
The Rise of the White Vixen!

The noises of Hound City rang out in the stale air, the clouds of pollution covering up the blue moonlight. Mouse’s voice echoed in my ear, my white fox’s mask covering my pale face. A jet black taxi rushed past me, my ruby ponytail dancing in the aftermath. Adjusting my black miniskirt, the public stage for execution loomed in front of me. “I am so happy you are rescuing my brother.” Mouse blubbered happily in my ear, my eyes rolling. “I can’t believe they pinned another murder on him. Poor Sage.”  Pulling the hood of my black armored jacket over my black fox ears. My inky black tail twitched irritably, the crowd cheering as Sage was dragged out. My former partner's pale green hair cascaded down his back, his sage colored eyes hidden by his bangs. Yellowed rags dangled off of his slender but muscular body, fresh bruises dotting his skin.  Leaping onto a lamp post, my fingers pressed the ear piece deeper into my ear.

Yvette_Francaise · Khoa huyễn
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36 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Five: A Trap or A Plan?


Stirring awake, the bright morning rays blinded me. No one else was in the hospital room, my eyes taking in the bouquets of flowers around me. A dryness had claimed my throat, a coughing fit rattled my sore body. Wolfston skidded in with a tray of medicine, her exhausted expression causing guilt to eat at me again. Pulling her into a careful embrace, her shaking hands set the tray down. Smothering me into a bear hug, her emotional dam had burst. Stunned by her caring that much, the only thing I could do was rub her back. Staring numbly ahead, the stained glass window of the original saint painted us in a sea of blue and gold. Letting me go, her hand ruffled my hair. Something about that relaxed my nerves a tiny bit, her love and respect for me making me happy to have her in my life. 

"Now that you are okay, how about a real date with Sage tonight. You can't save the world in one day and I think he really wanted to go on a date with you. I will help you get ready after another day of rest. How about you walk around with me and check out the progress?" She offered sincerely, her attitude having softened towards me. Helping me to my feet, her elbow hooked into mine. My legs gave out, her arms placing me on her back. Carrying me out into the backyard, the refugees were bustling in between the homes. Struggling with the fact that she was carrying me, everyone waved at me with truthfully happy smiles. Little children ran around, the chaos on the other side not mattering to them. Such a sight was an odd thing to see, smiles and laughter while the outside was utter Hell. 

"Are they happy with what I have done?" I queried cautiously, hoping that everyone was okay. "I only want everyone to be safe." Smiling warmly in my direction, Wolfston's tail began to wag. Pinning her ears back, the children bounced to her feet. Leaping off her back, they followed me to the nearest bench. Slamming me with a million questions, I answered them all with my real smile. Pushing through the pain, they all had a turn to sit on my lap. Letting them tell me about all of their adventures with all of their new friends, a short reprieve of serenity came over me. Finishing up, a couple of parents came up to me with grateful smiles. Pressing a couple of loaves of bread into my palms, my proper thank you served its purpose. Leaving me to stew in my thoughts, Wolfston disappeared. Low growls rumbled in my throat, my thoughts falling on my twins. Coming back with a brown paper bag and makeup tote, she presented me with both. Confusion dawned on my face, my shaking hands lifting a silky ivory dress out of the bag. Tracing the golden lace lining the deep v-neck and long bell sleeves, this was a most wonderful gift. Hugging it to my chest, no one besides Mouse had ever given a dress like this to me. Loving how soft it felt, I would cherish it forever. 

"I can't wait to stun him tonight." I sang sweetly, Wolfston's tail wagging faster. "I am going to need a bit of help getting into it. Would you do the honors?" Instead of answering me, her hands placed me on her back. Carrying me to one of the many bathrooms, my legs were seconds from giving out. Failing to see how the evening would be nice if I was struggling to even stand, bitter thoughts rising to my head. A pat on the top of my head tore me from my downward spiral, Wolfston peeling off my dirty clothes. Dropping the new dress over my head, her steady hand smoothed the silk. Opening up the makeup tote, she painted my face with unwavering grace.  Clapping her hands together, she held a mirror in front of me. Stunned by how amazing I looked, the soft pink and gold emphasized my eye colors. The deep v-neck emphasized my cleavage, the sleeves covering my scarred hands. Excusing herself, Sage entered with a crooked grin lighting up his face. Placing me on his back, he waved to Ash as he stepped back through the portal to our bunker. Walking to our bedroom, rose petals covered the bed. Setting me down, Mouse spun in with the twins. Taking them into my arms, their sweet smiles stole my heart away. Feeding them while Sage set up the picnic, his real smile wouldn't leave his face. Kissing my forehead, his lips brushed against the top of their heads. Mouse embraced me from behind, relief showing on her face. Silence stained the bunker, everyone else was back at the church. Taking the twins from my arms, she promised to bring them back after dinner. Scanning the bed, fruits and desserts lined the red and black checkered blanket. Such a feast wouldn't have been possible months ago, pride swelling in my eyes at the fruit and food coming from the church. 

"I know we have to go back to the church after this but I wanted a moment of peace with my wife." He chimed gleefully, passing me a strawberry. "I am happy you are okay. You have been out for seventy-two hours." Exhaustion wore on his face, his smile not hiding it too well. Eating the library, shame dimmed my eyes at my weakness right now.  Lifting up my chin with his finger, a sweet kiss melted my stress away. How did he always know how to make me feel better? 

"Stop getting lost in your head for a minute and enjoy a small break." He teased lightly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Things are about to get ugly and we won't have much free time until this new battle ends. Let's enjoy the tender moments." Tears welled up in my eyes, the memory of the burning buildings causing me to spiral into negative thoughts. Shaking it off, the time for a date was now. Basking in the warmth of the moment, half of it was gone by the time we had finished up our quick date. Rising to my feet, a long sigh flooded from my lips at my legs not giving out. Packing everything up while I changed into my usual uniform of the black sweatshirt and skirt, Sage's arms curled around my waist. Kissing the nape of neck, his palms rested on my stomach. Squirming out of his hold, my fingers curled around the basket. Walking towards Mouse's room, a knock interrupted Mouse playing with our kids. Hugging her from the side, she watched as I sat down in front of her computer system. Logging on, a map glowed to life. There was something I was looking for, a way to snuff out the enemy strategically would be more than ideal. 

"Where would the demons get their supplies?" I questioned calmly, Mouse placing the twins into Sage's arms. Sitting on my lap, her fingers moved a mile a minute. Zooming in a few times, a rusty train whipped by her on the screen. Clearing her throat, she turned back towards me. When the hell did they build a freaking train?

"Normally, I would argue against destroying a train but that is the only way that their supplies come in. I am sure you can build a new one anyway." She returned with adventure in her voice, the camera zooming out. "This station didn't exist a few days ago.The train is new. From what I saw it was made from every piece of scrap metal. Take down the train, they will be choked out and forced to get desperate. Desperate people make mistakes." Yanking her into a bear hug, my little sister was a genius. Ruffling the top of her head as I left, her cheerful wave easing my nerves a bit. Opening the way back to the church, our boots hit the worn floor. Sage rocked the twins, Ash dropped my cloak over my shoulders. 

"Do you have a plan?" He begged with another one of his tired smiles, the officers helping the people behind me. "The look on your face says so." Nodding my head once, a sharp whistle escaped my lips. All of the officers and my friends except for Mouse, Tatty, and Steph gathered in front of me. The two of them were going to run the computers back at the bunker while Tatty helped with the twins, the two sets of eyes would be an advantage. Adjusting everyone's headsets to a secret channel, Mouse and  Steph's voices said hi. Smiling softly to myself, this had to go right. Yet, something didn't feel right. Unable to shake off the feeling, we had to proceed. 

"Now that we are all on the same page we can do this." I announced with my real smile, watching everyone straighten up. We are going to destroy the only train they have. Destroy that and their supply gets cut off. Three officers will join each special person, the rest of you will be the back up and keeping the peace here. I need my main crew to come with me into the kitchen for a minute." Following me to the table, our faces all hung over the map waiting for us. Sage asked for the coordinates, Mouse informed him simply. Circling the coordinates, his fingers tapped the map. Ash wheeled out his bike, the others having to use a couple of the spare bikes we had salvaged. Pulling down their masks,  we had to move if we wanted to catch the train in time at the train station. Rolling them out, a couple of armored officers joined us outside. Sighing at the chaos erupting outside, demons ran around destroying stuff. Climbing onto Sage's bike, we rumbled forward. Driving through the new hole in the wall, the demons were too preoccupied with fighting with the criminals. Hours passed of us zooming towards the train station, the sand not changing color. Dread bubbled in my gut, a long sigh poured from my lips. Chilly air nipped at my face, everyone parking behind tall dry bushes not far from the station. Weapons clicked as we hovered outside of the rusty metal building, three demons pacing around the small space caught our eyes. Sage climbed up a tree, his steady hand aiming his gun. Bullet after bullet whistled past us, the bodies dropping before they could react. Swarming into the train station, the structure was poorly built. The train whistled in the distance, my brow raising in response. Turning back towards everybody, my mind fell on the supplies that would be on the train. Perhaps, we could use those supplies for the church. 

"We need to rob the train and destroy it." I ordered sharply, tapping my foot impatiently. "I am giving you ten minutes to grab what you can. After that, I will use my lightning to break the engine to create a fire. Hide the supplies if you need to. We can get them later. Let's go." The rickety train was fast approaching, the cool air lashing at my cheeks the moment I leapt onto the first car. Boxes of explosives rattled around me, the conductor's eyes meeting mine. Raising one of our old guns in my direction, a single bolt of lightning burst from my finger. Striking him in his heart, he decayed to ash. Leaping over the boxes, someone had to drive the train. Skidding into the pit, it was run off of coal. The gauges were simple enough, horror rounding my eyes at the dangerously high levels. This was a trap, the explosives making sense. Sprinting from car to car,  my arms pushed them all out of the car. Skidding into the last car, Sage was trapped in the grasp of a muscular demon. Raising my scythe, the engine burst in the front. Holding my hands in the air, the crazed gray skinned demon slid a knife into his side. Crashing through the floor, the sounds of an army were fast approaching. Panic twisted my features, one swing of my scythe met his heart. Lightning cooked him from the inside, pure rage burning in my eyes as his skin decayed to dust. Tossing Sage over my shoulder, a cloud of dirt obscured my landing. Fighting back tears, we needed to get back. Sunny ran up to me, several officers taking Sage off of my shoulders. Promising to take him back, we stood back to back as masked demons surrounded us. Onyx skeleton masks shimmered in the light, black wool cloaks fluttered in the hot air. Weapons of all kinds spun in their palms, Sunny sobbing softly behind me. She couldn't be a part of this, my heart sinking at what I was about to do. 

"We can't make it out of here alive, can we?" She sniffled, her head shaking. Picking up by her collar, I threw her on top of Sage's bike. Commanding it to take her home, her protests faded into the distance. Adjusting my footing, I had to get them away from my team. Leaping into the air, my boots pounded in the opposite direction. Shouting out battle cries behind me, my chances of winning this were growing slimmer by the second. Picking up speed, my muscles screamed in protest. Noting the small cave not far from me, a swift kick against the loose sand provided me the safety to get to my hiding spot. Cool water pooled around my boot, an idea coming to mind. Slamming the tip of my scythe into the sand, a deep canyon opened up. Water rushed out to fill the space, all of the idiots standing ankle deep with looks of bewilderment on their faces. Lightning crackled to life at the end of my scythe, the demons shaking their heads as I lowered the tip into the water. Electricity heated up the water, the smell of burning flesh nauseated me. Jolting back and forth, their bodies crumbled into ash. Taking the tip of my scythe out, the river claimed the railroad track. Poking my head out, my heart sank into my stomach at the nine foot tall demonic bull charging my way. Fresh blood glistened on his jet black fur, black smoke curling out of his nostrils. Knocking on the rock behind me, the lack of an echo gave me an idea. Jumping out in full view, I jumped up and down. Holding my breath, all the color drained at his proximity to me. Pushing off the ground, the rock shuddered with the impact of the demon. Landing clumsily on its back, it had to have a weak point, a slave mark glowing brightly stole my attention. Pressing my palm against the mark, an image of a corpse flashed in my mind. Tears welled up in my eyes, this poor thing had died a long time ago. The thrashing stopped, remorseful eyes meeting mine. Smiling kindly in his direction, the ground quaked violently the moment it laid down. Patting his head, he needed to know everything was going to be okay. Sliding my scythe into his rotting brain, his eyes closing with a serene expression. Letting my lightning do its job, his skin flaked away to reveal a blue ball of light. A throat clearing stole my attention, a cloaked reaper stole it from my hands. 

"Thank you for helping me today. Your charity will not be forgotten." An icy voice uttered simply, disappearing in a puff of smoke. Shrinking my scythe back down to its jewelry form, it was time to get back. Crunching ahead, angry friends were sure to greet me. Scuttling hastened behind me, the sound stopping every time I turned around. Pretending to walk away, a violet scorpion had its tail over my head. Bright green venom burned the ground inches from me, my hands feeling around one of my pockets. Pulling out a bag of jerky, bright green eyes watched me pour it all onto my palms. Presenting it as a gift, a skinny tongue whipped it into his mouth. Chewing on it, it poked my pocket, the material withstanding the venom. Jesus Christ! I didn't have any more.

"I don't have any more, buddy." I laughed lightly, hugging his tail. "I do need a ride though. Would you grant me that? I have this." Fishing around my pocket, an apple spun in my palm. Devouring it in seconds, a kind gaze told me to hop on. Climbing on, he scuttled back towards the city. Petting him the whole time, loud clicks echoed in the air. Other scorpions joined us, the scuttling stopping in front of the wall. Orange rays painted the decimated city, the scorpion whining as I climbed off. Kissing the top of his head, he snuggled into my cheek. While he was terrifying on the outside, he was a marshmallow on the inside. 

"You are a good boy, Stinger. I will come back as often as I can. I promise you, my dear." I promised sweetly, his tongue licked my cheek. "Be a good boy for me." Stepping through the wall, something seemed off. Guns clicked, several cold muzzles pressed into my back. Spinning on my heel, the monster who tore Mink in half towered over me. Sauntering up to me, his giant hands lifted up my chin. Seconds from decking him, something told me that I should hold back. 

"The White Vixen does exist. You killed three quarters of my army and you thought you were going to get away with it. I am Strukstrom Storms, the king of this city." He introduced himself with a wicked grin, my defiant grin growing on my determined face. Lightning crackled to life, my scythe appearing in my palms. Taking a couple of steps back, I raised it to the attack position. My hair floated up, a single sleek black blade spun in his palm. Black water swirled around him, fear showing in my eyes. Charging at me, our blades clashed violently. Leaning into my attack, my feet slid back into the ashes covering the street. Water ribbons canceled out my lightning, my scythe shrinking back down. Leaping into the air, my boots pounded through the streets. His armor clanked behind me, the nightmare never seeming to end. Skidding to a stop, his strong hand lifted me off the street. Dangling me upside down, my arms folded across my chest. Glancing around, a rusty pipe was inches from my hand. Grasping it discreetly, a swift spin of my wrist slammed it into his arm. Dropping me with a howl, my body hit the streets. Scooping up a handful of ashes, a quick blow into his face had him stumbling back. Allowing my strength to build around my boot, the impact sending him sliding down the street. Landing roughly, the kick caused my ankle to twist. Sprinting through the pain, the church wasn't so far away. Leaping over him, freedom was so close. Black iron chains curled around my ankles, my face scraping on the street as he yanked me into his good arm. Punching me in the head, a rough darkness stole me away. 

Groaning awake, chains had me bound to the floor. Rattling them in protest, my mask lay on the table. The doors thundered open, Strukstrom burst through the doors of the president's office. Taking his seat at the sleek onyx desk, his muddy boots slamming on top of the desk. Whistling a happy song, lightning sparked around my fingers. My hair floated up, his head shaking. Swinging his feet to the ground, he sauntered up to me. Crouching down to my level, his hands cupped my cheeks. Ribbons of black water fizzled out my lightning, a bout of wicked laughter burst from his lips. 

"I am going to say this once, Artica. You are mine now and you can't escape my grasp." He growled darkly, his tongue licking my face. "I have never had a reaper's blood before. Behave and you can become one of my playthings. Hold up!" Sniffing my neck, a snarl twitched on his lips. The crack of hand hitting my face stunned me, his other clawed hand digging into my hand. Inky blood pooled around his claws, his face hovering inches from mine. The color drained from my face, my heart seconds from beating out of my chest. 

"You are with child and you failed to tell me. Come on! You will now be my maid. I don't mess with used products!" He roared thunderously in my face, silent tears staining my cheeks. "Take her out and get her into a uniform." Two guards dragged me out, the taller one shoving a scarlet maid outfit into my arms. Shame dimmed my eyes as they undressed me, the rough hands tugging the uniform over my head. Dropping a frilly headband over my head, they dragged me into his chambers. Several women and female demons lay in his arms, my palms pressing together. Bowing in their direction, his orders fell on deaf ears. Spacing out was a mistake, a whip consisting of black water knocking me to the floor. Fighting the urge to cry, this helpless feeling was creating  a deep depression.