

"Do Dreams come true?" and I am not talking about those dreams of better life, I am talking about those Subconscious dreams that you have once in while and after waking up forget about it. Well, Kelly's dream came true. the dream of his death as he looked at the haunting abyss that is swallowing him whole he thought about the events following up to it. One seemingly normal day Kelly and his Classmates are summoned in a whole new world to protect it from a Demon King not know the deception and mysteries hidden behind the veil and on his first expedition to a Mid-Grade Dungeon he is going to die, Kelly looked at his side and thought "Better than Dying alone". But, how would he and his partner in Death could know that their journey has truly begin now. Unbeknownst to them, stepping foot into the treacherous depths of a Mid-Grade Dungeon is only the beginning of an extraordinary odyssey. Follow Kelly on his journey as he go against Kings, Emperors, Gods and World itself and conquer his own fate, while also collecting beauties on the way. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hi, there Author here I know synopsis are little bit off... ok no excuses even I don't know what i have written. honestly I can't explain the story in synopsis there is lot going on so if you like please give it a read. it is a slow pace at the start because I have to explain many things so bear with it. i am a new writer so it'll be really helpful if you leave comments on how should I improve. I have taken inspiration from ARIFURETA:FROM COMMON PLACE TO WORLD STRONGEST, so there would be some similarities but fear not the characters, plot and even world building is different. if you read it till now thank you again and enjoy the read. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ I don't have a discord channel so if you want to contact me join my telegram channel link is below: https://t.me/Rise_White_Conqurer

Nightmare_Kaushik · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
28 Chs



As I peered into the abyss below, darkness stared back at me, almost as if inviting me to its lair and engulfing me into its menacing embrace. My mind raced desperately as I frantically tried to escape the freefall, but I found myself helpless. I realized I couldn't do much as I plummeted, with gravity seemingly in sync with encroaching darkness, behaving like its best pal, and pulling me further into its depths. The Darkness crept up on me faster than my brain could process, and with every passing moment, light rapidly faded. I caught glimpse of numerous faint silhouettes of people, their forms appearing hazy and indistinct.

I desperately shot out my hand, begging for someone to take hold of it, but to no avail. I felt a tightening sensation in my nether regions as I wondered,

How did this happen? How was I here? why I don't remember anything? But in this moment, none of it matters, the only thought consuming my mind at this moment, however inhumane or mortifying it may be, is that I 'don't want to die alone', 'I don't want to descend in this darkness all alone', 'I'm scared, terrified even' and as if fate won't allow me to rest here, memories of a past I desperately wanted to forget resurface.

"Someone save me, I don't want to die"

And as if my brain got overwhelmed. The only thought it can fixate on was.

I DON'T WANNA DIE HERE!, not like this

Suddenly, my hand grasped onto something soft, a hand far gentler than my own, as light as a feather. It seemed to convey a message that all my sins were forgiven, that I wasn't all alone in the darkness anymore. With a sense of hope, I raised my head and beheld a face of a breathtaking beauty. It was as if a solitary lamp has been ignited within the abyss, illuminating her radiant features. The sight left me utterly stunned, my very core shaken not because of how beautiful the face is but, Who it belongs to?

However, the darkness showed no sympathy for my shock, swallowing us both into its relentless pit.


Someone, let out a piercing scream, his voice breaking the stillness of the night,

"Huhhh…. Whattttt!!!!! What was that? A nightmare? No, it doesn't feel like a dream. it felt more realistic as if I was literally dying. All those emotions were far too real for it to be a Dream"

It was past midnight when HE woke up, drenched in sweat. His heart was pounding so forcefully it felt like it would burst out of his chest. Just the mere thought of that dream and he got chills down his spine.

"Wait shit! I thought I was dreaming this too, but it seems that dream or whatever the hell it was, did a number on me"

He muttered under his breath. He let out a heavy sigh, feeling a mixture of relief and embarrassment flowing into him. Wetting his bed at this age was beyond humiliating. He silently thanked his lucky stars that he lived alone. The mere thought of anyone discovering his secret would be a complete disaster.

Still feeling unsettled, he stripped off his shirts and pants, discarding the soiled sheets. He made his way to the bathroom, intending to take a refreshing shower. The warm water cascaded over his body, but unbeknownst to him, his mind couldn't help but wander back to the nightmare that had shaken him to the core.

"But still, what was that, and why did it felt so real? Are dreams supposed to be like this? Well, regardless… and that accident too…"

That secret is going with me to my coffin. Did I eat something strange yesterday? No, I didn't even watch any horror movies, so why the hell this happened? And that girl in my nightmare… I know her! Hell!!! We have been classmates for the past two years. could I have unknowingly developed a crush on her? No that's impossible! To have any feelings for "Hayashi" is unreasonable. I mean sure, she is beautiful and has great sense of style, but she is your typical gal, and as far as I knew myself, she is not my type. Well, we are just not compatible.

"Get off your high horses, Kelly".

What the hell am I even thinking about right now? As if she would ever go out with an otaku like me.

"Whatever, for now, I'll just take a shower and clean up this mess I've created. I don't think I can go back to sleep now. Maybe I'll watch an anime. Come to think of it, I haven't watched that new series that finished this week. Perhaps I'll give it a try."

After Kelly finished his shower, the sudden thoughts of quenching his thirst compelled him to head straight to the kitchen. As he reached for the drink he desired, a sudden mishap occurred.

"Clinkkk, clinkkkkkkk, clinkkk."

The drink slipped from his grasp, spilling its contents.

"Huhh... What just happened?"

Dumbfounded by the accident, Kelly stared down, and noticed his hands were still trembling, and he could feel perspiration forming.

"To think I would feel like this after that incident..."

It is the same as that time when Kelly couldn't move a muscle, It was as if Kelly was reliving that paralyzing moment again in his mind, overwhelmed by helplessness and fear. In a frantic rush, he dashed towards the drawer beside his bed, desperately searching for something. His voice trembled as he muttered,

"Wh-Where is it?"

Finally, a sense of relief washed over him as he exclaimed, "Ah, found it."

What he held in his hands was something someone his age should steer clear of. It was a lighter poised near his mouth, with a cigarette dangling from his lips. This wasn't indicative of Kelly being a regular smoker; in fact, he rarely indulged in the habit. He had picked up smoking two years ago, following that incident, but the occasions on which he succumbed to it could be counted on two hands. Smoking became a rare coping mechanism when his anxiety, fear, and distress became overwhelming.

"Damn! I can't believe something like this could trigger a panic attack!" he muttered; frustration evident in his voice.

Which, in turn, revealed that this nightmare had triggered deep-seated trauma within him, trauma that he couldn't handle on his own. The evidence lay in the way he clutched the lighter, his hands trembling with intensity. The lighter itself was shrouded in mystery, boasting a solid gray metallic body adorned with an ancient design of an eastern dragon. Its vintage appearance suggested that it was a custom-made item, crafted long before Kelly was even born.

After taking several puffs of smoke, Kelly let out a heavy sigh.

"Yes, it was just a dream, nothing more. There's no need to dwell too deeply on it," he finally managed to sort out his thoughts, muttering to himself.

But as of this moment, little did Kamimura Kelly know, that this nightmare will soon materialize and become a chilling reality, thrusting his life into a tumultuous whirlwind he never could have anticipated. The tranquil existence he had envisioned for himself is about to be shattered...

My First chapter actually i wasn't planning to post it anytime soon but i don't why today i just did it do tell me your thoughts on comment section and i haven't really stacked up many chapters so the update might be slow.

Thank you.

Nightmare_Kaushikcreators' thoughts