said Paul

The military guards held their guns tighter and stood up straight as if preparing for battle.

"Hopefully there won't be any need for those gentlemen. Let's try and get in and out nice and cleanly - what do ya say?" said Paul trying to avoid any unnecessary confrontation.

The helicopter finally landed in a slow gracious manner, tearing apart the wildlife in its wake from the ripping wind of the blades. The military guards jump out before the helicopter touches the ground and run towards the Emperor. One of them proceeds to cautiously pick him up with the help of the royal guard who was walking with the Emperor. Whereas the other guard held his gun up at the palace back door in case anyone comes out. The roaring sound of the helicopter quickly prompted several royal guards to come swarming out from every pore of the palace to the back garden. But it was too late. The Emperor's head start meant he got to the helicopter in time, but as for the military guard who stayed back to cover their backs, it was too late for him. Leon didn't look back as the helicopter flew off leaving him behind.

"What about-"

"It's better you forget about that, kid" said Paul to Leon as he tried to show concern about the guard.

Once fully in the air and away from the palace, Leon, in shock, looks up and finally notices - the Emperor, with his wrinkled aging face, the trademark royal green eyes and graying blonde hair, is sitting right in front of him.

After a long pause of silence, simply looking at each other, the Emperor speaks - in a shaky yet celestial voice:

"Gideon Faraday was right. You do look like my son."

After being away for a long time, these characters may not mean anything to you

Like you may have forgotten about Bethany Garner - not because you forget her, but just the name doesn't ring the bell. I always try to sum up who they are in the story to refresh your memory - but please let me know if there's something you want explained - I always read your comments

Thanks for reading!

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