

Sadly, I have three exams this week, and while usually, I've been able to release chapters by the end of the week, Ramadan has begun, and now my schedule has been thrown into chaos. I might have to write chapters in school, and I am no longer sure if I can be consistent anymore(well, I can keep the current trend of me saying I'm going to release a chapter by the end of the week and not doing it going, and that'll be pretty easy) and I also have to think about college. I've also been spending a lot of time on the outline for another story, which has consumed the majority of my time this week. Since I've finally finished today, hopefully, I can continue writing chapters for this one! Sorry for the delays, and my failure to write a chapter. It's been more than two weeks, and I've accomplished nothing. Now I gotta go study. Keep an eye out for the next chapter, and please answer my questions! I'd greatly appreciate it!